BOBASH: Tady je ta předmětná pasáž, od které se odvíjí terminologie používaná dál v knížce. Kontext je ten, že hrdinka, děvče z Cornwallu, se ve 40. letech přihlásí do ženských pomocných sborů, a po nějakých rozřazovacích testech je vzhledem ke své vysoké inteligenci zařazena do experimentální šestičlenné smíšené, většinou ženské jednotky protiletecké obrany coby obsluha protiletadlového děla. Tady se popisuje, jak měla ta jednotka fungovat v akci.
Although it was important that all of them had a working knowledge of the Luftwaffe’s craft, this would be the responsibility of
the spotter, a woman assigned to peer through binoculars and call out approaching aircraft. Two more women would operate
the height and range finder by pinpointing the aircraft through their
eyepieces. Finally, the two
predictors would turn the dials to calculate how far the gun would have to fire, and
the woman on the Sperry would set the fuse so the shell would explode at the precise moment. Then the Sperry operator would yell when there was
a read, and the information would be relayed from the predictor to the guns, and the gunner—always a man—would fire. The entire operation was supposed to take a matter of seconds.