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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    GORG --- ---
    Edward VIII collaborated with Nazis during WWII, documentary claims  | Daily Mail Online

    How Winston Churchill protected Hitler’s Nazi King of England – People's World

    Netflix's 'The Crown' paints Edward VIII as Nazi sympathizer -- but was he? | The Times of Israel

    Edward VIII ‘encouraged Nazis to bomb UK into submission’ after abdication, historian claims | The Independent

    A Former King of Britain Pays a Visit to Nazi Germany
    GORG --- ---

    Pushing Czechoslovakia to commit suicide
    At the same time, France and Britain ordered the Czech government not to mobilize its troops for fear of provoking Germany, and pressured them to accept the Anglo-French solution to the crisis. But the Anglo-French proposal would further weaken Czechoslovakia’s security in exchange for vague promises of international guarantees. The government of President Edvard Beneš protested vigorously and rejected the solution. In their turn, London and Paris rejected the Czech refusal and mounted further pressure on the Czechs. Chamberlain explained the imperative to force Czechoslovakia’s government to yield: “The idea of territorial cession would be likely to have a more favorable reception from the British public if it could be represented as the choice of the Czechoslovak Government themselves and it could be made clear that they had been offered the choice of a plebiscite or of territorial cession and had preferred the latter. This would dispose of any idea that we were ourselves carving up Czechoslovak territory.” To turn up the pressure, France threatened to revoke their alliance and abandon the Czechs to Germany. Finally, on 21 September 1938 the Czech government relented and accepted the Anglo-French dictate.

    Back in London, on 23rd September the British Cabinet overtly rejected Hitler’s Godesberg ultimatum and agreed to support France if it chose to go to war against Germany. The French government also rejected Hitler’s ultimatum as did the Czechs. The Soviets responded by explicitly reiterating their security commitment to Czechoslovakia. However, this last-moment appearance of a united front against an aggressive Germany finally shaping up was yet another deception.

    Chamberlain’s perfidious double game
    On 27 September 1938, Chamberlain delivered a radio address to the nation feigning his dismay at the incomprehensible events on the continent: “How horrible, fantastic, incredible it is that we should be digging trenches and trying on gas masks here because of a quarrel in a far-away country between people of whom we know nothing…” The very same day, Chamberlain sent a telegram to Czechoslovakia’s President Beneš, warning him that if he failed to accept Hitler’s ultimatum by 2 PM on the following day (28 September), Czechoslovakia would be overrun by the German Army and nothing could save her. After that he sent a message to Hitler to propose holding a four-power conference and reassuring him that Britain and France would force Czechoslovakia to accept any agreement, on condition that Germany abstained from going to war.

    Then German troops overran Czechoslovakia, they captured 469 tanks which were much superior to German tanks, along with 1,500 planes, 43,000 machine guns, and over 1 million rifles. The unused arsenal was a posthumous testament to the power that failed to defend itself against Hitler’s aggression. It was sedated and paralyzed through the devious activities by Neville Chamberlain and his cabal.


    In May 1939, Bank of England’s Montagu Norman turned over to Germany the £6,000,000 in Czech gold reserves held in London. When the news of this transfer leaked out, the cabinet hid behind the preposterous excuse that the British government could not give orders to the Bank of England.

    MTP 015: 1938 Appeasement - THE TRUE STORY

    // a co se delo po 2. svetove valce? USA nadale (prokazatelne) podporovali nacisty na Ukrajine od samotneho konce valky a zrejme az dodnes. jako rameno proti Rusku. stejne jako vyzbrojili vycvicili muhadzince v Afghanistanu proti Rusku a vytvorili Al Kaidu. ten zamer zni podobne.. nepritel nepritele je nas spojenec. at je to Al Kaida nebo nacisti
    GORG --- ---
    Appeasement: the betrayal in Munich (part 2 of 3) | The Naked Hedgie

