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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---

    Investigators are hunting right now for the "masterminds" of three bombings - conviniently labeled as "suicide"-bombings - on Bali hoping to identify the bombers using photographs of their severed heads circulating in newspapers nationwide.

    Do you have some heads on stock?

    Besides, one of the bombers was caught on camera by a tourist who was filming the events at the steakhouse in Kuta. It shows a man with a rucksack, passing by the guests, adjusting his sack and dissapearing out of view.

    Than a bang.

    Another suspect went - and this is strange - towards the lesser crowded space to the backside of the restaurant where his bomb exploded too - killing only one person - probably a waiter. Why didn't the alleged "suicide-bomber" stay where he could have made much more atrocities? Didn't he knew of his "heavy burden" in his rucksack?

    Quite possibly this was a similar proceeding as those bombings in London on 777 where most probably the "suicide-bombers" didn't knew of their fate as well - before it was too late.

    According to AP - "...Mbai also said police believe the bombs, which were packed with ball bearings to inflict maximum damage over a wide area, were detonated by mobile phone..."

    As you can see from the previous articles (links below) the mobile net was shut off on Bali immediately after the first explosions - so preventing additional blasts...


    hobie -- Sunday, 2 October 2005, 1:21 a.m.

    FarSight3 -- Sunday, 2 October 2005, 5:14 a.m.


    The Bali Police admit the bombs were detonated by remote control, so why did there have to be "suicide" bombers, and why did one of them walk AWAY from the crowds just before his bomb exploded?

    Was this another London, where "actors" were hired to take part in a "terror drill" ?
    PETVAL --- ---
    BILLY_STYX: the 1962 topic is covered here, just filter the keyword Northwoods
    ONDREX --- ---

    ZMRDI ZKURVENÝ se hrnou do PRAHY :!
    BILLY_STYX --- ---

    i don t understand good cz , but here you can find an old conspiracy was previous to be organised by us in 1962 to take place around Guatanamo and Cuba, check the similar idea and compare it to 9,11,

    and here RUMSFELD speech ON 9/11

    In his private dining room to U.S. Rep. Christopher Cox, R-Calif minutes before the attack.
    "He said, 'Let me tell ya, I've been around the block a few times. There will be another event.' And he repeated it for emphasis," Cox said. "And within minutes of saying that, his words proved tragically prophetic."

    Interview with Lyric Wallwork Winik, Parade Magazine Friday, Oct. 12, 2001.
    "Here we're talking about plastic knives and using an American Airlines flight filed with our citizens, and the missile to damage this building and similar (inaudible) that damaged the World Trade Center."

    Christmas Eve address to U.S. troops in Baghdad.
    In the speech, Rumsfeld made a passing reference to United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania after passengers attempted to stop al Qaeda hijackers. But in his remarks, Rumsfeld referred to the "the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the plane over Pennsylvania."

    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    BILLY_STYX: tak jsem si to objednal, určitě poreferuju. grabnu a vystavím na veřejně dostupném ftp.
    BILLY_STYX --- ---
    available dvd about 911 investigation, just send stamp and get free dvd offert by the milionnar M. Walter , already 350 000 sold in usa
    order from reopen911.org.

    GORG --- ---
    Don't blame the government...
    Posted by: Damon Rios
    Posted on: záøí 28, 2005, 11:33 dop. PDT
    Story: FBI to get veto power over PC software?
    Blame yourself. When you choose security over freedom, this is what you get. I live in NY and saw my city attacked, but I would gladly live in fear of terrorists, as opposed to living in fear of my government (which I am doing now, after reading this article). My Political Science professor repeatedly said that if you give the government power, it will use it. Everyone clamored for the government to do something about the terrorists, gave them unlimited power to do so, and know is complaining. I started complaining about the Patriot Act when it was passed, because I saw this coming when a list of the library books that I read became subject to subpeona.

    NY has a lot of tall buildings, all of which I would gladly watch collapse, if that is what it takes to have my freedom.

    GORG --- ---
    S. 517: A bill to establish a Weather Modification Operations and Research Board, and for other purposes
    GORG --- ---
    US forces 'out of control', says Reuters chief
    JAXXE --- ---
    FBI to get veto power over PC software?

    The Federal Communications Commission thinks you have the right to use software on your computer only if the FBI approves.

    No, really. In an obscure "policy" document released around 9 p.m. ET last Friday, the FCC announced this remarkable decision.

    According to the three-page document, to preserve the openness that characterizes today's Internet, "consumers are entitled to run applications and use services of their choice, subject to the needs of law enforcement." Read the last seven words again.

    The FCC didn't offer much in the way of clarification. But the clearest reading of the pronouncement is that some unelected bureaucrats at the commission have decreeed that Americans don't have the right to use software such as Skype or PGPfone if it doesn't support mandatory backdoors for wiretapping. (That interpretation was confirmed by an FCC spokesman on Monday, who asked not to be identified by name. Also, the announcement came at the same time as the FCC posted its wiretapping rules for Internet telephony.)

    Nowhere does the commission say how it jibes this official pronouncement with, say, the First Amendment's right to speak freely, not to mention the limited powers granted the federal government by the U.S. Constitution.

    What's also worth noting is that the FCC's pronunciamento almost tracks the language of the 1996 Telecommunications Act. Almost.

    But where federal law states that it is the policy of the United States to preserve a free market for Internet services "unfettered by federal or state regulation," the bureaucrats have adroitly interpreted that to mean precisely the opposite of Congress said. Ain't that clever?

    Posted by Declan McCullagh

    JAXXE --- ---
    This is Walter Wolfgang, a member of the Labour Party since before Tony Blair was born, and a fugitive from Nazi Germany where he lost his family. He was manhandled out of the Labour party conference by 'security' thugs and later held under the anti-terrorism act. His crime? Shouting 'nonsense' during a speech on Iraq.

    This is Blair's Britain, as it is Bush's America, a fascist state in all but name where dissent is crushed and the pathetic sycophants cheer on demand.

    'An 82-year-old Jewish fugitive from Nazi Germany who lost family in the Holocaust, Walter Wolfgang knows a thing or two about how freedom of speech is suppressed. He learned a little more yesterday when he was manhandled by Labour goons at the party conference for daring to shout 'nonsense' at Jack Straw's used car salesman's weasel words on Iraq. Time was when heckling was the lifeblood of politics in Britain but yesterday's scenes would not have been out of place in North Korea, with Mr Wolfgang even being detained briefly under anti-terror laws.'


    JAXXE --- ---

    'The EU has been given the power to compel the national courts of its 25 Member States to fine or imprison people for breaking EU laws, even if a country's own Government and Parliament are opposed to that.

    An unprecedented ruling yesterday by the EU Court of Justice in Luxembourg gives Brussels the power to introduce harmonised criminal law across the EU, creating for the first time a body of European criminal law that all Member States must adopt. The judgment by the EU supreme court was opposed by 11 EU Governments - Ireland, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, France,the UK, Spain, Portugal and Greece.'

    JAXXE --- ---
    Al-Qaeda cleric exposed as an MI5 double agent

    By Daniel McGrory and Richard Ford
    Allies say warnings were ignored

    ONE of al-Qaeda’s most dangerous figures has been revealed as a double agent working for MI5, raising criticism from European governments, which repeatedly called for his arrest.

    Britain ignored warnings — which began before the September 11 attacks — from half a dozen friendly governments about Abu Qatada’s links with terrorist groups and refused to arrest him. Intelligence chiefs hid from European allies their intention to use the cleric as a key informer against Islamic militants in Britain.

    Abu Qatada boasted to MI5 that he could prevent terrorist attacks and offered to expose dangerous extremists, while all along he was setting up a haven for his terror organisation in Britain.

    Among the scores of young militants who came to visit him in London was the chief suspect in the Madrid train bombings. His followers also included people who wanted to be suicide bombers for al-Qaeda, such as Richard Reid, the shoe bomber.

    A special tribunal that has investigated his operations in Britain described him as “a truly dangerous individual”.
    A ruling by the Special Immigrations Appeals Commission revealed yesterday that there was evidence to show that Abu Qatada “has been concerned in the instigation of acts of international terrorism”.

    A security source in Madrid said yesterday: “Who knows how much violence and bloodshed could have been prevented if Britain had heeded the warnings about this man a long time ago.”

    With terrorism at the top of the agenda at the European Union summit today in Brussels, Tony Blair is bound to be asked about MI5’s history with Abu Qatada and other militant clerics who have used Britain as their base.

    Spain, France, Italy, Germany, the United States and Jordan all asked to question Abu Qatada about his links to al-Qaeda but were refused.

    Instead, MI5 agents held three meetings with the cleric, who bragged of his influence among young Islamic militants and insisted that they were no risk to Britain’s national security.

    He pledged to MI5 that he would not “bite the hand that fed him”.

    He also promised to “report anyone damaging the interests of this country”. Instead, he was recruiting for al-Qaeda training camps.

    His continued liberty for years after international demands for his arrest was an embarrassment for Britain. When David Blunkett introduced his controversial Anti-terrorism Crime and Security Act, 2001, which allowed him to detain foreign suspects without trial, Abu Qatada claimed that the law “was enacted with him particularly in mind”.

    He disappeared from his family home in West London just before the law came into force.

    Indignant French officials accused MI5 of helping the cleric to abscond. While he remained on the run, one intelligence chief in Paris was quoted as saying: “British intelligence is saying they have no idea where he is, but we know where he is and, if we know, I’m quite sure they do.”

    Almost a year later Abu Qatada was found hiding in a flat not far from Scotland Yard.

    Abu Qatada was appealing against his continued detention in Belmarsh top security prison, but Mr Justice Collins ruled that the cleric was “at the centre in the UK of terrorist activities associated with al-Qaeda”.

    He is a Jordanian national who arrived here with a forged United Arab Emirates passport in September 1993 claiming asylum.

    Jordan told Britain that he had been convicted for terrorist attacks in Amman seven months before September 11.

    Spanish investigators produced evidence that a militant they had in custody in Madrid — Abu Dahdah — had visited the cleric more than 25 times, bringing him money and new recruits.

    Abu Qatada was banned by most mainstream mosques, so held his own meetings at the Four Feathers Club, near Baker Street in Central London. His lawyer says that he “entirely denies” any involvement with terrorism.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Bohemian Grove Employee Blows the Whistle on Inside Events

    PETVAL --- ---
    V prvně jmenované zemi se kupříkladu vzhledem k rozporuplným, ba protichůdným teoriím Scotland Yardu o londýnských výbuších a policejní popravě osmi výstřely do hlavy již na zemi ležícího Brazilčana (zpráva vyšetřovací komise Independent Police Complaints Commission) ptají, kde že se to nachází hranice marciálního způsobu boje proti fenoménu „populárně“ (a nebo populisticky?) nazývanému "mezinárodní terorismus". V minulém roce přispěly ve Španělsku lži a manipulace okolo pumových atentátů v Madridu k pádu Aznarovy vlády, za nynější socialistické vlády se z podobných důvodů pokouší soudce Juan del Olmo z nejvyššího Národního soudu „právní cestou“ umlčet renomovaný španělský deník El Mundo. Ten totiž zveřejnil a několikrát detailně potvrdil nepříjemné informace, že španělská policie nejen o plánovaných útocích věděla, nýbrž že do akce, která stála život 192 lidí, byli dubiózním způsobem zapleteni špiclové a informátoři policie, Guardia Civil i tajné služby CNI. Vzhledem k těmto a podobným zkušenostem nepůsobí vidina „preventivní vazby“, o které v Německu uvažují „červený“ spolkový ministr vnitra Schily a jeho „černý“ bavorský kolega Beckstein zrovna uklidňujícím dojmem.
    Uvnitř západního společenství, jehož součástí jsme se po roce 1989 stali, probíhá proces, ve kterém se právo čím dál tím více stává obětí politické manipulace. Zatímco je pod heslem boje proti terorismu ignorovány platné mezinárodní právo i konvence a vedou se ilegální války (Jugoslávie, Irák), jejichž výsledkem jsou „kolaterální škody“ v podobě chaosu, devastace a desetitisíců civilních obětí, mění se tzv. otevřená společnost krok za krokem v dozorčí stát.

    Přitom je v občanovi vyvoláván dojem, že nebezpečí přichází zvenčí a demokratický právní stát má existenční patent s garancí věčnosti. Jenže i sebelepší ústava se změní v bezcenný cár potištěného papíru, iluze svobody, pokud společnost opustí vůle ji dodržovat. Perverzní na tom není eventuelní policejní přehmat, nýbrž fakt, že během proklamovaného exportu demokracie do světa dochází pod heslem zachování vnitřní bezpečnosti státu k jejímu postupnému omezování u jejích vývozců. Nejmodernější sledovací technika, zavádění průkazů totožnosti s biometrickými údaji, možnost vazby bez soudního rozsudku, vnitrostátní nasazení armády spolu s dalšími plánovanými „opatřeními“ pocit bezpečnosti spíše sugerují než zaručují a dlouhodobě poslouží spíše kontrole „průhledných“ občanů, než jejich ochraně před různorodě motivovaným teroristickým násilím. To je de facto v podmínkách probíhající globalizace, při které zároveň kolabují kdysi těžce vydobytá pravidla mezinárodního soužití, mocenskými prostředky právního státu de facto neuchopitelné.

    Trend současného vývoje „od presumpce neviny k předpokladu viny“ opouští jednu z základních filozofických zásad právního státu. Lze očekávat, že se tento trend v rámci obecně vládnoucího proudu reálně existující politiky nevyhne ani naší zemi. Na tyto teknotrendy naši osvědčení matadoři „občanské společnosti“ a bdělí ochránci „právního státu“ v čele s exprezidentem-dramatikem samozřejmě nereagují. Na jejich pozadí se jeví kauza CzechTeku jako zástupný problém odvádějící pozornost od problémů zásadních. Jako bychom chtěli v podmínkách technicky přebujelé civilizace za každou cenu imitovat postupný soumrak dávné římské republiky: čím menší je občanův reálný vliv na věci veřejné, tím žádanější jsou iluzionistická představení podobného typu, v jejichž souvislosti je možné vést vcelku nezávazné debaty na téma právo, svoboda, demokracie. Budoucnost ukáže, zda z nich zbude víc než možnost se občas vyřádit na zelené louce.

    JAXXE --- ---

    Internet Thought Police

    USA Today | September 28 2005

    Transport George Orwell's novel 1984- in which a totalitarian Big Brother government tries to rule citizens' lives and control their thoughts - into the 21st century, and it would look a lot like China today.

    Consider what happened this week. Continuing a long battle to curb what it considers a subversive information source - the Internet - China tightened its censorship of online news services and bulletin boards.

    Major search engines and portals have been ordered to stop posting unauthorized commentary. Only opinion pieces from government-controlled sources are allowed. Private individuals and groups must register as "news organizations" before operating e-mail distribution lists. Anyone who violates the rules faces prison. Already, China has jailed a journalist for sending text of a Communist Party memo to foreign websites.

    Distressingly, Western companies, notably Yahoo, have cooperated with the authorities as a price of being allowed to do business in China. In doing so, they become partners of the totalitarian state. The specter arises that the Internet, usually assumed to be a catalyst for free speech and democracy, is becoming a tool for repression. If China is successful, other regimes no doubt would follow.

    China, of course, can't possibly stamp out all material it doesn't want its citizens to see. Internet use in China is soaring, along with cellphone use and text messaging. About 8% of China's 1.3 billion people are now Internet users. Many have proven adept at skirting the most advanced censorship methods in the world.

    At this point, it's anyone's guess how many Chinese will succeed in getting a free flow of information, and how many will be scared off by government intimidation or manipulated by censorship and propaganda.

    What's more clear is that democratic nations and their companies should not help China's Thought Police turn the Internet into a platform for Orwellian Newspeak and Doublethink. However appealing collaboration might seem, they would eventually find that the world of 1984 was not a pleasant place.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Special Report:Katrina/Rita Fallout Part Two

    Martial Law: The Pretext Is Now Set


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