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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    KUKIDE --- ---
    píše se rok 1998 a Public Enemy vydali album s touhle písničkou:
    He Got Game

    A tady v auditku to zní jako kdyby ta písnička hrála stále dokola i 23 letech :)
    RIVA --- ---
    Naomi Wolf at the German Corona Investigative Committee - March 12th 2021

    Doporucuju sledovat praci nemeckeho advokata Reinera Fuellmicha!
    RIVA --- ---
    Chris Sky: They want to impose medical tyranny
    RIVA --- ---
    Getting Hyperinflation Right
    Dmitry Orlov

    Profligate money printing by the US Federal Reserve and by other Western central banks has amounted to around $10 trillion over just the last year. The amount of currency in circulation has grown to $2 trillion, breaking a record set in 1945 and showing an almost 12% increase over 2019. The US federal budget deficit stands at just about $3.5 trillion, which is over 16% of GDP—the highest it's been since World War II. Meanwhile, the US federal debt has just topped $28 trillion. Over the past year the US has overspent its revenues by a staggering 194%.

    Prices are going up everywhere even as the underlying economy remains in coronavirus-inspired doldrums, specifically because consumption has been repressed, with the coronavirus as an excuse, to delay the onset of hyperinflation. And then the Chairman of the Federal Reserve steps in and calms the troubled waters by publicly claiming that "There is no reason to be afraid of hyperinflation." This sounds a lot like denial, which is the first of the five stages of grief, after which come anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Powell said "hyperinflation"; therefore, there shall be hyperinflation.

    What happens to the value of money when a government prints lots of it—to spend or to simply hand out to people—is that the money becomes less valuable because there is more money per unit things to buy with it. The expectation that this trend will continue then triggers a continuous process of increasing prices, called inflation, while the resulting expectation that the rate of inflation will continue to increase triggers hyperinflation.

    My view is that hyperinflation is hardly a problem at all and that, quite the opposite, it is a solution to a great many pressing problems. Here we will look at hyperinflation as nature's gentle way of solving the problems of a society that has forgotten how to live within its means. But nature needs help. Just as a radical weight loss program can go better given some input from an expert nutritionist, hyperinflation too has its best practices, which I am eager to impart.

    There are a lot of historical examples of hyperinflation. The most ancient one occurred on the Arabian peninsula after Emperor Mansa Musa I of the Malian Empire made his pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324, in the course of which he handed out 71,000 pounds of freshly mined Malian gold. Since gold's value is based on its scarcity, this rendered it all but worthless. But that is a unique case; all of the recent examples of hyperinflation featured piles of suddenly worthless paper money in ever more extravagant denominations.

    This is most inconvenient from many perspectives. The sheer mechanics of hyperinflation—of printing and issuing ever more notes, repeatedly exchanging older, increasingly worthless notes for newer ones, making payments using cartloads and wagonloads of cash—become increasingly burdensome. When it takes an entire suitcase of cash to pay for a pack of cigarettes or a bar of soap, soap and cigarettes themselves become a makeshift form of currency.

    Hyperinflation is most unpopular with people who insist on storing their savings in the form of cash. In response, they turn to buying up and hoarding other things, causing shortages and further driving up prices. But all of these problems can now be solved because we have the technology to make hyperinflation safe, comfortable, convenient and fun for the whole family!

    However, this requires a change in mindset and a different approach to money. To start with, we need to recognize that money is not a physical quantity. It is dimensionless because it can only be measured relative to other currencies. Unlike any physical quantity, it is measured with infinite precision; any physical measurement, be it in kilograms, cubic meters or kilowatt-hours, has to have error bars on it to be meaningful, while monetary quantities, no matter how large, are precise down to the last penny. It is circularly defined: money derives its value from things that can be purchased with it, and these things in turn derive their price from the value of money.

    Although money can be given a physical representation in the form of coins or paper currency, its essential nature is ephemeral, nonphysical and intangible. In essence, money only exists as pure thought in the minds of people who are involved in its exchange. Its physical embodiments are just theatrical props. Its reality is conceptual, similar to that of the irrational number π, which can also be given a physical representation—as, say, a one-meter-diameter circle carved in stone that has a circumference of π meters—but that would be pointless. Just as π is ubiquitous in mathematics, money is ubiquitous in economics.

    Once we jettison the very idea of giving money any sort of physical representation, things become much simpler. Treating money as mere information to be represented as numbers within computer systems opens up all sorts of wonderful possibilities. To eliminate the physical representation of money while retaining its concept as a universal medium of exchange, it is necessary to shift to an all-digital currency.

    To a large extent this is already happening. Most people have a smartphone, and many people link their bank accounts to payment systems that allow them to wave their phone at payment terminals without even having to touch them. This contactless method of payment is becoming increasingly popular and common in this contagion-obsessed age as people realize that cash is a major source of germs, passing as it does through many unwashed hands.

    Physical cash has already become a legacy technology. It can be phased out simply by neglecting to upgrade it with higher-denomination bills while hyperinflation rages. By the time it takes an entire bulging wallet full of $100 bills just to gain admission to a public toilet, most people will take the hint and voluntarily switch to waving their smartphones around to pay for things. The annoying suitcase full of cash that is the linchpin of many a crappy film will thankfully become a thing of the past. Rich vulgarians who might previously light their cigars with $100 bills would perhaps switch to using something truly scarce, like toilet paper.

    With physical cash gone, there still remains the problem of hyperinflation creating ever-larger numbers: millions, billions, trillions, quadrillions, quintillions, sextillions, septillions, octillions and so on. Here, expressing monetary quantities in scientific notation, with a mantissa and an exponent, makes hyperinflation much easier to handle computationally. The US federal debt, which has just surpassed $28 trillion, can be more compactly and flexibly expressed as $28E+12 with the 12 indicating that 12 zeros are to be added after the number. If it goes up by a factor of 1000 to $28 quadrillion that would make it $28E+15. Quintillion? No problem, $28E+18.