    The sacrifice of Czechoslovakia
    The treacherous sacrifice of Czechoslovakia to Germany is one of the least well understood episodes leading to the tragedy of World War lI. Conventional history associates the Czech crisis with Neville Chamberlain’s appeasement at Munich. The story we were taught in school was that the British government agreed to partition Czechoslovakia only as a desperate measure to avoid a greater European war. This view is based on the idea that Germany was already an overwhelming military power that could easily crush Czechoslovakia’s weak defenses. However, this idea is patently false. In late 1938 Czechoslovakia did in fact capitulate without resistance, but this was not because her defenses were weak. Rather, Czechoslovakia’s government was paralyzed and sedated as a result of the treacherous scheming of Britain’s secret diplomacy.

    The beginnings of the Czech crisis
    Created in 1919, Czechoslovakia was the most prosperous, most democratic, most powerful and best administered of the states that emerged from the Habsburg Empire. Situated along its northwest frontier with Germany, the Sudeten region was the most industrialized part of the country and had a majority German population. Although Czechoslovakia instituted equitable treatment for all of its minorities, in the 1930s, Sudeten Germans began to press for greater political power and autonomy within Czechoslovakia. They established their own Nazi party and with funding from Berlin their relentless agitation and propaganda became a destabilizing factor for the nation.

    In 1934 the Czech government finally banned the party, but under Konrad Henlein’s leadership, they merely changed the party’s name to Sudeten German Party and continued to consolidate influence and power. Henlein coordinated his party’s agenda with Hitler and their strategy was to keep pressing the Czech government for ever greater concessions which escalated the crisis to a boiling point in1938.

    The school curriculum vs. the truth

    Conventional history holds that Britain only became involved in this crisis in order to prevent a greater war from erupting. The Wikipedia entry says that, “Germany had started a low-intensity undeclared war on Czechoslovakia on 17 September 1938. In reaction, the United Kingdom and France on 20 September formally asked Czechoslovakia to cede its territory to Germany…” That pretty much sums up history as it is still being taught in schools everywhere. The truth is very different: as early as March 1938 and until the very end, British representatives took a very active role in the negotiations between the Germans and the Czech government.

    Behind the false cloak of impartiality, the British representatives consistently bolstered German demands and pressured the Czechs to yield. The Czech government responded by offering substantial concessions and formulating a plan for the minorities that included economic benefits, cultural and administrative autonomy and even political federalism. This was however brushed aside by the German and British counterparts as inadequate. Then, on 24 April 1938, Henlein formulated the extreme “Karlsbad Demands.” After months of torturous negotiations, and under severe pressure from Britain, in September 1938 the Czech government yielded on most of these demands. But at that point, rather than declaring victory and accepting a settlement, Henlein abruptly broke off the negotiations and fled to Germany.

    The balance of military power
    History regards Chamberlain’s 1938 appeasement of Hitler as an ill-advised and cowardly policy, but ultimately a justifiable, or at least well-intentioned bid to prevent a greater European war. The Czech situation was invariably presented as a lost cause since the overwhelming power of the German Wehrmacht could easily crush Czechoslovakia’s weak defenses. But the ideas that the Germans had a military advantage and that Czech’s security was weak were both fabrications of a sustained propaganda campaign, which was orchestrated by the British media and government representatives to mislead the British and European public.

    To be sure, Germany had been building up its military power since the early 1930s, but in 1938 it was still no match for Czech defenses: the Germans had 35 infantry divisions and only 4 motorized divisions, none of them fully manned or equipped. Of these, only 22 partially trained divisions were stationed near the Czech frontier. At the same time, Czechoslovakia had 34 well equipped divisions and was able to mobilize and arm fully 1,000,000 troops. While all of Germany’s tanks were below 10 tons (except for a handful of Mark III 18-ton tanks) and armed with 37-mm guns, the Czech army had hundreds of 38-ton tanks armed with 75-mm cannons.

