TOMASINO: Nebo napriklad toto: nejdriv schvali a oficialne potvrdi, ze urcita puska neni machinegun. Potom spravnim uvazenim zmeni nazor a retroaktivne zabavi nebo uvezni (!!!) vsechny, kteri to drive v dobre vire a s dobrozdanim ATF koupili. A to bez jakehokoli psaneho potvrzeni, bez jakehokoli dopisu, jen tak verbalne - a proto, ze opet v dilne tu zbran sami tezce modifikovali a dost mozna to ani nefungovalo, ale doslova tam namlatili a nabrousili fullauto dily, tak je to kulomet a cau.
[The ATF] showed up in late August and said basically, “Hey, it’s a machine gun, we’ve deemed it a machine gun.” I said, “What? When did this happen?”
They’re like, “Well we just deemed it a machine gun.”
I was like, “Ok, well where is my paperwork?”
“We don’t have any paperwork.”
“What do you mean you don’t have any paperwork? Is there, like, a report?”
“There is a report, but you can’t have it.”
“Wait a minute, you’re telling me it’s a machine gun, and there’s a report, but I can’t have the report.”
“You would have to go to court in order to get this report.”
“You gotta give me something, fellas. You can’t just come in my shop and tell me that it’s a machine gun and I have no more information. How did you guys come up with this conclusion?”
“Well, from what I understand, they were able to beat a [full auto bolt] carrier in it past the stops, and then they were able to modify a [full auto] lower and get the lower to go on it, and they were able to get it to shoot.”
“So you guys get a registered trigger pack, and then you beat a carrier in, damaging the receiver and essentially using [the carrier] as a broach, tearing the plastic up as it went through, and then you were able to get it to shoot? Did it even shoot? Did it jam? Because I would imagine that when the carrier came back, it would get stuck and it probably wouldn’t fire again.”
OSD 105: The ATF is giving out machine guns, whether you want one or not
OSD 105: The ATF is giving out machine guns, whether you want one or not forces TommyBuilt to DESTROY GUNS? - The Gun Cast! z ATF jsou zlocinci a patri do federalniho vezeni za falsovani dukazu.