MAP 1580 PUTIN: Leopardi jedou na smrt! Ale jestli zamoří Donbas ochuzeným uranem, budeme to považovat za jaderný útok proti Rusku! – michalapetr.com ledna, 2023/Kategorie: Blog /Vložil(a): Michael Svatoš
Včera německá náčelnice Baerbocková v Reichstagu vyhlásila, že Německo je ve válce s Ruskem! Poslední, kdo to z Berlína hlásal, se zastřelil v jeho ruinách. V ty se nyní asi opět pomocí atomové záře Berlín promění, protože ani Rusové nezůstali včera pozadu a jejich diplomat na jednání OBSE ve Vídni slíbil, že pokud západní tanky zamoří Donbas ochuzeným rakovinotvorným uranem, stejně jako to už udělaly v Iráku, v Sýrii, a na Balkáně, bude to Rusko považovat za jaderný útok špinavou bombou na své území! Co bude následovat, je napsáno v ruské válečné doktríně. Jaderná válka se tak opět o něco přiblížila k našim ložnicím, a tak si vše v dnešní ranní analýze podrobněji rozebereme, aby se nám díky paní Baerbockové a jejím fialovým nohsledům dobře usínalo, protože náš pan generál nás v tom srabu nenechá samotné, a pošle do války i své syny!
Tanky Abrams měly už v Iráku špatné zkušenosti z čínskými protitankovými zbraněmi HJ-8, a to není žádní novinka.
Západní tanky dodávané nyní na Ukrajinu obsahují ochuzený uran, a to ve střelách, a v pancíři. Jakmile tento ochuzený uran unikne následkem bojů do krajiny způsobuje prudký nárůst rakoviny. Podle prestižní vědecké studie z roku 2020, které měřila hladiny ochuzeného uranu v krvi iráckých žen, bylo zjištěno, že ženy s rakovinou prsu mají v krvi od 19 do 238, průměrně 94 nanogramu ochuzeného uranu na litr krve, zatím co, ženy bez rakoviny prsu, jen 5 až 18, průměrně 10,5 ng L -1. Medicínský výzkum tak jednoznačně prokázal, že existuje přímá spojitost mezi ochuzeným uranem a několikanásobným výskytem rakoviny! Obdobně publikované starší výzkumy US Army potvrdily, že řidič tanku Abrams je z vlastního pancíře vystaven silné radiaci, díky které může mimo válku strávit v tanku 158 dní v roce, aby se nepřekročila hraniční hodnota ozáření 500 mrem/rok. Mnohem větší ozáření než z pancíře ovšem srší ze střel z ochuzeného uranu. Proto je směrnicí US-Army zakázáno mimo území Jižní Koree ukládat střely z ochuzeného uranu do tanků a bojových vozidel Bradley, a ani v Koreji se s nimi nesmí střílet. Mnohem horší situace nastane za boje, kdy se střely používají, a nebo, když nepřátelské střely roztaví části pancíře s ochuzeným uranem. Vzniknou tak jak úlomky, které zraňují, tak mikročástice, které se vdechují. To vše potom nebezpečně zamoří bojiště na stovky let! (Směrnice US-Army o ochuzeném uranu.) (Studie o rakovině iráckých žen.)
Tankům Leopard zase v Sýrii po setkání s ruskými protitankovými střelami RPG, odpalovanými na ně pěšími islamisty, létaly věže jako šílené, až Turci na Němce zuřili, co jim to prodali za šrot! Tím spíš, že ruské T-90M, tyto zásahy bez problémů přežily.
USA slíbili, že Ukrajině dodají tanky Abrams, až je vyrobí! Toto je velmi nezvyklý postup, který může znamenat, že USA buď nechtějí, aby
Ukrajině dodané tanky měly plnocenné technické vybavení – satelitní komunikaci a další vysoce utajované přístroje
A nebo se pokusí tank Abrams přestavět, tak aby nepoužíval ochuzený uran. Je totiž zvláštní, že tanky Abrams nebyly Ukrajině dodány ihned z Maroka, které jich má 384 kusů, a jistě bez utajovaných přístrojů, ačkoli Maroko Ukrajině tanky T-72 dodává.