    There are estimated to be between 1E+78 and 1E+82 atoms in the known, observable universe, but since money is not physical this is not a constraint. The only constraint is the ability of computer systems to represent very large exponents. The solution is to have the exponent wrap around. Once the lowest-denomination virtual coin reaches, say, $1E+100, the exponent wraps around and the redenominated value becomes $1E+1. Whenever that happens, a little green checkmark symbol would appear for a time on everyone's smartphone screens, with a hint: "Your favorite digital currency has been redenominated for your comfort and convenience."

    Much more frequent than the periodic adjustments to the hyperinflationary currency itself will be the necessary adjustments to the prices charged for every product imaginable. Depending on the rate of hyperinflation, all prices need to be adjusted upwards on a regular basis—perhaps once a week, once a day, an hour or even once a second. To take maximum advantage of Everyday Higher Prices, software would need to be written to make it possible to automatically place an entire raft of previously set up orders the moment a sum of money lands in an account, to be able to lock in the lowest possible prices.

    The software should make it possible to prioritize purchases, placing feminine hygiene products and diapers, prescription medicines, toilet paper and other outright necessities near the top of the list and luxuries (soft drinks and booze, chips and cookies, clothing and footwear) near the bottom, to be purchased only if the deposited funds turn out to be sufficient. In turn, the government would be able to harvest order history data and use it to set cut-off points between necessities and luxuries and to determine how much money to issue each month, each week or each day, aiming to provide all of the necessities and a few of the luxuries in an effort to keep hyperinflation under control and the population alive. Charitable organizations could use the list of necessities to determine what to distribute as humanitarian aid, since many people—the innumerate especially—might be unable to comprehend and navigate the wonderful new world of hyperinflation.

    Such a system should be able to meet the goal of maintaining very high levels of hyperinflation for a considerable period of time. We should expect economics conferences to be convened to determine the best way to regulate hyperinflation. Mathematical theories would be hatched to calculate the optimum rate of hyperinflation, as has been done with inflation. No doubt great effort will also be invested in finding the proper, principled way to systematically underestimate hyperinflation, just as is being done with inflation today, with the help of hedonic adjustments and similar tricks, to make sure that the value of payments indexed to hyperinflation (for instance, government pensions and long-term contracts such as rental and lease agreements) decreases over time.

    Perhaps this could be done by introducing Voluntary Simplicity Adjustments: if almost nobody heats or air conditions their house any more or has hot and cold running water, then the exorbitant cost of such luxuries would be excluded from the basket of goods and services used to measure the rate of hyperinflation. Similar reasoning could be used to exclude the cost of cars, bicycles, skateboards and shoes. A hedonic adjustment could also be applied throughout, based on the fact that people would enjoy a greater feeling of moral superiority from the fact that they are no longer having children and generally emitting less carbon dioxide, thus helping save the planet from catastrophic climate change (although it is by no means certain).

    People tend to see inflation as a negative and hyperinflation as a calamity of highest order. This prejudice needs to be overcome with the help of proper messaging supported by ad campaigns and mass reeducation efforts. People must become appreciative of the fact that nothing in this world is permanent and that everything we have ages and fades over time, from yoghurt in your refrigerator to money in your wallet. Just as freshly baked bread is better than day-old bread, freshly issued money is better than day-old money. This is natural and in harmony with the rest of the universe, which is rushing headlong in the direction of increasing entropy. Regular visual redesigns, presenting each major new issuance of money as an exciting new virtual world, would not only keep designers busy but could help make month-old money seem as unfashionable and unattractive as month-old half-eaten pizza.

    Hyperinflation makes it possible for the perceived values, and prices, to always go up even in the midst of economic malaise, decay and collapse. They may not keep up with hyperinflation, losing value in real terms, and this may be a problem in certain cases, but the major danger in a perpetually shrinking, depressed economy is deflation, especially asset deflation. The US is already experiencing it in a major way with free-falling prices for vacant commercial real estate. As the tourist industry shuts down, numerous assets, from cruise ships to passenger aircraft to hotels and resorts, turn into stranded assets that quickly run down due to lack of maintenance and become worthless except as scrap metal. But hyperinflation makes it possible for even the most stranded of assets to at least seem to keep their value. A rising hyperinflation creates the appearance of raising all boats, even the sunken ones.

    Many people judge the health of the economy based on how stock prices are doing. At present stock prices are performing a most admirable levitation act in spite of a rapidly shrinking real economy. For example, industrial production in Germany, the industrial powerhouse of the EU, has been in continuous decline for the past 27 months, shrinking by more than 8%. In other news, according to the EIA, world oil production over the past year fell by an all-time record of 8%. It is admirable how Germany is keeping its industrial production synchronized with dwindling global energy availability, but that is hardly a reason for stock prices to remain as high as they are, never mind continue to go up.

    At present, central banks in the US and in Europe are on the job continuously injecting liquidity into the various stock markets to keep them looking pink and plump, but such blatant intervention tends to make the stock market look like a pyramid scheme, undermining confidence. Hyperinflation can help: once it arrives, stock prices will continue to look pink and plump no matter what else happens. Of course, they won't be able to keep up with hyperinflation, but at least they will continue to go up, not down, instilling confidence in the economy, making stockholders feel happier than they would otherwise, creating a wealth effect that will help slow economic collapse.

    With the choice of proper messaging and mass reeducation, it should be possible to inure people to the idea that money is no more durable than the things they buy with it, most of which are not durable at all and are often quite shoddy or outright disposable. After they get used to this new reality, they won't mind it too much, provided the user interfaces of the online banking and electronic payment apps are slick enough to make the work of dealing with Everyday Higher Prices easy, convenient and fun.

    Handled properly, hyperinflation can provide numerous other benefits. Gone will be negative terms such as federal budget deficit and federal debt. Normalized over the past 12 months, the US federal government took in $283.8 billion in revenues and spent $552 billion. That is, it overspent its revenues by 194%. Rounding up just a bit, it is safe to say that the US spends twice its revenues, borrowing as much as it earns. The cumulative result of this borrowing currently stands somewhere north of $28 trillion and—here comes the interesting part—the amount of that debt that needs to be rolled over over the next 12 months comes to $7.4 trillion and has grown by $2.7 trillion (that is, by more than a third) in just the past year. Debt that can never be repaid is not really debt at all and continuing to call it that is psychologically damaging. Hyperinflation will make it go away, easing everyone's mind.

    There are people who will tell you that this can go on forever because interest rates are close to 0% and so more debt can be produced out of nothing and existing debt rolled over ad infinitum with no adverse effects whatsoever. There are also people who will tell you that, given such an astoundingly huge levels of fiscal/monetary bloat, some of it will eventually leak into the real estate markets (indeed, it already has!), into the commodities markets, from there into the consumer goods sector, and then it will be off to the races! Just a whiff of hyperinflation will be enough to panic the bond investors, making it impossible for the government to continue rolling over its debt while borrowing ever more. Overspending its revenues by a factor of two is by no means an endpoint: the actual endpoint is a deficit of 100%.

    It is time to abandon the outdated model of financing US government operations through taxation, which in the midst of hyperinflation will become ineffectual, since by the time the money is collected, allocated and spent it will buy next to nothing. A much better approach is to repeal all taxes and to retire the very concept of public debt. The US Treasury (not the Federal Reserve, which would become superfluous) would by then be directly issuing digital money in the quantities required—be they trillions, quadrillions, quintillions, sextillions, septillions or octillions of dollars a month, a week, a day, an hour or a second.

    And then will come a brave new world in which the government issues money, hands it out, it circulates for a bit before losing of its value, and then the government issues more money. Obviously, the government, no longer being good for much, would do well to let the tech giants—Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and, last but not least, Twitter—take over the money-issuing function. New smartphone-based banking and payment systems will not only make it possible to take these changes in stride but will make hyperinflation fun for everyone.

    In this brave new world, gone will be the terrible problem of usury, since nobody will be willing to lend any money at all, at any rate of interest, there being a great danger of total loss. Gone will be the vexatious problems of attempting to exercise fiscal restraint and of having to justify to taxpayers how their tax money is being misappropriated and mishandled. The benefits of hyperinflation are too many to mention here, but perhaps the most important one will be in allowing people, rich and poor alike, to make a gradual transition to life without any money at all. To paraphrase Klaus Schwab, you will be broke and you will be miserable, but at least you'll have fun getting there... playing with your smartphone while waiting for deliveries... until the internet goes down... or the lights go out and the battery runs down.
    RIVA --- ---
    On The Psychology Of The Conspiracy Denier – OffGuardian
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    Tanzania – The second Covid coup? – OffGuardian
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    Vaccines are testing Central Europe’s loyalties to the EU | The Spectator
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    BANKS Hijacked Crypto - Hidden Puppeteers Exposed (AMA with Kurt Wuckert Jr)
    TLUSTEI --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    Tohle je tedy evidentně taky konspirační teorie. Za mě ale ty lidí šíří dezinformaci, že je ivermektin nějaký lék jen pro zvířata.
    Snadno si lze ověřit, že je to lež.


    stačila sekunda na googlu se mkrnout třeba na wiki.

    Ivermektin – Wikipedie

    Indikace u lidí
    filárie: Onchocerca volvulus a další druhy rodu Onchocerca, Loa loa, Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, Brugia timori[4]
    tenkohlavci: Trichuris trichiura[4]
    škrkavky: Ascaris lumbricoides[4]
    měchovci: Necator americanus, Ancylostoma duodenale, Ancylostoma brasiliensis, Ancylostoma caninum[4]
    háďátka: Strongyloides stercoralis[4]
    vši: Pediculus capitis[4]
    roztoči: Sarcoptes scabiei[5]
    Do budoucna se zvažuje i použití ivermektinu v boji proti malárii. Ivermektin však nepůsobí proti samotnému původci malárie (Plasmodium), nýbrž proti přenašeči – komarům rodu Anopheles. Ivermektin je distrubuován do krve člověka, kde může být přítomen i několik dní. Samičky komárů po napití krve člověka ihned hynou. Použití ivermektinu u lidí tak nechrání před samotnou malárii, hubí však její přenašeče. Tato metoda by mohla být použita cíleně v komunitách s vysokým výskytem malárie vedle běžného použití insekticidů.[6]


    SARS-CoV-2 a jiné viry
    Kromě antiparazitárních účinků ivermektinu byl popsán také jeho antivirový účinek. Mechanismem účinku je inhibice importu virových proteinů do jádra buňky (konkrétně interakce virového integrázového proteinu s α/β1 heterodimerem importinu IMP). Ivermektin má poměrně širokospektrální účinnost proti RNA-virům SIV, dengue (DENV 1-4), viru západonilské horečky, venezuelské encefalitidy koní a nebo viru chřipky.