    Moreover Czech army was better trained, had very high morale and had built powerful fortifications along its borders. In terms of quality, armaments and fortifications, the Czech army was known to be the best in Europe and was superior to German army in every way except for air support. On September 3rd 1938 the British military attaché in Prague wrote a cable to London, stating: “There are no shortcomings in the Czech army, as far as I have been able to observe…” In addition, Czech security was supported by strategic alliances with France and the Soviet Union both of whom were at that time very keen on holding Germany in check and both of whom were significantly superior to Germany in terms of military strength


    // tohle je hodne kontrastni k pohledum, ze soucasne rusko je novodobe nacisticke Nemecko po napadeni Polska. radi prirovnavaji mnichovskou dohodu appeasmentu ted k Putinovi.. spravny hrdy slava ukrajine cech je ted pro valku a militarismus.. pro vyzbrojovani Ukrajiny tanky, aby se zastavilo cituji "zlo z Ruska". nekteri cesti dovolenkari se i vydali osobne se ucastit boju a ceska vlada se verejne zarucila, ze za to nebudou trestne stihani.
    ARRAKIS --- ---

    Y.N Harari:

    "Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept to legitimize total biometric surveillance. We need to not just monitor people, we need to monitor what’s happening under their skin”
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    GORG: dyť nic nepredikuje, jenom haluzí, že nějaká technokonference má poškodit Ukrajinu, protože jí organizuje americká ambasáda. Tam není jedinej rozporovatelnej výrok.
    GORG --- ---
    OMNIHASH: zajimavy, ze ten Oleg Tsarov, co urcite nema v nicem pravdu, presne predikoval udalosti, co prisly o rok pozdeji

    [GORG @ world conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::]

    neni dobry skocit do nejasnych vod kolem anexe, aby clovek znovu odvratil pozornost od toho, co te obcanske valce predchazelo.
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    GORG: cywe, dyť to je bejvalej mluvčí sepratistický vlády, co si čekal, že ho na Ukrajině pochválej? Si zkus vyhlásit republiku Osoblažsko a bránit jí kvérama, dopadneš úplně stejně, jestli tě chytěj.

    GORG: a to má vypovídat o čem? Podobný konference a kace pořádáme taky v rámci EU po půlce světa.
    GORG --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    "MUST WATCH: Nov 2013 (pre-Maidan!): Ukraine Deputy has proof of USA staging civil war in Ukraine".
    GORG --- ---
    Ukraine – TechCamp

    WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive
    Turning TechCamp Kyiv Into a Sustainable Movement

    9.(U) TechCamp Kyiv was not just a two-day event. It was also an opportunity to bring together civil society
    leaders from Ukraine and Belarus connecting them with each other while building bridges to U.S. technology
    experts. Our follow-up mission will be to transform TechCamp into a sustainable movement that brings civil
    society together with the technology that they need. Embassy Kyiv has already reached beyond the technology

    and civil society sectors by inviting private corporations and philanthropic foundations to interact with
    participants at TechCamp and share information about the resources that they have available for
    NG0s. Representatives from Microsoft Ukraine, Intel Ukraine Microelectronics, Coca Cola, the Pinchuk
    Foundation, Hot Source LLC, Softjourn Inc, Soft-Rating Consult, WorldAPP Inc, and MediaNext attended
    parts of TechCamp Kyiv. Microsoft, in particular, was very generous in their support of civil society
    organizations offering free software and interacting with TechCamp participants via social media platforms.

    10. (U) Embassy Kyiv also conducted follow-on events in order to put the expertise of visiting U.S. technology
    experts to use in order to expand our audience beyond the 100 civil society leaders that we were able to invite
    to Kyiv. Thanks to IREX' Bibliomist program which offered free use of their technology training centers in the
    cities of Donetsk and Kharkiv, TechCamp trainers were able to provide hands-on training for 40 additional
    NGO activists and librarians the following weekend. Three TechCamp trainers joined us "on the road" to

    share their ideas on using online games for social causes; made presentations on FrontlineSMS as a way to
    conduct two-way communication without the use of an intemet connection; and discussed new advocacy
    techniques for expanding the impact and reach of each participant's program and message.