Možným hlavním problémem je kanón tanků Abrams. Jde o německý kanón Rheinmetall ráže 120mm a délky 44 ráží, který se považuje za neschopný, bez použití střel z ochuzeného uranu, prorážet pancíře moderních ruských variant tanku T-72. Vzhledem k následkům používání střel z ochuzeného uranu, mohou USA tanky pro Ukrajinu chtít přestavět, na kanón moderních německých tanků Leopard 2 Rheinmetall ráže 120mm, ale délky 55 ráží, který s použitím wolframového náboje dokáže prorazit moderní ruské varianty T-72, T-80, ale neprorazí pancíř T-90M! Podobně neprorazí pancíř T-90M ani britský tank Challanger 2, dodávaný Ukrajině.
Průraznost střely z ochuzeného uranu DU M829A3 vypálené z kanonu Abrams na 2000m se odhaduje na 800mm moderního ruského pancíře, německé střely z wolframu DM53 pouze na 600–640 mm. Pancíř tanku T-90M ve variantě Kontakt 5 se odhaduje jako účinný proti střelám s průrazností 800mm. Ruské T-90 vydržely na bojišti v Sýrii i přímé zásahy raketami. Několik málo desítek jich bylo zničeno na Ukrajině, ale takřka výlučně starších variant, než T-90M a vyšší varianty, které nyní ruská armáda často používá! V případě Leopardů – pouze některé varianty, typicky varianty 2A6 a vyšší mají místo kanónu L-44, který je proti absolutní většině ruských tankům neúčinný, kanon L-55.
Na závěr, jaký je rozdíl mezi střelou z ochuzeného uranu, a z uranu.
Když střela z ochuzeného uranu narazí na tvrdý povrch, jako je pancíř, špička střely se rozlomí, a stane se ještě ostřejší než před nárazem. Tato vlastnost je známá jako samoostření uranových střel. Díky této vlastnosti je uran mnohem účinnější při průniku pancířem, než jiný kov. Wolfram se chová opačně, při nárazu, se tam, kde se uran rozpadne a naostří, jen otupí. Další vlastností Uranu je. že na rozdíl od jiných kovů, po proražení pancíře, následkem tření vzplane. Pronikne do tanku jako rozžhavený kulový plasmový blesk, a celý tank podpálí, až vybuchne. Nevýhodou je, že uranová střela se při průniku pancířem promění v úlomky, prach a mikročástice, a ty celé okolí výbuchu na věky zamoří!
Assessment of uranium concentration in blood of Iraqi females diagnosed with breast cancer - PubMed In comparison with the literature data, elevated levels of uranium concentration were recorded in both groups, and significantly higher average uranium concentrations were found in the blood of women with breast cancer as compared to those in the blood samples of women without breast cancer. It is concluded that there is a correlation between the incidence of breast cancer in Iraqi women and elevated levels of uranium concentrations in their blood. Whether this is a casual relationship is unclear, because cancer can be caused by various carcinogens, including environmental pollution in the region.
Russian diplomat calls on West to prevent ‘nuclear provocations’ with Leopard tanks - Russia - TASS, January 25. /TASS/. Head of Russia’s delegation to the Vienna talks on military security and arms control Konstantin Gavrilov has called on the West to prevent "nuclear provocations" with Leopard 2 tanks.
"We warn the Western sponsors of the Kiev military machine against encouraging nuclear provocations and blackmail. We know that Leopard 2 tanks, as well as the Bradley and Marder armored infantry carriers are armed with armor-piercing projectiles with uranium warheads. Their use leads to the contamination of the area, like it was in former Yugoslavia and Iraq. In case such munitions for NATO-made heavy weapons are supplied to Kiev, we will consider that as the use of dirty nuclear bombs against Russia with all the consequences that come with it," he said at an OSCE forum on security cooperation.
The German government decided earlier to send 14 Leopard 2A6 tanks to Ukraine. Apart from that, Berlin will allow reexport from other countries. Russia’s Ambassador to Germany Sergey Nechayev slammed this decision as "extremely dangerous," as it "raises the conflict to a new level of confrontation." Berlin’s choice, in his words, signaled "the final refusal of Germany to recognize historical responsibility" for Nazi crimes committed during the Second World War. He said the decision cast into oblivion "the difficult path of post-war reconciliation between the Russians and Germans.".
