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OSD 303: Why isn’t there more violence? probably aren’t a major factor for determining actual, on-the-ground levels of violence. Here’s a neighborhood-level map of murders in Baltimore:

Everybody in that map lives under the same laws. But the murder rate in some neighborhoods is 20x higher than others. The people in the gray neighborhoods with zero shooting murders could kill someone just as easily as people in the dark green neighborhoods. More easily, actually, since they’re wealthier and better educated and so could probably do a better job planning their crimes. But they just … don’t choose to kill people.
This is an unsatisfying observation. People want a big, clearly labeled button they can push to get a desired result. “ doesn’t happen because I .” It’s not very satisfying to realize that the actual reason the bad thing doesn’t happen is because millions of people simply choose not to do it.
The reasons they choose not to are understandable and pretty stable: they have better things to do with their life, they’re not aggrieved enough, and mostly they are too moral to go out of their way to do something truly evil. Occasionally, someone breaks from that norm and chooses to do the bad thing. That’s jarring, but it shouldn’t distract too much from the miracle that the only thing preventing violence from being 100x the current rates isn’t law — it’s a culture and norms that make people freely choose a better path. That should be encouraging. People do the right thing because they want to, not because the law forces them to.