    Australští vědci zjistili, že ivermektin efektivně blokuje také SARS-CoV-2 v kultuře buněk Vero/hSLAM in vitro. U infikovaných buněk, ke kterým byl přidán ivermektin, se během 48 hodin snížil titr viru v supernatantu až o 99,98 %.[12] Potenciální využití ivermektinu v terapii nemoci covid-19 u lidí však mírní jiní autoři. Poukazují na vysoké koncentrace ivermektinu použité ve výše zmíněné in vitro studii, kterých nelze dosáhnout dosud schválenou bezpečnou dávkou.[13]

    Výrobce ivermektinu, firma Merck, ve svém prohlášení ze 4. února 2021 uvedl, že její vědci velmi pečlivě studují veškeré zveřejněné studie o léčbě covidu-19 ivermektinem. Z údajů dostupných před tímto datem (4. únor 2021) nebylo možné vyvodit žádný vědecký základ pro možný terapeutický účinek proti covidu-19 z preklinických studií a neexistovaly žádné smysluplné důkazy o klinické aktivitě nebo klinické účinnosti u pacientů s onemocněním covid-19. Výrobce rovněž zmínil, že dosud nebylo dostatek dat o bezpečnosti přípravku u většiny publikovaných studií.[14]

    Koncem roku 2020 skupina FLCCC Alliance shromáždila data o účincích ivermektinu při léčbě pacientů s covidem-19, která shromáždila v průběhu roku 2020 z několika států po celém světě. Z těchto předběžně zveřejněných dat vyplývá, že ivermektin by mohl mít antivirové a protizánětlivé účinky, snižovat mortalitu pacientů i závažnost onemocnění a dalo by se jej využít i profylakticky.[15] K užití ivermektinu při léčbě covidu-19 cituje americký Národní ústav zdraví (NIH) řadu odborných statí a podporuje další klinické testování. Zároveň však dokládá, že řada klinických studií má své omezení a to z důvodu odlišného designu, nízkého počtu sledovaných pacientů, nebo faktu, že některé studie nebyly dvojitě zaslepené.[16] Úřad pro kontrolu potravin a léčiv (FDA) ve Spojených státech amerických vydal varování před preventivním používáním ivermerktinu v souvislosti s covidem-19 a dále varovala před používáním zvířecích preparátů pro lidi.[17] V březnu 2021 vydal FDA pokyny, že by se ivermektin neměl používat k léčbě nebo prevenci COVID-19.[18] Poté, co několik lidí po předávkování Ivermektinem skončilo v nemocnici, vydal FDA varování, aby se lidé nepokoušeli tímto přípravkem léčit sami. Stanovisko Poradního sboru NIH je nadále neutrální a uvádí se v něm, že neexistuje dostatek dat pro nebo proti léčbě Covid-19 Ivermektinem.[19]

    V nedávno publikované dvojitě zaslepené klinické studii se 400 pacienty s mírnou formou covidu-19 nemělo perorální podávání ivermektinu po dobu 5 po sobě jdoucích dnů v dávce 300 μg/kg žádný signifikantní efekt na dobu zotavení ve srovnání s placebo skupinou.[20] Podle Evropské lékové agentury probíhalo k březnu 2021 několik klinických studií s ivermektinem, dosud však bez zveřejněných výsledků.[21]

    V českých mediích byla zveřejněna vyjádření dvou lékařů ze Slovenska, kteří uvedli, že mají dobré zkušenosti s ivermektinem v terapii pacientů s covidem-19.[22][23] O použití ivermektinu v boji proti covidu-19 v nemocnici u Svaté Anny v Brně referoval primář Michal Rezek.[24][25] Český Státní ústav pro kontrolu léčiv uvedl, že „dosavadní poznání ukazuje na relativně dobrý bezpečnostní profil ivermektinu" a doporučil, aby pacienti, kteří dostanou v rámci léčby covidu-19 ivermektin, byli pod kontrolou lékaře.[26] Dne 7. března premiér Babiš ve svém pořadu Čau lidi doporučoval ivermektin distribuovat praktickým lékařům.[27] Ministr zdravotnicví Jan Blatný, že ivermektin může být spojen s poškozením jater, ledvin a že je třeba ho jako jiné experimentální léky používat opatrně, není možné ho podávat všem.[27] Proti léku a nepřípustnému zasahování do léčby se stejný den postavil shrnující článek ve Zdravotnickém deníku.[28][29]


    klasická ukázka současné doby TEMNA... tedy tmářstrví, emocí a obviňování z čarodějnictví. idiot zahlídne studii neukazující žádný signifikantní účinek, a stačí mu to. stačí mu jedna studie. ani ji nemusí číst

    ale my si ji přečtem


    Design, Setting, and Participants Double-blind, randomized trial conducted at a single site in Cali, Colombia. Potential study participants were identified by simple random sampling from the state’s health department electronic database of patients with symptomatic, laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 during the study period. A total of 476 adult patients with mild disease and symptoms for 7 days or fewer (at home or hospitalized) were enrolled between July 15 and November 30, 2020, and followed up through December 21, 2020.

    Jak trefně poukázal jeden z oněch českých doktorů - vybrali do studie lidi, kterým skoro nic nebylo a směřovali k vyléčení tak nebo tak. Pozitivní výsledek studie viděl v tom, že prokázala, že i po použití léku nedošlo k žádným vedlejším účinkům, takže se znovuprokázalo, že se ten lék typicky dobře snáší.