Moscow, Serbian Media Appear To Mislead With Claims About Cancer Fight, NATO Bombings lawmaker Darko Laketic, who heads a parliamentary Commission for Researching Health Impacts of the NATO Bombing, said in March that a study commissioned by his group in tandem with the Batut Institute of Public Health had shown "unambiguously" that children born after 1999 were exposed to something left amid the rubble.
Other legislators said at the time that they had waited months for details of that study but "so far nothing."
But many medical experts say there is no link between depleted uranium and cancer.
Zoran Radovanovic, an epidemiologist and the chairman of the Serbian Medical Association's ethics committee, denied last year that there had been an uptick in cancer cases where the NATO bombings occurred, Balkan Insight reported.
US, NATO urged to give reasonable explanation and compensation for victims of depleted uranium bombs ASAP: FM - Global Times US and NATO should deeply reflect on the war crimes they have committed, and give a reasonable explanation and compensation to the victims of depleted uranium bombs as soon as possible, China's Foreign Ministry said on Friday, the day which is also the 23rd anniversary of the end of NATO's 78-day bombing of the Yugoslavia.
NATO should also learn its lessons and not create new turmoil and divisions around the world, Zhao Lijian, spokesperson of Ministry of Foreign Affairs added. The response came after being asked at the regular press conference a question relating to 3,000 victims of depleted uranium bombs entrusted an
international team of lawyers to file a lawsuit against NATO for the bad impact of the 15-ton depleted uranium bombs dropped by NATO. However, NATO claimed that it had immunity.Twenty-three years ago on March 24, the US-led NATO launched a 78-day continuous bombardment against the Yugoslavia without the approval of the UN Security Council.
During the period, NATO dropped nearly 420,000 bombs totaling 22,000 tons, including 15 tons of depleted uranium bombs, which directly killed more than 2,500 people, including 79 children, and caused more than 1 million refugees.
Sadly, the death and suffering that the war has brought to the local area continues to this day and continues from generation to generation, Zhao said.
Relevant experts pointed out that depleted uranium bombs have a long incubation period for damage to the human body, and also cause long-term effects on the environment and the food chain.In the decade after the bombing, some 30,000 people in Serbia suffered from cancer, and more than 10,000 of them died. According to the Institute of Public Health of Belgrade, as of the end of 2019, the number of registered cancer patients in Serbia was as high as 97,000.
A study by the Serbian emergency center shows that children born in the country after 1999 have multiple cortical tumors at the age of 1 to 5 years old, malignant hematological diseases at the age of 5 to 9 years old, and the brain tumor rates rise sharply between ages 9 and 18.
In addition, as of May 2019, 366 Italian soldiers who participated in NATO military operations had died of cancer, and 7,500 suffered from illness.
However, the US, which sent US military planes to drop depleted uranium on Serbia, was also the inventor and only user of depleted uranium bombs, but it has so far denied that depleted uranium bombs are the direct cause of the Gulf War Syndrome and the Kosovo War Syndrome, Zhao said. During the Gulf War, the US dropped more depleted uranium bombs in Iraq, and NATO also tried to escape its guilt with the so-called "immunity." This approach of the US and NATO is shocking, and the Serbian people will not agree to this, nor will the peoples of the world seeking justice, Zhao noted.
