Fact check: Kary Mullis quote on PCR tests is outdated, lacks contexthttps://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/01/14/fact-check-kary-mullis-quote-pcr-tests-outdated-lacks-context/9198197002/Mullis on PCR testing
The quote in question stems from a July 1997 meeting in Santa Monica, California, where Mullis spoke about the high sensitivity levels of PCR tests and how results can be misinterpreted.
In response to a question from an audience member about how PCR tests can be misused, Mullis says the test itself can’t be misused, but rather the interpretations of it can, because the test creates “a whole lot of something from something.”
“If they could find this virus in you at all, and with the PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody,” Mullis said. “It starts to get you to believe in some kind of Buddhist notion, where everything is contained there and everything in between.”
Mullis added that someone with HIV is generally going to have “almost anything that you can test for” and “there’s a good chance you’ve also got a lot of other ones.”
His comments were related to his argument that PCR tests shouldn't be used to diagnose AIDS. For years, Mullis denied that HIV was the cause of AIDS.
The post cites Mullis's quote – in the midst of a pandemic where PCR tests are frequently used to diagnose COVID-19 – without clarifying his comments were tied to HIV, not the coronavirus. Health experts say the tests are the most accurate and reliable tests available for diagnosing . PCR technology has also advanced since Mullis made the comments in the 1990s.
Our rating: Missing context
Based on our research, we rate MISSING CONTEXT the claim that Mullis said PCR tests can detect "anything in anybody" and can't tell you if you're sick, because it can be misleading without additional information. The quote included in the post is from 1997, and Mullis was speaking about how he opposed using PCR tests to detect the HIV virus. The comment is not related to COVID-19, and health experts say PCR tests are accurate and reliable in detecting COVID-19.
// zajimave... TL,DR debunku je, ze on tehdy mluvil o viru HIV. coz je pritom irelevantni.
clanek se snazi vytvorit mylny dojem, ze tohle nikdo nevi, ze mluvil o HIV.
jinde debunky se zas toci kolem toho, ze Mullis zemrel v rijnu 2019, coz je pry "dlouho" pred epidemii korony. No nevim jestli ty tri mesice je zrovna "dlouha doba", ale vtip je opet v tom, ze se snazi manipulativne vytvaret dojem, ze snad nekdo tvrdi, ze se Mullis vyjadroval k testum na COVID.
opet se klasicky debunkuji strawmany.. tedy neco, co nikdo netvrdi, nebo nekde vyskrabali na facebooku od nekoho, aby potopili debatu o vyhradach Mullise k diagnostice viru
__ k tomu se naopak nevyjadrujou __... a jen se odkazujou na nazory odborniku, ze PCR testy na COVID jsou uznavanym zlatym standartem.
podobne tu
The inventor of PCR never said it wasn’t designed to detect infectious diseases - Full Facthttps://fullfact.org/online/pcr-test-mullis/tam jakob vyvraci tvrzeni, ze PCR test neni schopny detekovat virus.
opet tohle nikdo prece netvrdi. PCR test umi detekovat geneticky material viru. to nikdo nerozporuje.
Mullis mluvil o tom, ze PCR technologie neni vhodna na diagnostiku, kdy nevime, co tam hledame.
Je vhodna na vyzkum ale na diagnostiku jakehokoliv viru. Muze byt vhodna jako doplnkovy test u pacienta, u ktereho vime, ze je nemocny virem X, a tak muzeme sledovat jeho pritomnost a i pomoci mnozstvi pouzitych cT cyklu i treba urcit mnozstvi genetickeho materialu.... tedy rekneme ustup nebo progres nemoci.... ale ne na detekci lidi bez uvazeni amamnezy pacienta.
proste neco, co uz proste je 3 roky tezke tabu. a kdyz uz to odkazovani na Mulise nekdo debunkuje, tak ze zasady ignoruje ten jeho podstatny point a odkazuji se na duveru v autority ("Dnesni PCR testy jsou modernejsi a uznavane zdravotni autority je povazuji za velice dobry nastroj na detekci viru Sars-Cov2")
Debunk clanky tuhle hlavni problematiku PCR , o ktere mluvil vynalezce Mulis, pretaci na malovani tech, co ho cituji, jako blbce co si ani neumi zjistit, ze zemrel jeste pred vypuknutim Covidu, resp. ze mluvil o HIV, coz pry neni koronavirus.. .proste delaji z lidi uplny idioty, a zaroven ignoruji tu hlavni namitku , jak je nevhodne a zneuzitelne pri nevhodnem pouziti takhle mnozit geneticky material nejakych fragmentu pro ucely diagnostiky.