we must choose the least evil within an array of evils.
In recent years similar cloning has been achieved with certain animals, including some verte-brates. In theory a human being could be reproduced in like fashion.
In these delicate areas of moral judgment humanity must rely on the collective conscience of our race. No single individual or group should impose its position on others until a consensus has been developed from the best informed and most compas-sionate spokesmen from all groups.
Reproduction is no longer exclusively a personal matter. Society must have a voice and some power of direction in regulating this vital function. The desires of human couples are very important, but they must not neglect a consideration of society at large. The general welfare of this and future genera-tions must be given increasing consideration as we develop plans for rational guidance of our procreation. No person should be brought into the world unwanted and unneeded. No child should be conceived through carelessness. If each life is to have value, every conception must be part of an ordered plan of two parents who are aware of their responsi-bilities to that child and to society. It is vitally important that each national government have a considered "Population Policy." The need is urgent and should take precedence over other problems, even those relating to national defense. Population control is a global prob-lem. The actions of one nation have far reaching effects on others. Overcrowding human beings in conditions of squalor and ignorance is dehumanising. It is an evil which must not be tolerated. Each nation must consider the present and future availability of all resources required for its long continuing survival. With proper allowances for the interchange of commodities that are overabundant in some areas and scarce in others, rational esti-mates must be made of the optimum population which can be sustained by those resources on a perpetual time scale. Each nation must make this determination for its own people. It may give assistance to its neighbors as it chooses and as its assistance is requested. But in the final analysis each nation must determine its own population goals and must formulate plans that will achieve them. No nation, having regulated its own population, should be expected to burden its citizens with the unwanted surplus of improvident neighbors. Nations with optimum populations can provide comfort and education for their own citizens and can give assistance to others. They can be good world citizens. Nations which are overcrowded and poverty stricken are problems for the entire world community.
Repro-duction will become fully controllable through humane and rational means. Failure to utilize those means may ultimately be the greatest evil of all.
We can deal with the problem by devising a formal code of social behavior, and enforcing it with effective legal and economic supports. Children and adults must be made aware of the obligations as well as the benefits of citizenship. Irresponsible parenting must not be tolerated or encouraged.
Humanity has successfully applied practical genetic princi-ples in developing domesticated plants and animals. It is now within our power to begin the domestication of our own species in a parallel fashion.
Docility, loyalty, and other desired qualities have been selec-tively augmented by human intervention and control over the breeding patterns of "man's best friend," the dog. We could one day achieve comparable but much more important modifi-cations in our own nature if we were to begin a conscious and sustained effort to direct our own genetics.
Nations which fail to guide childbearing and child rearing will not only suffer the effects of overpopulation, they will also be represented in the world of tomorrow by citizens of sub-optimal capabilities.
But national languages may also be divisive, and can permit islands of misunderstanding to develop and grow into sources of major difficulty.
We suggest that scholars throughout the world begin now to establish new bases upon which later generations can develop a totally new universal language for men and machines. It will be adapted to our speech mechanisms and to the language faculties and patterns impressed in our nervous systems. Its spoken and printed forms will be capable of accurate inter-change by electromechanical means.
When the central cluster of the Georgia Guidestones was completed our small sponsoring group was disbanded, leaving the monument in the safekeeping of the people of Elbert Coun-ty, Georgia. If the inscriptions are dimmed by wind and sun and time we ask you to cut them deeper. If the stones should fall, or be scattered by people of little understanding, we ask you to raise them up again.
We should consider making the right to vote conditional. We might, for example, impose certain educational requirements. In a society which provides tax-paid educational opportunities for everyone, we should require proof of understanding of our government and its history and problems as a prerequisite for voting. It would undoubtedly improve the quality of government if voters were required to pass a simple test covering the structure of our government, our history, and our general economic system. Our citizens must now pass a comparable examination to qualify for driving on our streets and highways.
Mark Twain once suggested that our voting system should be modified to permit additional votes for selected citizens, based upon objective qualifications. These might include age, military service, and other indicators of civic responsibility. It would be reasonable to require evidence of economic pro-ductivity as a qualification for voting. Citizens who long remain on public relief rolls, performing no services to compensate for their financial support by the taxpayers, should not vote.
knizka od autora georgia guidestonu
dost se to prekryva s klasickym uvazovanim malthuziancu.. omezene zdroje, potreby spolecnosti prevysuji potreby casto nezodpovedneho jednotlivce, kteri tak ohrozuji preziti lidstva jako takoveho.
tohle je samozrejme zcela kontra k libertarianum nebo pripadne anarchokapitalismu... naopak min jinym lidem kecat do jejich zivota. netvarit se, ze nekdo spolkl vsechnu moudrost sveta, a ted i treba nasilim spasi cely svet. nejakym svym moudrym a laskyplnym systemem, ktery z kazdeho vytahne to nejlepsi, a vsichni budeme poslusni svetoobcane. plni lasky a porozumeni.
ten text je v podstate moderni verze znovu toho sameho all over again..
v podobnem duchu taky Unesco: its Purpose and Philosophy od Juliana Huxleyho tam za asi tedy nemale penize vztycil nejaky tenhle anonym, ale zajimave, ze ho stat ci kdo chranil, kamerama, policii.. protoze zjevne lidi kolem tehle ideologie maji sve lidi na ruznych mistech.. v OSN, na zastupitelstvich okresu atd.
tyhle myslenky vedly k nacisticky genocide. jenze dost lidi, jak to ma trosickou jinou formu, jine symboly, jine ramovani, tak to tam nejsou schopni videt. Julian Huxley zpusobil nucenou sterilizaci pres 100 000 Americanu. a presto se stal po valce sefem UNESCO. linked his evolutionary ethics to the social agenda of eugenics: it meant approval for family allowances to encourage professional middle classes to have children of (hopefully) good eugenic quality, and the elimination of mental defect by reproductive controls.37 He explained that eugenicists should avoid a “holocaust” of the unfit by segregating mental defectives to prevent their reproduction.38 The economic and social system had to be altered to advance the reproduction of “the most successful stocks” particularly of the professional classes.39 Huxley advocated the ideas of eugenics as a sacred ideal and of “racial hope”, so that religion would advance his ideals of social evolution.
Huxley was always at pains to differentiate his views of eugenics from Nazism.
After the war, Huxley advocated that science should be a means of social reconstruction. He supported through UNESCO an observer at the Nuremberg Medical Trial (a role taken by his protégé the neuro-physiologist John Thompson).27 But his stance towards Nazi biologists became indulgent as can be seen in his support of Konrad Lorenz. At Unesco Huxley had uneasy relations with both British and US officialdom. From Huxley’s perspective, state officials were part of the problem of unscientifically minded vested interests, while government officials in turn suspected Huxley of leftish leanings.28 An interview at the US State Department raised the issue whether UNESCO aimed to make “the scientists as dictators of political policy”.29 But the Soviet attack on genetics meant Huxley became a scourge of Stalinist biology.30 Huxley aligned with those like the pharmacologist Henry Dale supporting a revival of German science, and engaged strenuously on behalf of the ethologist Lorenz.31
Not only was Huxley a pivotal figure in 1950s reproductive biology in the UK, but he also preached the application of biology to medicine. He called medicine “death control”, seeing it as the inverse of birth control, which he prioritised. Innes Pearce wrote to Huxley of her hopes to turn the Pioneer Health Centre at Peckham (the holistic “Peckham Experiment”) into a national laboratory for the pursuit of human biology. The idea was to develop the core question of “what is health” in biological and experimental terms.32
As the first Director-General of Unesco from 1946 to 1948 Huxley outlined a biologically based philosophy.33 He can be interpreted as part of a wave of visionary experts who took command of the new United Nations organisations after the Second World War (as the nutritionist John Boyd Orr in the Food and Agriculture Organisation, Ludwik Rajchman in conceiving of Unicef, and John Holmes in the UN Human Rights Division), before these organisations felt the controlling chill of cold war power politics.34 In his key manifesto, “Unesco: its Purpose and Philosophy” of 1946, he advocated a “scientific world humanism” based on evolutionary biology. He saw culture as a higher stage of evolution, supplanting natural selection in human societies. He argued for quality over quantity as regards the world’s population, and that human population size should be planned and controlled. At the same time he called for animal conservation. He even maintained that Unesco should begin to examine “the eugenic problem”, while recognising that a radical eugenic policy was at the time unrealistic in terms of public attitudes.
Od nacismu se distancoval, ale ten rozdil je, ze on neresil rasu... chtel slechtit kazdou rasu. Kritizoval nedemokraticnost nacismu, ale sam stal u zrodu nucenych sterilizaci. Sic ty asi byly demokraticke skutecne.. pokud to schvalila zvolena vlada, pak ano, je to demokracie.
Moderni "nacismus" je nabalen na diverzitu, ochranu lidskych prav, spolecne dobro a symbolem neni hakovy kriz ale duha. A genetickeho slechteni lidskeho pleme. Znovu nachazime prunik s WEF, Schwabem, o biologicke modifikaci na geneticke a technologicke urovni pomoci augmentu. To ani nemusi byt cele spiknuti ale idea, ktera fici a jede. Jak rika Schwab.. modifikovani lide budou mit kratsi sirku vuci modifikovanym... predstavte si, ze si pres augmentaci nahrajete do hlavy vzdelani jako software napriklad. Nebo jste jinak mene vyvinuti
Jak tam pise i ten Christian "citizens of sub-optimal capabilities."
COVID pasy, socialni kredit, transhumanismus, smirovani (i myslenek) ale i spotreby energie a miry prospesnosti pro spolecnost.. to asi bude ta synteza toho vseho ted po 100 letech. A kdyz treba bude spolecnost uz zrala na zodpovedny pristup k eugenice, tak treba prijdou nucena/"dobrovolna" eutanazie.
Paranoidni lidi to ale vidi i v krocich jako sankce proti Rusku nebo COVID lockdowny, ktere potencialne muzou uvest do zivotnich problemu miliony lidi.. hladem, nedostatkem tepla v zime, zhorsovanim zdravi...
Je mozne, ze by byl takovy plan? Ze by to byl zamer nekterych lidi? Vhodne je si uvedomit, ze tuhle ideu o radikalni populacni kontrole sdileji elity sveta uz minimalne 100 let ,takze je to uveritelne, a mohou realizovat nektere plany s pocitem nebo oduvodnenim, ze je to "lesser evil" nez aby lidstvo vymrelo nebo byla planeta znicena, a v utajeni protoze by to lide proste jako masa neprijali, ze se musi obetovat. Jak tu kdosi psal v klubu, ze nekdy proste elity proste musi rozhodnout za lidi pro vyssi dobro. Mozna za tim stoji nejaci satanisti nebo temne entity, ale verim, ze dost lidi muze verit, ze dela dobro pro vsechny. Vsechny tyhle texty jsou plne idealismu, utopismu..
Co ja na tech ruznych textech i ruznych vyjadrenich pak WEF a Extinction Rebellion je znat, ze oni si prozpevujou stejny popevek (ruzne buzzwords, koncepty, fraze, ideje).. malokdy tam ale vidime nejake volani po dystopii.. aspon ne primocare.. ne lepsi harmonictejsi, svobodnejsi, spravedlivejsi, vetsi kvalita zivota, stesti, laska, zrusit hranice, vsichni se obejmou a vsichni budou mit vse, co potrebuji. A budou stastni.. a korporace dostanou pres zadek lidmi, spravedlivymi a moudrymi NGO.... dystopie se z toho stava zrejme v momente, kdy narazi na problemy. Tak se to otaci v drakonianstejsi povahu. Zatim to tak bylo vzdy. Uz samotny pocit, ze ztraci nad necim kontrolu, je vede k pritvrzeni. Behem COVIDu jsme to videli ukazkove. Ted jeste s Ukrajinou pritvrzujou.. uz pomalu chystaji vezeni za nazor. Protoze oni nemuzou dovolit svobodny tok informaci, protoze by to mohlo ohrozit jejich Velke dilo. At uz je to ochrana pred Rusaky nebo virem nebo zniceni planety, ci nejaka predstava o lepsi spolecnosti.
(Za me neni nutne problem, kdyz si nekdo rozjizdi nejake sve teorie o zuslechtovani lidske rasy nebo spolecnosti, ale to vynucovani na ostatnich. Treba maji dokonce s tim vsim pravdu.. a treba je opravdu nekonecne pohlavi, ktere je jen socialni konstrukt atd. Ale nelibi se mi to vynucovani.)
Jinak trochu neplanovane jsem si u toho rozjel tyhle syntezy... pokud tomu chce nekdo oponovat, drzme se faktu, takze zdroje, reference.. to nejak vyvracejici.