Environmental radioactivity in southern Serbia at locations where depleted uranium was used - PubMed radioactivity in southern Serbia at locations where depleted uranium was used
Nataša B. Sarap, Marija M. Janković, Dragana J. Todorović, Jelena D. Nikolić, and Milojko S. KovačevićUniversity of Belgrade, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Radiation and Environmental Protection Department, Belgrade, Serbia
Received in July 2013
The results of gamma spectrometric measurements of soil samples showed that the radioactivity levels in samples were similar to values characteristic for other locations in world where depleted uranium had not been used (8, 19, 20, 23‒29). According to the calculated values of external hazard index, there is no risk for the population living in the investigated area. Measurements of radioactivity in environmental samples at these locations in southern Serbia should, however, continue.Acknowledgement This work was partially supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, under Project no. III 43009
Incidence of haematological malignancies in Kosovo—A post "uranium war" concern - PMC of haematological malignancies in Kosovo—A post "uranium war" concern
The average annual crude rate of all HM in Kosovo was 5.02 cases per 100,000 persons. Incidence rates of HM in first post-war period (2000–2003) increased by 0.37 cases/100,000 persons (9.51%) compared to the pre-war period (1995–1998) whereas in the last post-war period (2012–2015), incidence of HM increased by 3.19/100,000 persons (82%). Gjakova and Peja, the first and third most exposed regions to DU ordnance ranked first and second in difference in HM. Prishtina, Gjilan and Ferizaj, regions with the least number of rounds/km2, were characterized by a decline of incidence rates.
After the war, the increase in incidence rate of HM was higher in two regions with most DU rounds/km2 expended Despite these findings, this study warrants further investigation and does not lead us to a conclusive finding on the existence of a causal relationship between the use of DU during the war and the rise in incidence of HM in Kosovo.
NATO Depleted Uranium - May 2000 Conclusions
"Depleted uranium - the apocalypse?" was the first question asked in the introduction. Based on the above presentation and the analysis of possible consequences on man and environment, the answer is as follows:
An apocalypse caused by man as a
result of the use of DU ammunition in Iraq and the Balkans is not worthy of discussion!Are there "irradiated Swiss soldiers in Kosovo?"
The answer to this second question is:
If certain minimal precautions are taken - i.e. no trespassing on tank wrecks and no long-term contact with remaining DU ammunition fragments - the health risks of a time-limited stay in a DU-contaminated area are shown to be negligibly small, especially in comparison to other risks such as mine fields, duds, snipers, etc.
Medical effects of internal contamination with actinides: further controversy on depleted uranium and radioactive warfare - PMC effects of internal contamination with actinides: further controversy on depleted uranium and radioactive warfare
Asaf Durakovic
Congenital anomalies as a consequence of DU have been extensively studied. There is a strong suggestion of the incidence of cancer in populations of the children of British Gulf War veterans and exposed female veterans through contamination by inhalational pathways by aerosolized particles of uranium oxides, corpuscular disintegration and long half-lives [59]. According to NATO sources, this is related to the testing of uranium weapons and is well correlated with genetic anomalies in southern Iraq. This is also critically evaluated in light of infant leukemia rates as a consequence of the Chernobyl fallout, as reported by the research studies in Germany, Scotland, Belarus, Greece and Wales [60].
The overall conclusions of the effects of DU exposure on the Gulf War and Balkan veterans appear to demonstrate the adverse health effects as compared with the control population, including birth defects, leukemia [61] and a positive correlation of uranium effects in the DU exposed lung epithelial cells [62]. Regardless of the obvious risks, depleted uranium has become part of the standard operating procedures in the fields of warfare and energy production.
While benefits of nuclear energy are known and undeniable, the effects of DU on the biosphere are far from being conclusive with many unresolved contradictions. All this data contributes to a challenging field still under investigation. This ongoing area of controversy reaches far beyond basic and applied science, extending to an arena further enhanced by the agenda of various political agencies and interest groups, not infrequently interfering with the objective science [64].
In conclusion, the term “depleted uranium” is a semantic attempt to reduce awareness of the significance of its hazard to the biosphere.Serbia to Probe Health Impact of NATO Depleted Uranium | Balkan Insight RudicBelgradeBIRNMay 18, 201815:03
The Serbian parliament will establish a commission to examine the alleged effects on public health of NATO’s use of depleted uranium ammunition during the 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia.
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Yugoslav Army headquarters in Belgrade, destroyed in the 1999 bombing. Photo: Not Home/Wikipedia.
Serbian MPs are expected to vote on Friday to establish a parliamentary commission to determine whether NATO’s use of depleted uranium ammunition in 1999 has increased the number of cancer sufferers – despite scepticism from medical experts.
