podobna bandicka.. .na opacko
Hillary Clinton admits that the CFR runs the Governmenthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYq3TaBik64neni snad ani divu, ze World Economic Forum a CFR jsou osazenstvem propojene bandicky think tankistu.
sefove The Washington Post, BlackRock, politici, bankeri , Zuckenbergove, sefove Googlu, Applu.. .. proste nase usuall suspect jelita
Foreign Affairs and the World Economic Forum Collaborate on The Fourth Industrial Revolution for Davos 2016 | Foreign Affairshttps://www.foreignaffairs.com/press/2016-01-20/foreign-affairs-and-world-economic-forum-collaborate-fourth-industrial-revolution...
From Innovation to Revolution | Foreign Affairs
Cisco’s John Chambers and Wim Elfrink on the Internet of Things
The Future of Cities | Foreign Affairs
The Council on Foreign Relations’ Laurie Garrett on the promises and perils of synthetic biology
The Economist’s Kenneth Cukier and the Oxford Internet Institute’s Viktor Mayer-Schoenberger on the rise and effects of big data
Why Big Data Is on the Rise | Foreign Affairs
The Fourth Industrial Revolutionwill be published on ForeignAffairs.com as part of the magazine’s bimonthly anthology series
hmm koho to tam mame.. jo jasne typka z CFR... hmm ze je hodne do sytenticke biologie rikate? jo to je celkem fajn tema
hmm na odkazu je koukam toto
Biology's Brave New World | Foreign Affairshttps://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/2013-11-01/biologys-brave-new-worldThe Promise and Perils of the Synbio Revolution
By Laurie Garrett
November/December 2013
Germs 2.0: the first self-replicating bacteria made in a lab, May 2010.
Corbis / Thomas J. Deerinck / Science Photo Library
In May 2010, the richest, most powerful man in biotechnology made a new creature. J. Craig Venter and his private-company team started with DNA and constructed a novel genetic sequence of more than one million coded bits of information known as nucleotides. Seven years earlier, Venter had been the first person in history to make a functioning creature from information. Looking at the strings of letters representing the DNA sequence for a virus called phi X174, which infects bacteria, he thought to himself, “I can assemble real DNA based on that computer information.” And so he did, creating a virus based
[... zbytek je za paywall,,, ale zacina to dobre :D ]
No, je z toho videt, ze kuci maji nejake sve zajmy.. a navzajem se "myslenkove oplodnuji", jak popsal Bilderberg polititolog Pehe... jeden z ceskych hostu Bilderbergu novinarum iDNESu.
The Future of Cities | Foreign Affairshttps://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/world/2014-10-31/future-citiesThe Internet of Everything will Change How We Live
By John Chambers and Wim Elfrink
October 31, 2014
As much as the Internet has already changed the world, it is the Web’s next phase that will bring the biggest opportunities, revolutionizing the way we live, work, play, and learn.
Klaus Schwab 2016 implant microchip, french with engl. translationhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmmPVipAAioUnequal opportunities, microchip implants and other top stories of the week | World Economic Forumhttps://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/08/unequal-opportunities-microchip-implants-and-other-top-stories-of-the-week/When your mobile phone isn’t mobile enough. Try an implanted microchip.
These Workers Have Got a Microchip Implanted in Their Hand From Their Employer | World Economic Forumhttps://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/08/microchip-in-your-hand-rfid-32m/Thousands of Swedish people are swapping ID cards for microchips | World Economic Forumhttps://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/05/thousands-of-people-in-sweden-are-embedding-microchips-under-their-skin-to-replace-id-cardsThousands of Swedes are having microchips implanted into their bodies so that they don't need to carry key cards, IDs, and even train tickets.
About 3,000 people in Sweden have inserted a microchip — which is as tiny as a grain of rice — under their skin over the past three years, Agence France-Presse reported. The technology was first used in the country in 2015.
The implants have already helped replace the need for a host of daily necessities. Ulrika Celsing's microchip, which is in her hand, has replaced her gym card and office key card. When she enters her workplace, the 28-year-old simply waves her hand near a small box and types in a code before the doors open, AFP said.
Last year, the state-owned SJ rail line started scanning the hands of passengers with biometric chips to collect their train fare while on board.

Passengers on Swedish railway company SJ have started using microchips as tickets. Image: SJ
There is no technological reason the chips couldn't also be used to buy things just like a contactless credit card, but nobody appears to have started testing that yet.
'A slight sting'
The procedure is similar to that of a piercing and involves a syringe injecting the chip into the person's hand. Celsing, who obtained her injection at a work event, told AFP she felt just a slight sting.
But the chip implants could cause infections or reactions in the body's immune system, Ben Libberton, a microbiologist at MAX IV Laboratory in southern Sweden, told AFP.
This clip from 2015 shows a microchip being inserted into a person's hand:
The rise of 'biohacking'
Biohacking — the modification of bodies with technology — is on the rise as more and more people start using tech wearables such as Apple Watches and FitBits.
About four years ago, Swedish biohacking group Bionyfiken started organising "implant parties" — where groups of people insert chips into their hands en masse — in countries including the US, UK, France, Germany, and Mexico.
Some 50 employees at Wisconsin vending-machine company Three Square Market voluntarily agreed to insert microchips into their hands, which they could then use to buy snacks, log in to computers, or use the photocopier.
An X-ray of a hand with a microchip between the person's thumb and index finger.
Swedes seem more willing to try the technology than most other nations.
