FWIF - pár výskytů z netu, asi to bude jasnější:
“Let’s talk about your beautiful family,” Nick smiled.
“Let’s,” Y/N grinned at the mentioning o the best people in her life. Lala and Harry.
“What’s your husband up to?”
“He’s at home with Mila right now, so who knows what they’re up to,” Y/N laughed.
“What’s he like with her? She’s so cute. I just can’t imagine Harry Styles being…with a baby.”
Y/N laughed (it was awkward though, because Harry already hates Nick Grimshaw. Thinks he’s irritating and a bit too loud.) “Actually, he’s really good with her. So many people told me that when I was pregnant but he’s the best father ever. He does then baby voices and everything,” Y/N revealed with a laugh. “Just don’t tell him I told you that.”
Investigate Your Character’s Relationships
How long has it been since he’s called his mom—or visited her? Or is he still living in his mom’s basement at the age of 32?
What about his dad? Was he strict or slothful? Was he even around?
Now he’s heading out to meet his lady friend—or is he married? What’s he like with her? Does he get invested in relationships or is he emotionally detached? Does he view his girlfriend’s emotions with amusement or distaste? Maybe that’s why she’s dumping him right now. Or is she cutting him loose because he shies away from physical contact due to the extreme abuse he endured as a child? How does he react? Is he begging her for a second third chance? Or does he already have another lady waiting in the wings?
YNaija: Do you have any children?
I have a 7-year-old daughter, Aisha. That’s his grand daughter.
YNaija: And what’s he like with her?
Aw, he calls her Laraba which means Wednesday in Hausa and it’s considered a very lucky day. I had her like in the very early hours of the day so he just said, “Oh! her name is Laraba!” and he continued calling her that.
He’s very caring towards his grandchildren. He plays a lot with them. He’s fond of them – gives them all sorts of funny traditional nicknames….
takže jo, něco jako "jaký mají vztah". Osobně bych to přeložila zhruba
"Tahle holka, to je věc, viď? Jak oni to vlastně spolu mají? Hele, Liv, já vím, že to není takovej ten slizák, co si na starý kolena nabrnkne mladou kost, ale popravdě - ta je fakt jenom na ozdobu (ukazování), žejo?"