    12. (U) Embassy Kyiv plans to use these new technologies and social media to further the development of
    NGOs and promote sustainability. We also plan to host an event in Kyiv in three to six months where civil
    society organizers can come together to share their best practices, success stories and progress working on the
    proposals that they developed at TechCamp. We are also in contact with Microsoft Ukraine about this

    proposed event and hope to involve other private sector partners. We also plan to bring in U.S. technology
    experts in order to share their expertise, specifically pertaining to the funding and implementation of new

    TechCamp Kyiv 2012
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    Mastercard CEO: SWIFT Payment System May Be Replaced By CBDCs In Five Years | ZeroHedge
    RIVA --- ---
    RIVA --- ---
    OMNIHASH: Můžeš se prosím rozepsat o tom nevěření na Soroše?
    GORG --- ---
    Martina Kociánová: "Ideologie se infiltruje jako dobro." (celý rozhovor v odkaze pod videem)
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    GORG: nějak mě došla trpělivost s těmahle republikánskejma lumenama, co to celou dobu vedli od desíti k pěti a ještě se vymlouvaj, že za to mohl kdokoliv kdo šel okolo za hlášek typu psychologický a ekonomický teror, ze kterého se budeme vzpamatovávat desítky let. Vedli to, posrali to, tak pokud si chtěj hrát na leadry svobodnýho světa, tak to maj aspoň přiznat, a ne se vymlouvat jak osmák.

    Ad LGBT/trans/whatever, jediný dvě skupiny, ktrý to neustále řešej, jsou konspiraci a náckové. Proč to trápí nácky mi je naprosto jasný, ale co na tom láká vás? Tohle téma se tu vrací s železnou pravidelností, přitom je to naprosto marginální skupinka bez jakýhokoliv vlivu. Jednou za rok si vyvěsej vlaječky na fb, projdou městem a čau. Nějakej exot vyvěsí na fb článek o 58 pohlavích a dření se to tu jak dlouho? Čtyři roky?

    Jinak ne, nemám na svý straně státy, mainstream a media o nic víc než ty, akorát u toho nevěřím na římskej klub, Soroše, nebo chemtrails.
    PLAYER --- ---
    Chvaly a podporyhodny pocin. Preklad The Trigger do CZ.

    Podpořte "Kniha SPOUŠŤ" na Startovači - Projekty | Startovač
    RIVA --- ---
    CIA, NATO and the Great Heroin Coup: How Miami Became the Center of International Fascism and the Murder of President Kennedy

    This is part 4 to a five-part series. [Part 1 and Part 2 go over how the Ukrainian Nationalist Movement Post WWII was Bought and Paid for by the CIA. Part 3 is essential reading prior to this paper, which discusses key elements of NATO’s Operation Gladio.]
    GORG --- ---
    Vera Sharav: How Eugenics Leads to Genocide, WWII and The Spanish Flu – The Expose

    Vera Sharav is a public advocate for human rights is the founder and president of the Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP). As a Holocaust survivor she has previous first-hand experience of totalitarian regimes.

    During her testimony given on Day 6 of the Grand Jury Proceedings her statement included::

    “As we know, honesty is nowhere to be found within the corporate dominated government and public health agencies. So, for two years, we’ve all been subjected to the psychological weapons that the Nazis use to maintain a state of anxiety.

    “The horrific scenes of police in black uniforms brutally attacking demonstrators in European cities, in Ottawa, in Australia, and in Israel. These scenes are absolute painful reminders of the Holocaust. The objective under the Nazis, and now, is actually exactly the same. It is to gain control over people’s lives by conditioning them to obey government directives no matter what.