“Every year we use phosphate fertilisers with more uranium than what was dropped in 1999 [by NATO],” said epidemiologist Zoran Radovanovic, chairman of the ethics committee of the Serbian Medical Association.
Radovanovic told the Serbian national broadcaster, RTS, that the public is continually being frightened with a non-existing cancer epidemic, and denied that there has been an increase in the number of cancer cases.
But former chief surgeon at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology Momcilo Inic insisted that he has noted an increase in cancer patients since the 1999 NATO campaign.However, Inic told BIRN that experts from all relevant fields must be consulted before the cause is determined.
Nuclear physicist Istvan Bikit told the regional TV channel N1 that the commission should focus on those areas where depleted uranium ammunition was used – Kosovo and southern Serbia.
“It’s very hard to make a connection [between depleted uranium and cancer] because the harmful effect depends on how long you were exposed, where the projectile hit, was there evaporation and how much,” Bikit said.
Some politicians and Serbian media seem to have made up their minds even before the commission was been set up, however.
Parliament speaker Maja Gojkovic said that she believes the commission will be able to prove the link between the use of depleted uranium ammunition and cases of cancer.
But Kyle Scott, the US ambassador to Belgrade, said that the World Health Organisation and the UN determined that depleted uranium does not pose a serious health risk.
Meanwhile, Serbian tabloid media have been publishing sensationalist articles over past several days, claiming that the country is facing terrible consequences due to the NATO bombing.
Serbian tabloids blame NATO for giving Serbians cancer. Photo: BIRN.
The articles mostly ignore the fact that ammunition made from depleted uranium was used almost entirely in Kosovo, and to a lesser extent in the southern Serbian municipalities.
The pro-government daily Informer published an article on Thursday with the headline “NATO Deliberately Spread Cancer in Serbia”, while the state-owned Vecernje novosti said that “Uranium is Mowing Down Serbs”.
The future chairman of the parliamentary commission, doctor and ruling party MP Darko Laketic, has shown more restraint, saying that he does not want to prejudge what caused the increase in number of cancer cases.
“We have an obligation towards the population to prove the causes [of the cases],” Laketic told RTS.
He said that the investigation will not limit itself to the alleged effects of depleted uranium, but will also examine the effects of toxins released from the bombing of chemical plants and similar facilities.
The establishment of the commission is supported both by ruling and opposition parties in the Serbian parliament, who are expected to vote on the issue on Friday.
NATO launched air strikes in Serbia on March 24, 1999, without the backing of the UN Security Council, after Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic refused to sign up to a peace deal to end his forces’ crackdown on Kosovo Albanian rebels seeking independence.
By the time Milosevic eventually conceded 78 days later, the civilian death toll from the bombing campaign was put at around 500 by Human Rights Watch.
Ten Years Later, U.S. Has Left Iraq With Mass Displacement & Epidemic of Birth Defects, Cancers Depleted uranium: a state crime / Balkans / Areas / Homepage - Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa more victims among the Italian soldiers who participated in missions in the Balkans and were exposed to depleted uranium. According to the Military Observatory, to date 366 are dead and 7,500 sick. Now Serbia has also set up a commission of inquiry09/05/2019 - Nicole Corritore
"Just two days after the death of Daniele Nuzzi, another military man leaves us. Given the sudden onset of the deterioration of his conditions and his subsequent death, the Observatory has not yet been authorised by the family to disclose the data". Domenico Leggiero, spokesman of the Military Observatory, gave the announcement on the Facebook page "Victims of depleted uranium " on April 18th.
This is the 366th victim of depleted uranium among Italian soldiers, the so-called "Balkan Syndrome". The case broke out in 2001 with the emergence of the first cases of Italian soldiers who fell ill or died when they returned from missions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo – countries that, together with Serbia, had been bombed by NATO in 1995 or in 1999 with depleted uranium bullets (DU Depleted Uranium).Depleted uranium derives from waste material from nuclear power plants and is used for war purposes due to its high specific weight and drilling capacity. When a DU bullet explodes at very high temperature, it releases heavy metal nanoparticles into the environment. To date, scientific research has confirmed that these bullets are dangerous due to both the radioactivity emitted and the toxic dust they release into the environment.
Daniele Nuzzi, who died last April 15th at only 48 years of age, had served in the 1st Carabinieri Parachutist Regiment of Tuscania on various missions in territories bombed with DU, and when he returned to Italy he fell ill. As reported in the press release by the Military Observatory on the day of his death, "he had been denied by the military administration the recognition of victims of duty, obtained only after a few years through the attorney of the Military Observatory,
and at the time of death the judicial procedure for the recognition of adequate compensation was still in progress".
Investigation commissions
Parliamentary inquiry commissions
XIV Legislature (I Commission established February 15th, 2005)
XV Legislature (II Commission established on February 12th, 2007)
XVI Legislature (III Commission established on September 15th, 2010)
XVII Legislature – concluded March 22nd, 2018 (IV Commission established on June 30th, 2015)
Since 2001, the issue has been a real struggle between those who deny the existence of a correlation between DU exposure and illness and those who claim the opposite, supported by the numbers of deaths and illnesses and convictions against the Ministry of Defense.
Journalist Paolo Di Giannantonio recalled this at the opening of the conference held in Rome at the Chamber of Deputies on April 4th, organised by the Military Observatory. After providing the numbers of the price paid by the Italian soldiers engaged in peacekeeping missions – to date 7,500 patients and 366 deceased – he added that the lack of recognition by the Italian state has led many soldiers to turn to justice. "119 convictions have been issued against the Ministry of Defense, all managed by attorney Angelo Fiore Tartaglia, while today there are 352 pending disputes".
All this happened despite the establishment in December 2000 of the so-called Mandelli Commission , which was followed by four parliamentary committees of inquiry between February 2005 and February 2018 on the complex questions concerning the use of depleted uranium in missions abroad as well as in polygons and military premises in Italy.
The final report by the last Commission , dated February 15th, 2018 proposed a bill with various objectives relating to the protection of soldiers and also confirmed the "causal link between the ascertained exposure to depleted uranium and the pathologies reported by the soldiers" through, as recalled on April 4th by Gianluca Rizzo, president of the Defense Committee of the Chamber and also a member of the Commission, "7 missions, 50 free hearings, over 50 testimonial examinations, 33 external collaborations, and 109 sessions".
The novelty, compared to the past, is that the report was translated and delivered by Gian Piero Scanu , president of the fourth and last Commission of Inquiry, to Darko Laketić, current president of the newly formed Commission of investigation into the consequences of the NATO bombing of 1999 on citizens of Serbia ("Komisija za istragu posledica NATO bombardovanja 1999. godine po zdravlje građana Srbije") in a meeting in Rome in March 2018.
The knowledge of the parliamentary investigations carried out in Italy, but also of the data collected in various epidemiological studies involving Italian soldiers, prompted Serbia to establish a commission two months later. According to statements made by Laketić to RTV on March 19th , the commission has already carried out a medical- scientific investigation with the collaboration of the Institute for Public Health "Milan Jovanović Batut " of Belgrade, focused on subjects born after 1999 in central Serbia:
"From the first results, it emerges that in the age group 5-9 years we have a greater, and significant, percentage of patients compared to other age groups, in addition to a greater disposition to contract malignant blood diseases over time".
He also added: "We know, from the data in our possession, that a toxic factor influenced the onset of neoplasia, but we do not know which of the many (...). As regards depleted uranium, which is dominant in the public debate, I must indeed remember that it represents only the tip of the iceberg, as because of the NATO bombing many and different carcinogens have been released into the environment".
Darko Laketić refers to the bombs dropped on Serbia between March 24th and June 10th, 1999 by the Operation Allied Force, which hit factories, chemical industries, flammable material depots, and the like. From NATO data, 112 sites appear to have been bombed with DU, including 1 in Montenegro, 10 in Serbia, and 85 in Kosovo. Among these, the cities of Pančevo and Kragujevac were defined as "hot spots" by the Task Force established by the UNEP to investigate the consequences of the bombings. Pančevo, with its industrial district including a petrochemical site and a refinery, was heavily bombed since March 24th; Kragujevac was hit between April 9th and 12th, and the bombs – as in Pančevo – caused the spread of various toxic agents and the combustion of chemical agents.
Not only. A few months after the bombing ended, the government had drawn up a recovery plan for the "Zastava" car factory in Kragujevac, and the workers had personally committed to the process so that the production could start up again as soon as possible. The factory – hit, as it became known later, also with DU bullets – was cleaned up by dozens of workers who, according to the public declarations of their representatives, began to contract malignant neoplasms, and many of them died.
The case of these workers was even dealt with in 2007 in a session of the second Italian Parliamentary Investigation Commission: starting from information on the Kragujevac case received by Pietro Comba, director of the National Institute of Health and expert in epidemiology related to environmental pollution, it was proposed to start an in-depth epidemiological investigation on the approximately 1,500 workers defined as "risk cases" with complete personal and medical records.
Nothing was done, either on the Italian side or on the Serbian side. Only on April 17th, Laketić's commission chose Kragujevac as the venue for their sixth session . Among others, the members of the Commission also met representatives of the workers involved in the 1999 reclamation of the Zastava, who handed over the medical documentation.
Laketić concluded his speech on April 4th in the Chamber of Deputies reporting some data: "In Serbia we have a major health problem: we are witnessing a significant increase in the incidence of malignant diseases especially in young people, against a decrease in the EU countries. We are confident that it is related to the exposure to toxic substances. As a Commission, we have started harvesting in areas bombed with DU, and some cases have struck me a lot. For example, the group of 40 people who cleared the Pljačkovica mountain (near the city of Vranje, district of Pčinj, southeast of Serbia, ed.) which hosted a radio-television repeater: immediately after the reclamation everyone had presented skin lesions, 25 then died of malignant tumors".
Finally, he stressed the importance of the collaboration with Italy, which will allow Serbia to continue its investigations; he added that Serbia is absolutely willing to start European and international collaborations, as the topic does not only concern our two countries. That the issue goes well beyond Italian borders and is a "European theme" was also stated by Fabio Massimo Castaldo, vice president of the outgoing European Parliament. Unable to attend the meeting in Rome, he sent the organisers a video message : "Many years ago, the president of the European Commission, Romano Prodi, made a promise to set up a European commission of inquiry, which was never kept. We (M5Stelle, ed.) will bring this issue back to the European Parliament, because we have a duty to demand the truth".
Meanwhile, the legal battle continues on the Italian front. On October 4th 2018 , an important verdict was issued by the Court of Cassation: in addition to reaffirming the causal link between depleted uranium and illness, it declared the Defense guilty of ignoring the dangers to which it had exposed its soldiers in operational theatres where DU had been used, and therefore granted the compensation demanded by the soldier's family members. The ruling concerns Salvatore Vacca, who died of leukemia on September 8th, 1999, at the age of 23, after a mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It took 20 years to get justice.
Many open questions remain. Why does the Italian state, despite the evidence, not grant soldiers the lawful recognition, without forcing them to resort to endless lawsuits? Why was there no follow-up on the promised investigations, badly started and then suspended, dedicated to the Italian civilians of the NGOs and associations that operated in the territories bombed by NATO? Why is the Serbian government acting only today, after citizens have been asking to start ad hoc investigations for years? For example, the association established years ago in Vranje ("Udruženja uranijumskih žrtava Pljačkovica 99 ") has been lobbying for the recognition of the victims of mountain reclamation.
Why does absolute silence apply in Bosnia and Herzegovina after a first attempt in 2004-2005 at governmental investigations, the results of which have never been made public? Why is there no attention on the situation of civilians in Kosovo, considering that, of the 31,000 DU bullets used in 1999, 25,000 hit Kosovo and, of these, 56.47% (17,237) concentrated on the quadrant of the country to north-west (the one under the control of the Italian Kfor contingent )? And finally: given the many scientific confirmations of the radioactive and chemical dangerousness of DU and the devastating consequences on populations and the environment, why is its use not banned?
24 years after the bombings on Bosnia and Herzegovina and 20 years after those on Serbia and Kosovo, the depleted uranium scandal remains shamefully current.