    Nevím, jestli ivermektin tuhle nemoc skutečně léči, i když některá data tomu nasvědčují. Jen na situaci vidím to neskutečné tmářství. Úpadek vědy a racionality. Vakcína se urychlila ve schvalování z mnoha let na jeden rok nouzovým schvalování, ale když někdo podporuje, ať se ten lék aspoň doktoři nebojí zkusit (a mají povolení), tak je za čarodejnici, který chce dávat nějaký lék pro koně lidem.
    KUKIDE --- ---
    9 Signs That Chess Pieces Are Being Moved Into Place For A Major War In The Middle East

    Hal Turner Radio Show - Israeli Military Goes COMPLETELY Dark
    KUKIDE --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: fak auditko klimatická změna, hele @schwepz ty jako vůbec nemáš problém stím, že žereš ten narativ?
    Kdyby jsi třeba zkusil raději projet tenhle narativ: https://suspicious0bservers.org CLimate forsing je ten pojem co hledáš a nevíš o něm.
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    SPAJDA02: "Ty jsi rekord, ukaž lepší vědu nebo teorii, protože to zní jako zednářská pračka peněz.".
    Já se s tebou nebudu přít, nemám touhu ti předkládat evidence-based údaje, vyhledávat je za tebe, přesvědčovat tě o faktech a vědecké metodě a meta-analýzách.
    Můžeš klidně setrvat na víře v (žido)zednářské spiknutí.
    Pokud bys přeci jen chtěl nějaké studie, tak tady je toho hodně (obzvláště pokud umíš anglicky):
    [ Klimaticka zmena // anger is a key adaptive emotional driver of engagement with the climate crisis ]

    jojo, za miliony let budeme všichni uhlí, jsme uhlíkaté bytosti ,-) z toho vyplývá že můžeme pálit fosilní paliva "Business as usual" a nemusíme nic řešit ani se o něčem přít.
    GORG --- ---

    popravde uz driv jsem nasel jeste podobne dalsi clanky. jeste pred covidem bylo bezne, ze v nekterych nemocnicich pracovaly sestry nekdy az 34 hodinove smeny (coz je pritom ilegalni)

    Zdá se, že následující řádky jsou z doby covidí. Ale ne, nejsou. Přečtěte si, jak na tom byly nemocnice na pokraji zkázy dřív. Přidejte k tomu guláši manažerská selhání, obří příplatky za covid lůžka, sestry a lékařky na OČR, nefungující praktiky, nedostupnost léků typu ivermektin a máte zaděláno na pěknou paniku. Mohla bych patrně najít desítky nebo stovky jiných článků, ale tohle na ukázku stačí.

    Chebská nemocnice 2018

    „Denně bojujeme s obrovským tlakem na lůžka, náporem na zaměstnance a hrozbou poškození pacientů. Je zcela běžné, že na volné lůžko čekají ve špatném stavu celý den, nemohou být zdaleka přijati všichni, kteří to potřebují. Pacienti i jejich příbuzní pak vyvolávají konflikty s personálem, viní ho z nedostatku lůžek, hrozí stížnostmi, lékaři i sestry jsou permanentně pod nepopsatelným tlakem,“ uvedla za Iniciativu KKN Miroslava Korseltová

    2020 (před covidem): Počet sester – tragédie

    Mají desítky hodin přesčasů měsíčně, slouží prakticky bez přestávky a samy se kolikrát starají i o čtyřicet pacientů. Taková je situace zdravotních sester v českých nemocnicích. Ty přitom často tvrdí, že jsou personálně zajištěné a plní vyhlášku ministerstva zdravotnictví. Současně ale na internetových stránkách poptávají řadu sester, lékařů i dalšího personálu.

    2016: lůžka mizí jak máváním kouzelného proutku

    Od roku 2008 v České republice dochází ke snižování počtu lůžek v nemocnicích. Celkem jich tak v letech 2008 až 2015 „zmizelo“ 14 720! Došlo tedy ke snížení na 76,7 % stavu ve srovnání s rokem 2008. V období let 2012/2015 z toho bylo zrušeno celkem 10 289 lůžek! Tím byl naplněn původní záměr exministra zdravotnictví Leoše Hegera, který si přál zrušení cca 10 000 lůžek. Vzhledem k tomu, jak se v současné době snaží mnohé nemocnice řešit nedostatek personálu, víme, že rušení lůžek dál pokračuje!

    Ostrava 2015: přistýlky

    Největší nápor řeší vždy počátkem týdne. To pak dojde řada i na postele připravené na chodbě a zdravotníci nosí přistýlky ze skladu. Na pokoji třeba jen po dvou jsou pacienti zdejšího interního oddělení jen málokdy, většinou totiž zdravotníci musejí všude přidávat přistýlky. Skladují je na chodbách i ve sklepě.

    2017: Na ARO chybí lůžka i personál

    V Pardubickém kraji jen na oddělení ARO chybějí desítky zdravotních sester. Nedostatek personálu, se kterým se potýkají zdravotnická zařízení v celé zemi, donutil krajské nemocnice snížit počet lůžek na ARO. To vede k nepříjemným situacím, lékaři musí mnohdy řešit, jak zajistit pacientovi superspecializovanou péči ve chvíli, kdy takřka veškeré kapacity jsou naplněny a ani okolní nemocnice nemají místo.

    2016: moc lůžek – pryč s nimi

    Naproti tomu ministerstvo zdravotnictví bere tento trend s povděkem. V Česku totiž bylo nemocničních lůžek přespříliš a jejich rušení zvyšuje efektivitu. „Ministerstvo zdravotnictví vnímá snižování počtu lůžek jako obecně prospěšný trend, který je v souladu s pokrokem moderní medicíny,“ uvedl mluvčí ministerstva zdravotnictví Ladislav Šticha. „Ambulantní a jednodenní péče je nejen levnější, ale i pohodlnější pro pacienta,“ dodal.