    “Eugenics was crafted and appeals to the elite segments of society. But it also appeals to the corporate oligarchs and selected government officials, and that’s more important.

    “The British eugenicists provided the theoretical foundation which has then been used to justify social and economic inequality, to legitimise discrimination and apartheid, as well as violence against dissenters. But it was the American robber barons who provided the financial, the practical, means that set in motion public policies and population control legislation.

    “In 1915, a joint eugenics venture was brokered by John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Alexander Graham Bell, who invented the telephone, and Mrs. E. H. Harriman, mother of the future statesman Avril Harriman.

    “They funded a massive lobbying campaign for the enactment of laws to sterilise those whom they deemed unfit. Sterilisation laws were first enacted in 28 States. In the United States, their objective was to sterilise 10% of the American population. That was 15 million Americans. This was to be accomplished under the guise of improving public health and the human race.

    “US sterilisation laws served as, you know, the model for the Nazi racial hygiene laws.”

    Below is the video of Sharav’s testimony and the transcript.

    Grand Jury - Day 6 Part 5 0f 5 - Eugenics and Outlook - Vera Sharav - AHRP Founder, Holocaust surv.

    Nazism, COVID-19 and the destruction of modern medicine: An interview with Vera Sharav, Part One
    GORG --- ---
    Za mě je tohle ignorace faktické diskuze. Rozhazování nálepek a straw manů.

    Věděl bys třeba citovat, že tu někomu vadí sexuální preference jiných? Jedinou citaci? Ono je snadný na někoho naházet nálepky a vložit mu do úst věty, který neřekl. Imho na hony vzdáleno, co by se mělo řešit tady. Už jen proto že to vede pak jen zahlcujícím flame wars.

    Z mý perspektivy máš na svý straně masmédia s státy-- největší mainstream všeho... s policejní vynucovací silou. A ta uplatňována byla.. v ČR a všude po světě. Obzvlášť v Číně, Austrálii, NZ,..
    Cenzurou, policejním vynucováním.. zničené životy, sebevraždy. Obdobně s LGBTQ+- ... vynucování si něco na jiných.. systématické profesní likvidace lidí, když nejeví dostatečné nadšení nebo mají dokonce jiný názor.

    A ty to popisuješ, jakobychom tu snad chtěli bránit někomu se oženit s nukleární chladící věží nebo koněm. Myslím, že to vynucování a ublíženecké postoje jsou právě na té druhé straně. Samozřejmě když někomu pak zavřete babičku do koncentráku, tak možná si někdo bude stěžovat. Ublíženecké postoje byly v prvé řadě na straně těch, kteří tou mainstream silou (média, stát, policie, armáda, vláda) si prosazovali a prosadili různá plošná řešení. A nevypadá, že by to mělo konce.

    Povalili otce bez roušky před zděšeným dítětem. Nepřiměřené, míní starosta - iDNES.cz

    "kulturní války"?? a to v ČR tady víceméně šlo spíš jen o psychologický a ekonomický teror, ze kterého se budeme vzpamatovávat desítky let a někteří se třeba ani nevzpamatují, že na ně zaklekl stát v těch nejzákladnějších svobodách. a vypadá to, že zcela neopodstatněně. jak jsem linkoval ty univerzitní profesory apod , kteří to doložili na prolinkovaných referencích na studie apod.

    hlavně celá věc ještě ani neskončila. teď ještě navíc bůh ví co ještě vymňouknou z tý opičárny.
    pokud něco násilím vynucuješ na ostatních, argumentační míč je imho na tvojí straně. být ochoten a schopen čelit rejpání a diskuzi..
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    OMNIHASH: nas vzrusujou vsechny agendy, ne nutne jen ty pohlavni. mne nejvic bere WEF 2030 You will own nothing and you will be happy. A dovede nas k tomu elegantne soucasna dekada germ games. bude jeste legrace.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam