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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    není to k přečtení. vidíte to někdo ?
    KERRAY --- ---
    snímek z konference, Bush se ptá Condi, jestli může na wc ,)

    JAXXE --- ---
    dobra kniha k tematu, cela online jako html nebo pdf...

    Michael Nield - The Police State Road Map

    JAXXE --- ---
    Peak Oil, Pandemic, and 78 Dead Scientists

    A commemorative essay dedicated to the victims of 9/11 and countless millions of others sacrificed on the altar of the New World Order

    JAXXE --- ---
    Marines Question The Sophistication Of Latest Attacks

    Tanks and armored vehicles aren't easy to take out.

    vice: http://judicial-inc.biz/Mossad_bombs__sophisticated.htm

    HUGO --- ---
    teď mi někdo vysvětlete, proč autor vůbec nezmínil rozhlas - to nemůže být náhoda; tady něco nesedí; imho podvrženo hady, kteří předstírají že jsou nehadi a snaží se vzbudit dojem, že jsou nehadi špatně přestírající, že jsou hadi čímž má vzniknout dojem, že nejsou, a to vůbec nemluvím o tom rádiu
    CLAVEN --- ---
    TANTRAMAN: Drugs are bad, mkay?
    TANTRAMAN --- ---

    15.09.2005 - exkluzivně ze zahr. zdrojů - New World Order, konspirace, tajné služby
    Hadí ropa

    Nedávno jsem byl v Praze a večeřel s kamarádem ve velmi elegantní restauraci u řeky, která protéká městem. Můj přítel je "nějakým způsobem důležitý, něco jako herec". U večeře řekl: "Bitva o 3-D je prohraná." V oku mé mysli jsem zahlédl záblesk obrazu vrtačky, kterou Stroje použily k průniku do střechy Sionu v třetím díle Matrixu. Tu noc jsem zůstal vzhůru a přemýšlel o jeho poznámce a nevyhnutelnosti věcí. Má pravdu; 3-D jsme prohráli.

    Svět provozuje Bratrstvo Hada: Je to temná, okultní vláda z vnitřního světa oblečená do obleků ze tří kusů, nabízená s širokými zářivými úsměvy a frázemi. Oni vlastní média, manipulují informace, ovládají peníze; stojí nad zákonem a mají moc nad našim bohatstvím a svobodou. Jednají, jako by byli bohové nad námi.

    Je to rasista v jeho či její temné slávě: Židé, kteří věří, že jsou vyvolení, evropští aristokraté, kteří věří, že jejich krev je modrá, Američané, kteří věří, že jejich země je největší na světě - neporazitelná, Francouz, který věří, že jeho umění a kultura je nadřazená, italský premiér, který řekl, že "hnědí lidé" by si měli osvojit italské způsoby, pokud chtějí zlepšit sami sebe, a tak dále. Všichni jsou mistři v dělání. Vše v tomto světě má okultní identitu v Zrcadlovém světě éterické hodnosti, tak říkajíc, snadno viditelných - krotitelů hadů.

    Nikomu z nich by nevadilo, pokud byste se nějakým nepředvídaným řízením osudu nerozhodli inkarnovat se uprostřed skřípotu, skřípotu, pochodující mysli za vašimi dveřmi. Musíte se zajímat o to, proč jste v těchto dobách zde, třeba se máte dívat na to, co se děje a třeba je to úžasná lekce pro nás všechny dívat se a učit. Vše je velmi precizní, nic v Zrcadle není náhodné. To všechno vyvěrá z nějakého místa hluboko uvnitř, z pradávné myšlenky či spirituální potřeby. Některé bytosti mají temné spirituální potřeby, ostatní světlé spirituální potřeby.

    Nový věk, metafyzika a alternativní spiritualita jsou opomíjeny; byla nám odepřena platforma v médiích a byli jsme ocejchováni jako temní a nespolehliví. Přesto milujeme lidi a pokoušíme se dosáhnout vyššího porozumění, čímž se děláme zranitelnějšími. Zázračným způsobem se nám podařil obrovský pokrok, uvážíme-li, že máme k dispozici pouze několik New Age knihkupectví a šuškandu od úst k ústům. Srovnejte to s tisíci televizních hodin poskytnutých fundamentalistům, Sionistickým křesťanům, porovnejte to s prostorem poskytnutým v TV spisovatelům New Age. Pak zjistíte, jak síly vlády zajistily, aby masa lidí nebyla vystavena žádnému z alternativních životních stylů, či myšlenkám, které by mohly lidstvo osvobodit od institucí, které Bratrstvo Hada ovládá a schvaluje.

    Přesto je metafyzika vaším jediným náboženstvím, neboť se pokouší popsat tuto lidskou cestu ne v podmínkách nadřazenosti a dogmatu, ale v podmínkách energie. Všechen zbytek je omeleta a falešné myšlenky "těch, kteří budou spaseni" stejně jako přísliž života po životě, pokud budete hada podporovat finančně a řídit se jeho pravidly. Divná věc je ta, že půlka vaší spirituální identity je právě nyní v Zrcadlovém světě, takže vám nikdo nemůže život po životě slíbit, neboť již jeden máte! Nacházíte se ve spiritálním světě, zatímco žijete na Zemi. To, co se nyní děje, je to, že se váš život po životě zmanifestoval do 3-D. Je to zvláštní o tom uvažovat.

    Jinými slovy, to, co si myslíte, co cítíte a akce, které si vybíráte k vám přicházejí od identity vašeho Zrcadlového světa, vašeho zrcadla, jako pulsy energie, které jsou vám podstrkávány vteřinu po vteřině, den po dni, přes vaši podvědomou mysl. Takže pokud jste duchovní člověk a hledáte klidně a nevtíravě poučení o své energii, pak to musí být to, co hledá vaše identita Zrcadlového světa. Pokud inklinujete k reptiliánskému mozku, pak budete hledat jak zničit ostatní, živit se jimi a budete se snažit řídit tok řeky, tak říkajíc.

    Rvačky o ovládnutí lidstva a nesmyslné války nejsou ničím jiným, než reptiliánským mozkem v Zrcadlovém světě, který pociťuje ohrožení a využívá své tamější moci pulzováním stejné očekávané nadřazenosti ve 3-D. Británie má dva milióny CCTV kamer, které sledují každý pohyb lidí. Nejsou instalovány proto, že bychom se tak navzájem milovali; jsou tam proto, že se rasisté cítí ohrožení. Bojí se útoku na své bohatství či vzpoury, která by je mohla shodit z vrcholu. Samozřejmě, pokud by rasisté byli laskaví k lidem a pokud by prostým občanům byla dávána slušná šance, pak by neexistovala potřeba nějakých kamer, ale není to v jejich mentalitě, aby chtěli zacházet s jinými lidmi jako se zcela rovnými. On nebo ona se to nesnaží sdílet; chtějí lidi dojit a vše si nechat pro sebe.

    A teď dochází k nepředvídatelné zápletce.

    Západní rasisté považují Araby a jejich muslimskou víru za podřadnou. Co rastity irituje je to, že Muslimové na Blízkém východě vlastní většinu ropy. Hnědé kmeny mají v Rusku zbytek a několik dalších hnědých a černých lidí má ještě k nabídnutí pár dalších barelů: Alžírsko, Venezuela, Mexiko a Nigérie, ku příkladu. Jediná významnější ropa bělocha je Kanada; oni nejsou rasisté a nehledají nadvládu nad světem, není to jejich charakter, jsou to velmi mírní lidé. Ale je pravdou, že jejich ropa také pochází od jiného hnědého národa, který žil na ledové půdě předtím, než se tam dostal ten bílý. Pro všechny záměry i účely globální ropa je výhodou hnědých. Není náhoda, že většina mocných, rasistických, okultních rasistů jsou bílí intelektuálové a že téměř všechna ropa je v péči domorodého, hnědého lidu.

    Had žádnou ropu nemá. Je to provokativní o tom přemýšlet. To nemůže být náhoda.

    Jak se říká, v celkové evoluci naší planety neexistují žádné náhody či nehody, vše je velmi pečlivě plánováno v jiné dimenzi. Západní rasisté s nedostatkem ropy je pastí, která byla kocipována celé věky - past, kdy musíte hlídat, že se snad naučíte nespadnout do mocných výbojů a nesmyslů o osudu árijské rasy a několika vyvolených, a ty, kteří budou spaseni a magicky pozvednuti a všechno to bla-bla-bla, přilepíte do svého ridnného alba!

    Přísahám, že na toto přišlo velmi málo lidí, pokud vůbec nějací. Tato "ropná trhlina" hada je ve svém extrému nepředvídatelná, neboť účel je ukryt za Zrcadlovým světem v dimenzích, které nechápeme. Máte-li minutu, řeknu vám o tom. Pokusím se být tak pregnantní, jak to jen bude možné.

    Velká část evoluce bělochů je řízena démonskou vnitřní silou, která se snaží ovládnout lidstvo. To je povahou těch, kteří by vlastnili svět ve spojenectví s transdimenzionálními vlkodlaky, kteří by se přirozeně viděli jako vládci lidstva pod sebou. Temná, transdimenzionální vnitřní síla, která řídí tyto city, postupně krmila bílého člověka technologickými skoky potřebnými k vybudování říší, podrobení si lidí, ovládnutí zdrojů a bohatství a neomezenému vládnutí. Není náhodou, že Britové vynalezli parní stroj a telefon, Američané objevili elektřinu a vynalezli letadlo, Židé nám dali atomovou bombu, vodíkovou bombu a neutronovou bombu. Bombami, motory, elektřinou, komunikací, letadly a velkou mobilitou se stává sen rasistů skutečností: dominance, stálá hrozba a moc rychle organizovat armády.

    Pak přišel další triumf bílého muže: televize, která hadovi poskytla vládu nad myšlením mas. V té chvíli byli schopni falšovat informace a krmit lidstvo "stranickou linií". Najednou dostali božský potenciál, vládu nad lidskými dušemi. Televize je závěrečný triumf v okultní agendě k ovládnutí světa. Funguje jako únosce.


    © Stuart Wilde 2005
    MARSHUS --- ---
    22:22 Prezidenti Putin a Bush podepsali v OSN smlouvu o zabránění jadernému terorismu. Do konce týdne by se mělo připojit dalších 50 zemí. Pakt je zavazuje mimo jiné k výměně informací.
    17:55 Rada Bezpečnosti OSN přijala dvě rezoluce. Jedna volá po potírání podněcování k terorismu a druhá o prevenci konfliktů hlavně v Africe, uvedla agentura AP.
    17:23 Prezident USA vyzval Radu bezpečnosti k přijetí rezoluci, jež by zavazovala svět k boji proti teroru a obchodu s jaderným materiálem. Připojí-li se ostatní, USA zruší obchodní bariéry, řekl.
    JAXXE --- ---
    The New Healthcare System

    Former Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Tommy Thompson, who served in the Bush administration's first term, recently joined the board of directors of Florida-based Applied Digital. Applied Digital is the owner of VeriChip, the company that specializes in making implantable radio frequency identification chips (RFID) for both people and pets.

    On July 31, London's The Business reported that Thompson "is putting the final touches to a plan that could result in US citizens having [an RFID] chip inserted under their skin." Scott Silverman, CEO of Applied Digital, told WebMD Medical News on July 27 that "some 2,000 people worldwide are using" his company's implants. "But," the WebMD report noted, "soon he expects that millions of people will get VeriChip implants every year."

    Silverman also commented to WebMD that when his company "first announced VeriChip, a network poll asked people if they would put one in their bodies. Only 9% said yes. After FDA approval [in October 20041, 19% said yes. When former HHS secretary Tommy Thompson joined our board, the rate went up to 33%. But our own study shows that if you ask people whether they would have a VeriChip implant to identify their medical records in case of emergency, the positive response goes to 80%."


    According to The Business report, "the RFID capsules would be linked to a computerized database being created by the US Department of Health to store and manage the nation's health records." Thompson said he "intends to publish the proposal in the next 50 days, by which time he plans to have had a VeriChip inserted in his arm." The former HHS secretary is definitely positioned to use his past employment to help his new employer.

    Conveniently, on June 16, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R- Tenn.) and Senator Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) introduced S. 1262, with its very benign-sounding title of "Health Technology to Enhance Quality Act of 2005." During a press conference at George Washington University Hospital, Senator Clinton tidily summed up the nature of S. 1262: "This legislation marries technology and quality to create a seamless, efficient health care system for the 21 st century." Senator Frist described it as "an interoperable national health information technology system."

    The bipartisan duo proposed before the Senate "three concrete steps" to construct this "seamless" system.


    If this socialist healthcare scheme is allowed to pass, and Applied Digital succeeds in partnering with government, then Americans will be seduced into accepting a "seamless" nationalized healthcare system. But those who participate will also end up with a medical ID implant that will undoubtedly morph into a mandatory national ID.

    Copyright The New American


    JAXXE --- ---

    Wider Powers for U.S. Forces in Disasters Are Under Review

    'A senior White House official said Saturday that in the wake of the hurricane that demolished part of the nation's Gulf Coast, the Bush administration was studying whether to expand the president's powers to deploy the U.S. military in natural disasters. Dan Bartlett, counselor to President Bush, said that the administration was reviewing whether to increase the president's power to dispatch troops at the outset of a disaster and to give them law enforcement duties.

    "There's agreement that this is something that has to be studied," Bartlett said in an interview.'





    ... all of which makes sense of this story about CNN ...


    After weeks of intense Katrina coverage from the main press, LA TIMES guru and former CNN host Michael Kinsley divulges that CNN was coaching guests to artificially enhance emotions!

    Kinsley writes:

    "The TV news networks, which only a few months ago were piously suppressing emotional fireworks by their pundits, are now piously encouraging their news anchors to break out of the emotional straitjackets and express outrage. A Los Angeles Times colleague of mine, appearing on CNN last week to talk about Katrina, was told by a producer to 'get angry.'"

    Source ... http://www.drudgereport.com/flash.htm


    From Federal Failure Arises More Federal Power

    'Lawlessness, the eruption of which was guaranteed by delayed relief, provides cover both for martial law, which suspends constitutional protections, and for the confiscation of legally owned private firearms in violation of the Second Amendment to the US Constitution. Everyone has by now seen the images of troops and police breaking into New Orleans homes and pointing weapons in the faces of residents. US military even described survivors as "insurgents." (At time of writing news reports are confused whether martial law exists in New Orleans. Some reports have the mayor declaring martial law; others report that the state has declared its version of martial law. Most constitutional experts believe martial law requires an act of Congress or a presidential order or both.)'

    JAXXE --- ---

    Associated Press Photos | September 13 2005

    A picture postcard of the new Amerika, where flaming skull festooned SWAT Team thugs go house to house dragging out old ladies and seizing legally held firearms. It's the perfect government response to a human catastrophe, send trained killers in to intimidate the desperate refugees! I am from the government and I am here to help, now where are those guns?

    JAXXE --- ---
    Roberts Questioned on Implantable Chip During Hearings

    Prison Planet | September 12 2005

    During the the confirmation hearings for John Roberts Jr., George W. Bush's nominee for Supreme Court chief justice, Roberts was questioned by Senator Joseph R. Biden on whether he would rule against a mandatory implantable microchip to track American citizens.

    Click here to listen to the clip taken from today's Alex Jones show: http://prisonplanet.com/audio/120905chip.mp3

    JAXXE --- ---
    Jedním z cílů teroristů v roce 2001 měla být i budova mexického kongresu. Dva agenti Mossadu dne 10. října 2001 využili situace, kdy do budovy mexického kongresu vstoupila početná delegace odborářských dělníků a předstírajíc profesionální fotografy se vyhnuli kontrole bezpečnostním detektorem. Potom se s delegací dostali až do kanceláří prezidenta mexického kongresu. Někteří dělníci ale zjistili, že povedení fotografové jsou ozbrojeni a uvědomili bezpečnostní službu kongresu. Šéf kongresové bezpečnostní služby Salvador Alacrón potvrdil, že zadržení Izraelci měli u sebe devět ručních granátů, dynamitové patrony, detonátor, dráty a dvě automatické zbraně ráže 9 mm. Izraelská ambasáda okamžitě po zadržení obou agentů použila nejsilnější diplomatické prostředky k jejich propuštění. Z Izraele přiletěl speciální vyslanec Ariela Šarona a setkal se generálem Macedo de la Concha a státním sekretářem Jorge Gutmanem z mexického ministerstva zahraničních věcí. Mimochodem Jorge Gutman je židovského původu. Přestože držení zbraní a jakýchkoliv výbušnin je v Mexiku ilegální, byli oba agenti po této intervenci propuštěni. Proto se o pozadí celé akce víc asi nedovíme. Nicméně pokud by byl mexický kongres vyhozen do vzduchu a mexická veřejnost byla patřičně mediálně masírována, že jde o akci Osamy bin Ladina, bylo by dnes Mexiko patrně pevnou vojenskou součástí tzv. protiteroristické koalice. O celém incidentu informovala mexická televize a noviny La Vox De Aztlan / http://www.aztlan.net/mexmossad.htm /, moskevská Pravda / http://english.pravda.ru/main/2001/10/13/17982.html /, ale i židovské stránky USAJewish.com

    PETVAL --- ---
    PETVAL --- --- 9.07:30 14.9.2005
    FESTER: tak se bav potichu, puso

    FESTER --- --- 8.53:52 14.9.2005 --- [9.07:24 :: nejnovějsí příspěvky]
    SWEDE: jaky je rozdil mezi mejma blabolama a vasima ???

    co tak se vyspat ty ???
    SWEDE --- --- 8.51:38 14.9.2005 --- [9.04:37 :: sledované diskuze]
    FESTER: běž se už vyspat, už od noci všude blábolíš nesmysly
    FESTER --- --- 8.50:44 14.9.2005 --- [9.07:24 :: nejnovějsí příspěvky]
    PETVAL: a vyhrozuj si Ban...vazne... je mi to putna
    FESTER --- --- 8.49:36 14.9.2005 --- [9.07:24 :: nejnovějsí příspěvky]
    PETVAL: tvoje starosti bych tel mit...:) ja mam spis tady srandu...:)
    PETVAL --- --- 8.48:05 14.9.2005
    FESTER: k prispevku jsi zapomnel prilozit informacni hodnotu. vyber si diskuzi podlozenou argumenty nebo zvasty a writeban
    FESTER --- --- 2.56:40 14.9.2005 --- [9.07:24 :: nejnovějsí příspěvky]
    GORG: paci paci pacicky tata koupil boticky a maminka pasek za mysi ocasek
    FESTER --- --- 2.51:50 14.9.2005 --- [9.07:24 :: nejnovějsí příspěvky]
    GORG: j ya right zamestnace FEMA :)
    PETVAL --- ---
    Gold and Economic Freedom, by Alan Greenspan, Published in 1966

    "Stripped of its academic jargon, the welfare state is nothing more than a mechanism by which governments confiscate the wealth of the productive members of a society to support a wide variety of welfare schemes."

    "In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value."
    GORG --- ---

    I just got back from a FEMA Detainment Camp

    GORG --- ---
    Bush vows action over Iran


    US President George W. Bush, bound for the United Nations, said overnight that he would try to rally China and Russia this week behind possible UN action to ensure Iran does not get nuclear weapons.

    "It is very important for the world to understand that Iran with a nuclear weapon will be incredibly destabilising. And therefore, we must work together to prevent them from having the wherewithal to develop a nuclear weapon," he said.


    // on si neda pokoj :)
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Otazníky kolem 11. září
    PETVAL --- ---
    Time For Ford Foundation & CFR To Divest?
    by bob feldman
    8 October 2002

    Like MIT and Harvard University, the Ford Foundation and the Council on Foreign Relations [CFR] also may invest in Big Oil stock, U.S. war machine stock, and in the stock of U.S. corporations that do business under the Sharon regime in Israel/Palestine. One way to more effectively resist the U.S. Establishment's militaristic foreign policy might be to seriously demand that MIT, Harvard, the Ford Foundation and the Council on Foreign Relations divest themselves of their Big Oil, war machine and Israeli-linked corporate stockholdings.

    Some of the investment income which the multi-billion dollar Ford Foundation may gain from its investment in Big Oil, war machine stock and Israeli-linked corporations is used to pay excessively high salaries to Ford Foundation executives. Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations member Susan Berresford, for instance, was paid an annual salary of $615,934 (plus an additional $114,095 in benefits) in 2001 by the "non-profit" Ford Foundation for serving as the Ford Foundation President. The chief investment officer of the Ford Foundation (who also moonlights as the Ms.Foundation for Women board member responsible for managing that "non-profit" group's investment portfolio), Linda Strump, was paid an even greater annual salary in 2001 of $890,217 by the "non-profit" Ford Foundation.

    Some of the Ford Foundation's investment income is also used to fund the alternative media work of groups that generally exclude 9/11 conspiracy journalists and researchers from their radio and tv shows, such as FAIR and DEMOCRACY NOW/Deep Dish TV/Pacifica. And an even greater portion of the Ford Foundation's investment income is used to help fund the Council on Foreign Relations [CFR] Inc. which has played an especially influential role in developing the U.S. Establishment's militaristic foreign policy
    --in addition to (like the Ford Foundation) receiving dividends from a stock portfolio which may contain Big Oil, war machine and Israeli-linked stock. As Thomas Dye noted in a book that was published during the Bush I Administration, entitled WHO'S RUNNING AMERICA? THE BUSH ERA:
    The most influential policy-planning group in foreign affairs is the Council on Foreign Relations [CFR]...The CFR by-laws limit membership to 1,900 individuals who are proposed by existing members...The CFR's list of former members includes every person of influence in foreign affairs...CFR meetings are secret...A discussion of the CFR would be incomplete without some reference to its multinational arm, the Trilateral Commission...The Trilateral Commission was established by CFR Board Chairman David Rockefeller in 1972, with the backing of the Council and the Rockefeller Foundation.

    THE CIA AND THE CULT OF INTELLIGENCE by Victor Marchetti and John Marks also made the following reference to the Council on Foreign Relations:
    It was no accident that former Clandestine Services Chief Richard Bissell...was talking to a Council on Foreign Relations discussion group in 1968 when he made his 'confidential' speech on covert action. For the influential but private Council, composed of several hundred of the country's top political, military, business and academic leaders, has long been the CIA's principal 'constituency' in the American public. When the agency has needed prominent citizens to front for its proprietary companies or for other special assistance, it has often turned to Council members.

    Former Ford Foundation executive and CIA official Bissell apparently told the Council on Foreign Relations discussion group the following in 1968:
    If the agency is to be effective, it will have to make use of private institutions on an expanding scale, though those relations which have been 'blown' cannot be resurrected. We need to operate under deeper cover, with increased attention to the use of 'cut-outs' (i.e., intermediaries). CIA's interface with the rest of the world needs to be better protected. If various groups hadn't been aware of the source of their funding, the damage subsequent to disclosure might have been far less than occurred. The CIA interface with various private groups, including business and student groups, must be remedied.
    (quote contained in THE PIED PIPER: ALLARD K. LOWENSTEIN AND THE LIBERAL DREAM by Richard Cummings)

    Seventeen years before he moved into the Ford Foundation presidential office, the now-deceased former Ford Foundation President, McGeorge Bundy, also worked with the Council on Foreign Relations. As NATION magazine contributing editor Kai Bird recalled in his MacArthur Foundation, LBJ Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation-subsidized book THE COLOR OF TRUTH: MC GEORGE BUNDY AND WILLIAM BUNDY: BROTHERS IN ARMS:

    [In 1949,] Mac took on a project with the Council on Foreign Relations in New York to study Marshall Plan aid to Europe...The council's study group on aid to Europe included some of the foreign policy establishment's leading figures. Working with young Bundy on the project were Allen Dulles, David Lilienthal, Dwight Eisenhower, Will Clayton, George Kennan, Richard M. Bissell and Franklin A. Lindsay. Dulles, Bissell and Lindsay...would shortly become high-ranking officials of the newly formed Central Intelligence Agency...Their meetings were considered so sensitive that the usual off-the-record transcript was not distributed to council members. There was good reason for the secrecy. These were probably the only private citizens privy to the highly classified fact that there was a covert side to the Marshall Plan. Specifically, the CIA was tapping into the $200 million a year in local currency counterpart funds contributed by the recipients of Marshall Plan aid. These unvouchered monies were being used by the CIA to finance anti-communist electoral activities in France and Italy and to support sympathetic journalists, labor union leaders and politicians.

    Both Bundy brothers were also good friends of Frank Wisner, the legendary intelligence officer who ran these covert programs in Western Europe. They socialized with Wisner and his...wife Polly, often at dinner parties hosted by Joe Alsop...Phil and Kay Graham of the WASHINGTON POST were also part of the same social scenery. In short, the council's study group placed Mac Bundy among a small group of like-minded men who fully understood and endorsed the necessity for waging psychological warfare against the Soviet Union.

    The policy paper Mac wrote that summer, "Working Paper on the Problem of Political Equilibrium," assumed that such covert activities in Western Europe were worthy endeavors.

    THE COLOR OF TRUTH book also contains the following additional reference to the ties between former Ford Foundation President Bundy, the CIA and the Council on Foreign Relations:
    Bundy...thought it only natural that the historian William L. Langer...had taken a leave from Harvard to organize the CIA's Office of National Estimates [ONE]...Langer had gone to Washington at the call of the CIA and promptly hired Mac's brother Bill as one of his top aides. They were old friends and political allies...Mac had published a review in THE REPORTER of a massive two volume study of America's entry into World War II written by Langer and S. Everett Gleason. Langer had finished the project while at the CIA and Gleason was a high-ranking official in the National Security Council. Bundy called it a "magnificent achievement...so thorough that it will never be done again"...Funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Council on Foreign Relations to the tune of $139,000--an extraordinary sum in those years--and written with privileged acces to classified documents, the Langer-Gleason volumes were official history parading as independent scholarship...

    According to a chapter entitled "How The Power Elite Make Foreign Policy" that appeared in the 1970 book THE HIGHER CIRCLES by G. William Domhoff, the Ford Foundation-subsidized Council on Foreign Relations has historically operated in the following way:

    ...Political scientist Lester Milbrath notes that "The council on Foreign Relations, while not financed by government, works so closely with it that it is difficult to distinguish Council actions stimulated by government from autonomous actions"...Aside from membership dues, dividends from invested gifts and bequests, and profits from the sale of FOREIGN AFFAIRS, the most important sources of income are leading corporations and major foundations. In 1957-58, for example, Chase Manhattan, Continental Can, Ford Motor, Bankers Trust, Cities Service, Gulf, Otis Elevator, General Motors Overseas Operations, Brown Brothers, Harriman, and International General Electric were paying from $1,000 to $10,000 per year for the corporation service, depending upon the size of the company and its interest in international affairs...More generally, in 1960-61, eighty-four large corporations and financial institutions contributed 12% ($112,200) of CFR's total income. As to the foundations, the major contributors over the years have been the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation, with the Ford Foundation joining in with a large grant in the 1950's. According to [newspaper columnist Joseph] Kraft, a $2.5 million grant in the early 1950's from the Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie foundations made the Council "the most important single private agency conducting research in foreign affairs." In 1960-61, foundation money accounted for 25% of CFR income.

    All foundations which support the CFR are in turn directred by men from Bechtel Construction, Chase Manhattan, Cummins Engine, Corning Glass, Kimberly-Clark, Monsanto Chemical, and dozens of other corporations. Further, to complete the circle, most foundation directors are members of CFR. In the early 1960's, Dan Smoot found that twelve of twenty Rockefeller Foundation trustees, ten of fifteen Ford Foundation trustees, and ten of fourteen Carnegie Corporation trustees were members of CFR. Nor is this interlock of recent origin. In 1922, for example, former Secretary of State Elihu Root, a corporation lawyer, was honorary CFR president as well as president of the Carnegie Corporation, while John W. Davis, the corporation lawyer who ran for President on the Democratic ticket in 1924, was a trustee of both the Carnegie Corporation and CFR...

    Turning to the all-important question of government involvement, the presence of CFR members in government has been attested to by Kraft, Cater, Smoot, CFR histories and THE NEW YORK TIMES, but the point is made most authoritatively by John J. McCloy, Wall Street lawyer, former chairman of Chase Manhattan, trustee of the Ford Foundation, director of CFR and a government appointee in a variety of roles since the early 1940's: "Whenever we needed a man," said McCloy in explaining the presence of CFR members in the modern defense establishment that fought World War II, "we thumbed through the roll of council members and put through a call to New York."...

    Despite the importance of speeches and publications, I think the most important aspects of the CFR program are its special discussion groups and study groups. These small groups of about twenty-five bring together businessmen, government officials, military men and scholars for detailed discussions of specific topics in the area of foreign affairs. Discussion groups explore problems in a general way, trying to define issues and alternatives. Such groups often lead to a study group as the next stage. Study groups revolve around the work of a Council research fellow (financed by Carnegie, Ford and Rockefeller) or a staff member...In 1957-58...the Council published six books which grew out of study groups. Perhaps the most famous of these was written by Henry Kissinger, a bright young McGeorge Bundy protege at Harvard who was asked by the CFR to head a study group. His NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND FOREIGN POLICY was "a best seller which has been closely read in the highest Administration circles and foreign offices abroad"...

    It is within these discussion groups and study groups, where privacy is the rule to encourage members to speak freely, that members of the power elite study and plan as to how best to attain American objectives in world affairs...It was supposedly a special CFR briefing session in early 1947 that convinced Undersecretary of State Robert Lovett of Brown Brothers, Harriman that "it would be our principal task at State to awaken the nation to the dangers of Communist aggression."

    Despite the fact that the CFR is an organization most Americans have never heard of, I think we have clearly established by a variety of means that it is a key connection between the federal government and the owners and managers of the country's largest financial institutions and corporations. It is an organization of the power elite...In my view, what knowledge we have of CFR suggests that through it the power elite formulate general guidelines for American foreign policy and provide the personnel to carry out this policy...

    From a $135,057,600 stock portfolio which may be invested in Big Oil stock, U.S. war machine stock and Israeli-linked corporate stock, the Council on Foreign Relations, itself, earned an investment income of $2,905,350 between July 21, 2000 and June 30, 2001. Some of this investment income of the "non-profit" Council on Foreign Relations Inc. was then used to pay Council on Foreign Relations President Leslie Gelb an annual salary of $258,686.

    The Ford Foundation-subsidized Council on Foreign Relations is one of the U.S. governing elite institutions responsible for formulating the U.S. Establishment's militaristic foreign policy and an institution that may profit from investments in Big Oil, U.S. war machine and Israeli-linked corporate stock. So it might be politically productive for the U.S. anti-war movement to seriously start making stock divestment demands on both the Countil on Foreign Relations and the Ford Foundation, as well as on MIT and Harvard University.

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