    2017: problémy nemocnic v Pardubickém kraji

    Nemocnice Pardubického kraje, která má ve všech svých pěti nemocnicích dlouhodobé potíže s nedostatkem lékařů i zdravotních sester, nedokáže některá oddělení provozovat bez uzavření části lůžek. Restrikce zasáhly zatím nejvíce orlickoústeckou a litomyšlskou nemocnici. Podobné potíže řeší nemocnice v celé zemi.

    2018: přetížené Brno

    Nemocnice se také potýkají s nedostatkem lůžek pro dlouhodobou léčbu, která často zabírají umírající. Právě v nemocnicích totiž zemře většina lidí. „Hodně by pomohlo, kdyby více lidí umíralo doma nebo v hospicech,“ myslí si Hladík.

    2019: fakt chybí sestry (co jim třeba zaplatit a dát benefity?)

    Nedostatek zdravotních sester začínají pacienti pociťovat na vlastní kůži. Podle České asociace sester jich chybí tři tisíce a nemocnice kvůli chybějícímu personálu musí rušit lůžka, často i celá oddělení. Pacienti tak často leží i na místech, kam nepatří, mnozí i na chodbách. HN zjistily, že se problém netýká jen velkých nemocnic, jež zajišťují specializovanou péči, ale i těch v menších městech.

    // podobne kdyz se podivate do zprav ze Svedska.. par mesicu pred covidem byla stavka zdravotniku kritizujici ten samy problem. varovali pred katastrofou kvuli podstavu


    Caregivers are raising alarms that Swedish-Providence prioritizes profits and executive pay before patients, which has caused severe care problems, understaffing and turnover

    The Jan. 28-30 unfair labor practice strike would be the largest healthcare strike
    in the nation’s recent history

    priblizne pred rokem jsem psal, ze by melo byt k dispozici porovnani stavu nemocnic oproti predeslym rokum. ze takovy prehled neexistuje, mi dodnes pripada naprosto neuveritelne. neni k dispozici ani prehledny soucasny stav nemocnic, coz je fascinujici, protoze ten je prece dulezity i pro rizeni statu. na hlidacstatu.cz jsou zjevne jen evidence covid luzek ze statniho API (coz nam nedava kompletni obrazek), kde ale stejne zadny kolaps videt ani neni. veskera panika dosud vychazela jen z novinovych titulku. clanku, ktere se prilis nelisi od let pred covidem, kdyz se na zdravotnictvi zjevne oslabovalo dlouhodobe vcetne ruseni nemocnic.

    podobne v Italii.. pacienti na chodbach. nic noveho. mnoho lidi to ale opakuje jako mantru, ale takhle se prece vedecky neprokazuje nebezpecnost nejakeho viru.
    GORG --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: Tohle debata patri do toho klima klubu
    Jinak cely spor nese napadne podobnosti k trust scientists kolem covidu

    Shodou okolnosti ti altruisti z WEF si opakovane pochvalovali lockdowny (vcetne ruznych propagacnich obrazku), ktere zredukovaly emise CO2. (Keep it up!)
    Dale bychom meli pry i v pristich letech pokracovat v lockdownu, abychom redukovali emise CO2 o 7% kazdy rok, jak si stanovuje za cil program UN2030.

    Pred par dny podobne napsali na twitter, jak lockdowny zlepsuji mesta. Zajimava mentalita, kdy mnoho lidi trpi, ale oni si mnou ruce, a pochvaluji situaci

    Lockdowns are NOT ‘quietly improving cities,’ World Economic Forum concedes, deleting its much-ridiculed tweet — RT World News

    The World Economic Forum (WEF) has taken down its tweet that claimed lockdowns have been “quietly improving cities,” and admitted that is not the case. But the backdown didn’t spare the globalist titan from a new wave of mockery.
    The WEF’s controversial message turned out to be quite short-lived, surviving less than a day on its feed under a barrage of outraged comments. The tweet was accompanied by a video, showing deserted streets and silent factories, that noted a record drop in carbon emissions. It also linked to an article claiming that silent cities contributed to better detection of minor earthquakes.
    SPAJDA02 --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: Ano uhlí je obnovitelný zdroj, sice v dlouhé době, ale země se stále mění, za pár miliónů let můžeš být uhlí ty nebo snad ne?
    - tvá dikce je skvělá, popírám ovlivnění teploty způsobené lidským pálením fosilních paliv, ty přímo popíráš sám sebe, ty jsi uhlíkatá bytosti(snad), nezapomínáš? Teplotu ovlivňuje skleníkový plyn zvaný vodní pára nepopiratelně a ověřitelně a mnoho dalších faktorů.
    Zkus svými slovy popsat co je to ta teplota země, prosím???
    CO2 tvoří nepatrné procento objemu a hmoty, a pouze reguluje teplotu se zpožděním 1000 let. Tvá věda (rozpixelovaný obrázek čehosi) je pouze špatná interpretace, zaplacená stále stejnými lidmi. Počkej si až vybuchne pár sopek a pohnou se litosferické desky, uvidíš takovou zimu, že nepřežiješ.
    Ty jsi rekord, ukaž lepší vědu nebo teorii, protože to zní jako zednářská pračka peněz.

    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    SPAJDA02: uhlí je obnovitelný zdroj? poučíš mě? to je ta abiotická teorie?
    Fosilní paliva se pálí = intenzivnější skleníkový jev (ten také popíráš, nebo s ním mohu operovat)
    V atmosféře je rekordní množství oxidu uhličitého. Množství oxidu uhličitého v atmosféře vůbec poprvé překonalo hranici 415 ppm (částice na metr krychlovej). Nově změřená hodnota může být nejvyšší za 800 tisíc let.

    SPAJDA02 --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: proč by se nemělo pálit uhlí, když je to jako ropa obnovitelný zdroj?
    GORG --- ---
    To mi pripomina, jak to ale dopada v praxi. Nezalezi moc na tom, co si prejou idealisti bez skutecneho vlivu.

    EU must not burn the world's forests for 'renewable' energy | Renewable energy | The Guardian

    A flaw in Europe’s clean energy plan allows fuel from felled trees to qualify as renewable energy when in fact this would accelerate climate change and devastate forests

    Tree felling for fuel in Scotland

    Cutting down trees for fuel releases carbon into the air that would otherwise remain locked up in the forest. Photograph: David Cheskin/PA
    Thu 14 Dec 2017 12.01 GMT

    The European Union is moving to enact a directive to double Europe’s current renewable energy by 2030. This is admirable, but a critical flaw in the present version would accelerate climate change, allowing countries, power plants and factories to claim that cutting down trees and burning them for energy fully qualifies as renewable energy.

    Even a small part of Europe’s energy requires a large quantity of trees and to avoid profound harm to the climate and forests worldwide the European council and parliament must fix this flaw.

    European producers of wood products have for decades generated electricity and heat as beneficial by-products, using wood wastes and limited forest residues. Most of this material would decompose and release carbon dioxide in a few years anyway, so using them to displace fossil fuels can reduce the carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere in a few years too.

    Protected forests in Europe felled to meet EU renewable targets – report
    Read more
    Unfortunately, the directive moving through parliament would go beyond wastes and residues and credit countries and companies for cutting down additional trees simply to burn them for energy. To do so has fundamentally different consequences because the carbon released into the air would otherwise stay locked up in forests.

    The reasoning seems to be that so long as forests re-grow, they will eventually reabsorb the carbon released. Yet even then, the net effect – as many studies have shown – will typically be to increase global warming for decades to centuries, even when wood replaces coal, oil or natural gas.

    The reasons begin with the inherent inefficiencies in harvesting wood. Typically, around one third or more of each tree is contained in roots and small branches that are properly left in the forest to protect soils, and most of which decompose, emitting carbon. The wood that is burned releases even more carbon than coal per unit of energy generated, and burns at a lower temperature, producing less electricity – turning wood into compressed pellets increases efficiency but uses energy and creates large additional emissions.

    A power plant burning wood chips will typically emit one and a half times the carbon dioxide of a plant burning coal and at least three times the carbon dioxide emitted by a power plant burning natural gas.

    Although regrowing trees absorb carbon, trees grow slowly, and for some years a regrowing forest absorbs less carbon than if the forest were left unharvested.

    Eventually, the new forest grows faster and the carbon it absorbs, plus the reduction in fossil fuels, can pay back the “carbon debt”, but that takes decades to centuries, depending on the forest type and use. We conservatively estimate that using deliberately harvested wood instead of fossil fuels will release at least twice as much carbon dioxide to the air by 2050 per kilowatt hour. Doing so turns a potential reduction in emissions from solar or wind into a large increase.

    Time matters. Placing an additional carbon load in the atmosphere for decades means permanent damage due to more rapid melting of permafrost and glaciers, and more packing of heat and acidity into the world’s oceans. At a critical moment when countries need to be “buying time” against climate change, this approach amounts to selling the world’s limited time to combat climate change under mistaken claims of improvement.

    The effect on the world’s forests, carbon and biodiversity is likely to be large because even though Europe is a large producer of wood, its harvest could only supply about 6% of its primary energy. For more than a decade, the increased use of biomass has been supplying roughly half of Europe’s increase in renewable energy. To supply even one third of the additional renewable energy likely required by 2030, Europe would need to burn an amount of wood greater than its total harvest today. This would turn a likely 6% decrease in energy emissions by 2050 under the directive through solar and wind into at least a 6% increase.

    Europe’s own demand for wood would degrade forests around the world, but if other countries follow Europe’s example, the impacts would be even more dangerous. Instead of encouraging Indonesia and Brazil to preserve their tropical forests – Europe’s present position – the message of this directive is “cut your forests so long as someone burns them for energy”. Once countries are invested in such efforts, fixing the error may become impossible. To supply just an additional 3% of global energy with wood, the world needs to double its commercial wood harvests at great costs to carbon and wildlife.

    Neither a requirement that forests be managed sustainably nor any other “safeguards” in the various working drafts would stop this. For example, the directive would ban wood if harvests undermined “the long-term productivity capacity of the forest”. Although that sounds good, preserving the capacity of trees to grow back still leaves more carbon in the air for at least decades. Restricting wood harvests to countries with net growing forests – another idea – would still take carbon that forests would otherwise add to their storage and instead put it in the air without meaningful global limits.

    The solution is to restrict eligible forest biomass to its traditional sources of residues and waste. Legislators will likely be able to vote on such an amendment in the parliament’s plenary.

    By 1850, the use of wood for bioenergy helped drive the near deforestation of western Europe even at a time when Europeans consumed relatively little energy. Although coal helped to save the forests of Europe, the solution is not to go back to burning forests. As scientists, we collectively have played key roles in the IPCC, in advising European governments, and in forest and climate research. We encourage European legislators and other policymakers to amend the present directive because the fate of much of the world’s forests is literally at stake.

    Prof John Beddington, Oxford Martin School, former chief scientist to the UK government; , Yale University; *, Stanford University and Carnegie Institution for Science; *, research director (CNRS), Mediterranean Institute of marine and terrestrial biodiversity and ecology; *, chair Sustainability Economics of Human Settlement at Berlin Technical University and leader at the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change; *, University of California at Berkeley, director Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory; Prof Eric Lambin Université catholique de Louvain and Stanford University; , Princeton University, recipient US National Medal of Science; *, Humboldt University of Berlin and co-chair of Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research; Prof Georgina Mace FRS*, University College London; *, Tufts University; , director emeritus Missouri Botanical Society, recipient US National Medal of Science; , research scholar, Princeton University and senior fellow, World Resources Institute; , University of Oslo, past president of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters; *, Université catholique de Louvain, former IPCC vice-chair (2008-2015). Those marked * have been lead authors on IPCC reports.


    - Firms are offered money because it is considered 'renewable energy source'
    - But critics say burning wood produces similar levels of CO2 as burning coal
    - Environment Secretary has revealed controversial payments could be scrapped

    Controversial subsidies for burning wood in power stations could be scrapped in the drive to clean up Britain’s air.

    Firms that burn wood pellets currently receive about £1billion a year because, unlike coal, these are considered renewable sources of energy.

    But critics say burning wood produces similar amounts of carbon dioxide to coal, contributing to air pollution.

    It also increases the logging of forests in the US, while shipping them to Britain in vast quantities has a further negative effect on the environment.

    Environment Secretary Michael Gove yesterday revealed subsidies for burning wood could be scrapped as he unveiled the Government’s clean air strategy.

    Firms that burn wood pellets currently receive about £1billion a year because, unlike coal, these are considered renewable sources of energy. Pictured: Drax coal-fired power station near Selby

    The U-turn comes after years of state support for ‘biomass’ such as wood pellets, in schemes pioneered by disgraced former Liberal Democrat energy secretary Chris Huhne.

    He was hired by US firm Zilkha Biomass, which makes wood pellets, after serving a prison sentence in 2013 for perverting the course of justice.

    The clean air strategy includes proposals to scrap some subsidies paid under so-called ‘contracts for difference’.

    The contracts, which last until 2027, offer payments of about £100 per megawatt hour for burning imported wood – more than double the wholesale energy price.

    Britain’s biggest power station, Drax, near Selby, North Yorkshire, burns about 7million tons a year of compressed wood pellets imported from the US and Canada.

    Drax supplies around 7 per cent of the UK’s electricity, with four of its six units converted to burn the pellets.

    A Drax spokesman defended the technology, stressing it is ‘critical to the UK electricity system because it provides low-carbon, cost-effective power reliably, whatever the weather’ – unlike wind and solar energy sources.

    But Sasha Stashwick of the Natural Resources Defence Council, an environmental campaign group, said: ‘Burning trees in giant power plants is bad for the climate and the air Britons breathe.

    'It’s important that [the clean air strategy] recognises the drawbacks of biomass energy ... and rings the death knell on new rounds of subsidies for this dirty power source.

    ‘Sadly, it does nothing to stop billions of pounds going to existing coal-to-biomass conversions.

    Environment Secretary Michael Gove (pictured) yesterday revealed subsidies for burning wood could be scrapped as he unveiled the Government’s clean air strategy

    ‘It’s time to stop propping up the biomass industry full stop and direct the savings to real clean air and energy.’

    Britain’s drive to meet tough new air quality targets could also see an end to some subsidies for red diesel, which costs around 62p a litre compared with about 131p for standard ‘white’ diesel.

    Officials said they wanted to ‘ensure its lower cost is not discouraging the transition to cleaner alternatives’.

    The taxpayer funds payments worth about £2.4billion a year to firms who use the fuel to power construction machinery such as bulldozers, as well as cooling units in lorries.

    Any change would not affect farmers, who receive about a quarter of the subsidies and use red diesel in tractors, combine harvesters and other machinery.

    Jsem Greta a křičím: Poslouchejte vědce! - Blog iDNES.cz

    Já od malička miluju lesy. Ráda se v lese procházím, ráda v lese spím. Před pár lety mi došlo, že mi strašně vadí pokrytectví a to, když si někdo z ekologie dělá špinavý kšeft. A to všechno se mi spojilo v tom, že jsem zarytá odpůrkyně spalování biomasy. Tedy toho průmyslového. Zatopit si doma v kamnech či na ohništi dřevem ze soušek je fajn.

    Půmyslové spalování stromů pro výrobu energie je ale hrůznost. A nejen, že to nikdo nesmí dotovat, ale mělo by se to zakázat, nebo aspoň zásadně omezit.

    Jak vědci v dopise, který poslali například předsedkyni Evropské komise, americkému prezidentovi, japonskému premiérovi a řadě dalších, uvádí, stromy jsou mnohem cennější pro životní prostředí, pokud jsou živé a to nejen z hlediska klimatu ale i biologické rozmanitosti. Jejich využívání jako biomasy a energetického zdroje je tedy nesmyslné. Vlády světových mocností by se tak místo toho měly zaměřit primárně na zachování a obnovu lesů místo jejich spalování. Naprosto souhlasím, podtrhuji a podporuji.

    Vědci zároveň zdůraznili, že obrovský nárůst těžby je zapříčiněn téměř výlučně veřejnými dotacemi v Evropě, Severní Americe a Asii. Nazvali to falešným řešením problému a varovali před ním. Evropská unie by podle vědců navíc měla okamžitě přestat uvádět biomasu jako uhlíkově neutrální zdroj energie ve svých normách pro obnovitelné zdroje. Navíc by měla biomasa přestat být uváděna jako uhlíkově neutrální i při obchodování s emisemi.

    Jsem zvědavá, jestli jim Ursula von der Leyenová a další budou naslouchat. Pokud ne, tak se bohužel ukáže, že celá Zelená dohoda není nic jiného než Zelený a pořádně špinavý kšeft.

    .// pokud se nepletu, je opravdu drevo vozeno taky lodi z Ameriky.. snad prave z Jizni Ameriky z Amazonie. uz jenom samotny koncept to vozit lodi pres ocean je na hlavu
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam