vcera byl na ceskem rozhlasu zajimavy porad o agende21 a jeji postupne implementaci v ramci EU
a v CR:
JAXXE --- --- 14:59:10 26.8.2002
Agenda 21 is the official report of the United Nations Rio de Janeiro World Summit Conference of 1992, which was built on the premises of General Assembly resolution 44/228 of 22 December 1989, which was adopted when the nations of the world (?) called for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development.
It is a plan that calls for the international control and regulation of virtually every aspect of human activity that might impact the environment, which is essentially everything humans do.
It is one of the most arrogant statements of government ever conceived, for it literally assumes that man can recreate the Garden of Eden (but only if he has sound direction from a world governing body). A partial list of chapter titles should give you a hint of what this document is all about:
* Chapter 3, Combating Poverty
* Chapter 4, Changing Consumption Patterns
* Chapter 6, Protecting and Promoting Human Health
* Chapter 24, Global Action for Women Towards Sustainable Development
* Chapter 25, Children and Youth in Sustainable Development
* Chapter 29, Strengthening the Role of Workers and Their Trade Unions
* Chapter 30, Strengthening the Role of Business and Industry
* Chapter 32, Strengthening the Role of Farmers
And so it goes through 40 chapters.
Admittedly, much of what is discussed is worth while, and we all should be concerned with the environmental conditions we create for ourselves and our posterity. But there is a great deal of scientific evidence that indicates the conditions are far from being the critical problem they are being portrayed to be; that much of the so-called evidence being relayed to the public is based on less than scientific assumptions, and is being used to frighten people into accepting controls over their lives they would otherwise resist.
Even if most of the claims being made were valid, would it be appropriate to turn the sovereignty of nations over to some unelected world body that will exercise dictatorial powers over the nations\' populations?
We do not think so. We still believe it is in the best interest of the American people to have a government that is -- of the people, by the people and for the people, -- not one that would be accountable to no one but itself. That is exactly the kind of government the United Nations is trying to establish, and Americans are being kept in the dark about it by their own elected officials and a news media that is in sympathy with the global ethos.
We offer the following verbatim quotations from Agenda 21 in the hope that it will help give you some understanding of the character of those behind this movement. Underlining or boldface is added for emphasis.
* This partnership commits all States to engage in a continuous and constructive dialogue, inspired by the need to achieve a more efficient and equitable world economy. [Ch. 2, Para. 2.1]
* ...consensus-building at the intersection of the environmental and trade and development areas will be ongoing in existing international forums, as well as in the domestic policy of each country. [Ch. 2, Para. 2.4]
* The removal of existing distortions in international trade is essential. (Ch. 2, Para. 2.7)
* Provide for an equitable, secure, non-discriminatory and predictable international trading system; [Ch. 2, Para. 2.10(b)]
* ...create a focus in national development plans and budgets on investment in human capital,with special policies and programmes directed at rural areas, the urban poor, women and children. [Ch. 3, Para. 3.4(d)]
* Sustainable development must be achieved at every level of society. [Ch. 3, Para. 3.7]
* Measures to be undertaken at the international level for the protection and enhancement of the environment must take fully into account the current imbalances in the global patterns of consumption and production. [Ch. 4, Para. 4.4]
* Achieving the goals of environmental quality and sustainable development will require efficiency in production and changes in consumption patterns... [Ch. 4, Para. 4.15]
* Governments ... should strive to...develop a domestic policy framework that will encourage a shift to more sustainable patterns of production and consumption. [Ch. 4, Para. 4.17(b)]
* Without the stimulus of prices and market signals that make clear to producers and consumers the environmental costs of the consumption of energy, materials and natural resources and the generation of wastes, significant changes in consumption and production patterns seem unlikely to occur in the near future. [Ch. 4, Para. 4.24]
* Population data should be disaggregated by, inter alia, sex and age in order to take into account the implications of the gender division of labor for the use and management of natural resources. [Ch. 5, Para. 5.28]
* Population programmes should be implemented along with natural resource management and developing programmes at the local level... [Ch. 5, Para. 5.43]
* Proposals should be developed for local, national and international population/environment programmes in line with specific needs for achieving sustainability. [Ch. 5, Para. 5.56]
* Governments should take active steps to implement programmes to establish and strengthen preventive and curative health facilities which include women-centred, women-managed,safe and effective reproductive health care and affordable, accessible services, as appropriate, for the responsible planning of family size... [Ch. 6, Para. 6.26]
* The health and well-being of all urban dwellers must be improved so that they can contribute to the economic and social development. [Ch. 6, Para.6.33]
* As a first step towards the goal of providing adequate shelter for all, countries should take immediate measures to provide shelter to their homeless poor ... [Ch. 7, Para. 7.9(a)]
* All countries should ... Formulate appropriate land-use policies and introduce planning regulations specially aimed at the protection of eco-sensitive zones against physical disruption by construction and construction-related activities. [Ch. 7, Para. 7.69(d)]
* Monitoring and evaluating the development process systematically, conducting regular reviews of the state of human resources development, economic and social conditions and trends, the state of the environment and natural resources; [Ch.8, Para. 8.4(d)]
* Laws and regulations suited to country specific conditions are among the most important instruments for transforming environment and development policies into action, not only through \"command and control\" methods, but also as a normative framework for economic planning and market instruments. [Ch. 8, Para. 8.13]
* ...since the transport sector is also a source of atmospheric emissions, there is a need for a review of existing transport systems and for more effective design and management of traffic and transport systems. [Ch. 9, Para. 9.13]
(emphasis has been added)
Perhaps you are beginning to get the idea. Can you imagine roughly four hundred pages of this? Can you imagine your tax dollars going to pay for the time and effort that must have gone into the drafting of such a statist document? After all, the United States has been funding about 25% of all United Nations expenses, even more than that of their \"peace-keeping\" initiatives.
Agenda 21 outlines a state-controlled world for the twenty-first century. The state that will be in control will not be Alabama ... or Georgia ... or any other state, nor will it be the Government of the United States, and it will definitely not be a form of representative government.
Published by The Alabama Committee to Get US Out of the United Nations
JAXXE --- --- 12:00:22 26.8.2002
rozbor agendy 21 z hlediska NWO...
Searched the web for \"Agenda 21\" \"new world order\". Results 1 - 10 of about 1,340.
JAXXE --- --- 11:51:32 26.8.2002
watch out, dneska zacina nejvetsi svetove forum v dejinach !
UN forum in South Africa to focus on sustainable development
23 August – More than 100 world leaders and 60,000 participants are set to convene in Johannesburg, South Africa, over the next two weeks as a key United Nations forum opens on Monday in an effort to find new initiatives for implementing sustainable development practices and building a prosperous and secure future for their citizens.
The World Summit on Sustainable Development, which will take place from 26 August to 4 September, comes 10 years after governments met at the so-called Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and adopted Agenda 21, a roadmap for achieving sustainable development.
The Summit promises to be one of the largest and most important international meetings ever held on the integration of economic, environmental and social decision-making and will focus on building a commitment at the highest levels of government and society to better implement Agenda 21.
The official opening of the Summit will take place on Monday with an address by South African President Thabo Mbeki. As Secretary-General of the conference, UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic Affairs Nitin Desai, is scheduled to address the plenary next, to be followed by the Executive-Director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), Klaus Toepfer. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan is slated to speak at the opening of the Summit\'s high-level segment that begins on 2 September.
For the Summit, Mr. Annan has identified five key areas in which the meeting can make a difference. Known as WEHAB, the Secretary-General says the international community should focus on issues pertaining to water and sanitation, energy, health, agricultural productivity, and biodiversity and ecosystem management.
Delegates are expected to adopt an action plan detailing the priorities and activities that countries will pursue after Johannesburg, as well as a political statement reaffirming their commitment to work towards sustainable development.
While expressing continued support for the goals of Agenda 21, the two documents will specify concrete means of overcoming problems that have hampered the implementation of Agenda 21, with a renewed focus on those activities that can be realized in each priority area.
info o agenda 21: