OMNIHASH: Myslis, ze ad hominem je opravdu prospesne? :)
Podle me ad hominem je prave nevhodne do nejake seriozni debaty.
Zkusim naznacit, jak by seriozni prispevek mel vypadat:
Analytik: Evropa byla od blackoutu setiny. Bez ČR by to Rakousko nezvládlo - iDNES.cz leden 2021 se mohl stát skutečným „černým dnem”. Evropě totiž hrozil blackout, tedy masivní výpadek dodávek elektřiny. „Hrozba byla reálná, střední a západní Evropa měla opravdu nedostatek energie,“ řekl v Rozstřelu analytik Pavel Farkač.// pro kvalitni zazitek internetove diskuze neni napriklad vhodne tvrdit, ze Farkac je byvalej komunista (navic bez nejakeho podkladu) :-) na to jak se nekteri tvari jako fanousci vedy a fakticnosti, jsou ty logicke klamy celkem komicke.
Founders - Greenpeace International Bohlen was the first to suggest taking a ship up to Amchitka to oppose the U.S. plans. The group organised a boat, the Phyllis Cormack, and set sail to Amchitka to “bear witness” (a Quaker tradition of silent protest) to the nuclear test. On board were:
• Captain John Cormack, the boat’s owner
• Jim Bohlen, Greenpeace
• Bill Darnell, Greenpeace
• Patrick Moore, Greenpeace• Dr Lyle Thurston, medical practitioner
• Dave Birmingham, engineer
• Terry Simmons, cultural geographer
• Richard Fineberg, political science teacher
• Robert Hunter, journalist
• Ben Metcalfe, journalist
• Bob Cummings, journalist
• Bob Keziere, photographer
vypada to proste, ze Moore s nima byl na te lodi Rainbow warrior a stal proste u zrodu. Mne teda pripada, ze kritika Moore vicemene stoji hlavne na popirani, ze je spoluzakladatel Greenpeace. Samozrejme koncept spoluzakladatelstvi muze byt prostor pro interpretaci. Banda lidi si proste vymyslela logo a vrzla ho na tu lod, a sli prekazat nejaky rybolov, ci o co to tam tehdy slo.

From right: Terry Simmons, Bill Darnell., Pat Moore, Lyle Thurston, Bob Hunter This is a photographic record by Robert Keziere of the very first Greenpeace voyage, which departed Vancouver on the 15th September 1971.

Crew of the Greenpeace - Voyage Documentation (Vancouver to Amchitka: 1971) © Greenpeace / Robert Keziere
The aim of the trip was to halt nuclear tests in Amchitka Island by sailing into the restricted area. Crew on-board the ship, are the pioneers of the green movement who formed the original group that became Greenpeace. © Greenpeace / Robert Keziere

The founding of Greenpeace International. © Rex Weyler
Greenpeace Foundation accountant Bill Gannon, with Bob Hunter and Patrick Moore on the Rainbow Warrior in Amsterdam Harbour, November 1979. © Rex Weyler
Don't Make a Wave Committee - Wikipedia meetings in 1970 Bill Darnell combined the words ‘green’ and ‘peace’,[9] thereby giving the organization its first expedition name, Greenpeace. Many Canadians protested the United States military underground nuclear bomb tests, codenamed Cannikin, beneath the island of Amchitka, Alaska in 1971. In May the year, the Don't Make a Wave Committee sent Jim Bohlen and Patrick Moore, to represent the Don't Make a Wave Committee in US Atomic Energy Commission hearings in Alaska.[10]The Don't Make a Wave Committee first expedition hired the Phyllis Cormack, a halibut seiner available for charter, to take protestors to the testing zone on the island of Amchitka. The expedition was called Greenpeace I, and included Canadian journalist Robert Hunter. IPodobne zavadejici debata se tyka i kolem spoluvynalezce mRNA technologie/mRNA vakcin. Debunk je postaveny na tom, ze R. Malone nebyl v tymu jedinej, a ze pozdejsi navazujici vyvoj uz pak posouval nekdo jiny. Ale opet.. zas nic podstatneho k veci.