The country's 10 million-strong population is generally more willing to share personal details, which are already recorded by the country's social-security system and readily available. According to AFP, people can find each others' salaries by simply calling public tax authorities.
Many of them also don't believe the microchip technology is advanced enough to be hacked. Libberton, the microbiologist, also said the data collected and shared by implants are too limited for users to fear hacking or surveillance.
Bionyfiken founder Hannes Sjöblad told Tech Insider in 2015:
"The human body is the next big platform. The connected body is already a phenomena. And this implant is just a part of it. [...]
"We are updating our bodies with technology on a large scale already with wearables. But all of the wearables we wear today will be implantable in five to 10 years.
"Who wants to carry a clumsy smartphone or smartwatch when you can have it in your fingernail? I think that is the direction where it is heading."
Podcast: Beyond Human? | World Economic Forumhttps://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/02/podcast-beyond-humanThis is episode 6 in a 10-part podcast series that will introduce listeners to the thinkers, entrepreneurs, and innovators who are already spotting the risks ahead, and seeking to guide humanity towards the land of ease and plenty that some believe is now within reach.
Episode 1 - What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
Episode 2 - Artificial Intelligence and you
Episode 3 - A Revolution for the Environment?
Episode 4 - Education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Episode 5 - Regulation for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
New episodes will be published every Tuesday from January 23, 2018 through March 6 on iTunes, Spotify and SoundCloud.
With advances in genetic engineering, neuroscience, pharmaceuticals and prosthetics, are we poised to enter a ‘post-human’ era? Will we jettison the limits nature imposed, even up to mortality itself? If so, to what end? Who will have access to these powerful tools, and what will become of those that do not?
For episode 6 of ‘Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution’, we enter an ethical minefield with Rob Sparrow of Monash University, Melbourne; James Hughes, Executive Director of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies; Nita Farahany, Professor of Law and Philosophy at Duke University; Aldo Faisal, Senior Lecturer in Neurotechnology at Imperial College London; Lord Martin Rees, United Kingdom Astronomer Royal and founder of the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk; and Meghan O’Gieblyn, a writer and journalist.
In the robot age, are you sure you're a human? | World Economic Forumhttps://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/01/in-the-robot-age-are-you-sure-youre-a-humanTo embrace this opportunity, however, we need to change our perspective. We need to understand why this world feels so upside-down, what we can do about it and how, as leaders, we can help others thrive in a world where relentless change is the new norm. We need to take back control, reframe the argument and start putting humans – not technology – first. We need to be more human
The power of purpose
Something I’ve noticed about change is that it makes people feel adrift: they lose sight of who they are, what they stand for and where they’re going in life. Yet, when they find their purpose, they feel anchored.
Purpose acts as a reassuring compass that helps us thrive in the storm of change. It connects us to something bigger than ourselves – a core set of values that defines who we are. It also fosters a sense of community and human-to-human collaboration. Research shows that having a purpose even helps us live longer.
Just imagine what we can achieve together when we scale this effect. We know that purposeful people work on purposeful brands. We also know that consumers are increasingly drawn to brands and products with an evident sense of social or environmental purpose. And we know that purpose-driven companies are valued more highly on the stock market. So, purpose not only drives us as humans, but it drives business too. Companies with purpose last, brands with purpose grow, and people with purpose thrive.
Tohle uz se cte jak Hvezdne valky :) Nebo od nekoho pobozneho ci velice silne ideologicky zamereneho. Ucel. My leadri neseme kompas pro lidstvo. Pomuzeme koeexistenci robotu i lidi v miru.
Why robots could replace teachers as soon as 2027 | World Economic Forumhttps://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/12/why-robots-could-replace-teachers-as-soon-as-2027Tomorrow’s Teachers
Robots will replace teachers by 2027.
That’s the bold claim that Anthony Seldon, a British education expert, made at the British Science Festival in September.
// no nic .. ty jejich related linky me nejak zasekly.. takze pro dnesek koncim.. imho obrazek z toho je celkem zretelny, kam to smeruje.. a o cem se nikde a nikdy vlastne skoro nemluvi.
o smerovani k technokracii, ale i transformaci lidstva na vsech urovnich.. .biologicke, digitalni, mentalni, umele, virtualni...
Průmysl 4.0 – Wikipediehttps://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pr%C5%AFmysl_4.0V ČR taktez... tise se dejici zatimco vetsina populace resi Ukrajinu a ted i nedostatek a vysoka cena energii..
Prumysl 4.0 , Velky reset jede navzdory vysledkum voleb vzdy nejakym tempem vpred..
Takže běžný člověk ani neví, že Min. hospodářství ČR už má zpracovaný koncept Průmyslu 4.0 (Jak tomu tady v ČR říkáme) už od roku 2016.
https://www.mpo.cz/assets/dokumenty/53723/64358/658713/priloha001.pdfPřevážně se to týká zejména té stranky automatizace v průmyslu a uplatnění AI a já nevim i VR/AR při práci..
Ale i v tom českém dokumentu ministerstva o Průmyslu 4.0 najdeme i tyhle extrémní transhumanistické přesahy - augmentace, propojení s počítačem přes mozek, genetické modifikace, VR/AR ... a explicitně napsané znovu, že jde o kompletní změnu fungování lidské společnosti na všech úrovních.
Je divu, že o kompletní změně fungování celé lidské společnosti není žádná veřejná debata? Jen nn Bilderbergech a jiných, kterým svěřujeme důvěru?