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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    London 7/7 Attack: Creating the Enemy

    by Ghali Hassan

    July 14, 2005

    Instead of saying; it is too early to say who is responsible for the 7/7 London bombing, Tony Blair immediately accused Muslims and Islam of the crimes. No evidence, no names and no documentation were provided to support his accusations. This happened despite the fact that all Muslim nations have strongly condemned the attacks on innocent people. They do so, Blair said, because they "hate our way of life" and "our values". Why these ‘Muslim terrorists’ chose Britain of Blair not Switzerland or Sweden? The word why has simply disappeared from the language of both politicians and the media.

    Western media, pundits and commentators were quick to jump on the Blair-Bush bandwagon and continue to amplify and encourage this anti-Muslim prejudice. To blindly accuse Muslims and Islam of violence is to ignore the real purveyors of today’s violence and terrorism in the world. Do few individuals represent the whole faith of Islam or Christianity?

    Those responsible ‘have no respect for human life’, Blair said. Do those who participated in the barbaric "Shock and Awe" bombings of Baghdad and in the destruction of Iraqi towns and cities have respect for human life? What kind of terrorists has the capacity to perpetuate the criminal atrocity inflicted on the Iraqi people? Baghdad was the heart of the Muslim world and cultural capital of Islam for more than seven centuries.

    Since March 2003, there has been a London bombing in Baghdad every day. The holly cities of Najef and Fallujah have been destroyed. Hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi men, women and children have been murdered. Tens of thousands of Iraqis are imprisoned, and tortured every day. The whole fabric of the Iraqi society has been deliberately decimated. Why?

    The British public were told that the London bombing bears "all the hallmarks of al-Qaeda attacks". Even if the ‘terrorists’ are ‘white’, the British daily, The Independent, insured its readers, the ‘terrorists’ have to be "’mercenary terrorists’ hired by al-Qaeda to carry out these attacks". Al-Qaeda is now the West’s label for everything Muslim.

    What is al-Qaeda? Al-Qaida (the ‘Base’ in Arabic) was the CIA sponsored training camp for the Afghan Mujahideen, including Osama bin Laden and his fighters. The group was created and financed by the US administration against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. They were called "freedom fighters" by former US president Reagan. In fact after meeting a group of bearded Mujahideen in the White House, the former president said: "These are the moral equivalent of America’s founding fathers". So, not long ago Mr Bin Laden and his men were the equivalent of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln.

    Al-Qaeda has become a convenient phantom to justify an ongoing war. The continuing existence of al-Qaeda is a very useful pretext for the Blair-Bush axis and allies. It provides the necessary tool to create fear and manipulate public opinion.

    The 7/7 London bombing was next to impossible to conduct in the middle of high security without the intelligence and coordination of important people in Britain. Like the 9/11 attacks, the 7/7 London bombing remains a mystery, and the crimes against innocent people will provide Blair’s government with enough pretexts to:

    (1) justify the introduction of unpopular new British identity card;
    (2) implement intrusive surveillance and policing of Muslims and the Muslim community;
    (3) introduce new draconian legislations that will curtail freedom, civil liberties, and limits dissent, such as protest;
    (4) continue to support Bush’s war of terror against defenceless nations; and
    (5) divert public attention from the "pre-emptive" terrorism and the war crimes committed against the Iraqi people.

    Throughout the Cold War, which was a pretext for state of fear, Western secret agents and NATO collaborated in attacks against civilian targets, which they then blamed on left-wing groups in order to create panic and force the public to turn to governments for more security and protection. One of these right-wing groups, implicated in attacks on civilians, was code-name Gladio. The existence of this group only became known in Italy in the 1990s and the Italian Senate, amid public protests, had to close it down, because it 'was beyond democratic control'. In other words, the lies became too big to hide from the public. (Cited in 'Secret Warfare: Gladio', by Daniele Ganser). Criminals are not difficult to find to instil fear and panic in the population. (See Fear: A political tool)


    JAXXE --- ---
    No Video of the 3 Bombers Inside the London Subway Cars before they blew up?

    by Dick Fojut

    July 25, 2005

    At present, the London underground has an analogue video network and video transmission at 180 stations. Confirmed by new reports, there are close to two thousand video cameras which monitor London's Underground and mainline rail stations.

    It is estimated that "the average Briton is caught on various cameras up to 300 times on a normal day." (The Age, 8 July 2005).

    The key issue raised in this commentary refers to videocameras inside the underground carriages. In most European metro systems, the trains are equipped with a videowatch installation, with video cameras inside each carriage. The driver of the train is able to see inside each of the carriages, and the digital video files would be available to police investigators.

    EVERY London bus and Underground train car has multiple Video Cameras!

    The Police claim the bus videos malfunctioned, but made no similar claim about the video cameras in the Underground train cars.
    The Muslim men are claimed to have ridden from Luton to King's Cross where they split up to take separate trains. I've also read it takes about 25 minutes to ride from Luton station to where the bombs were detonated.

    Therefore, there MUST be some 25 minutes continuous video of first four men, riding from Luton, then video of each (supposed) "Muslim" Bomber, seated with his rucksack on each of the 3 separate Underground cars, riding from King's Cross - to where the 3 bombs exploded SIMULTANEOUSLY!

    If the London Police CANNOT produce those videos they SHOULD possess, the accused 4 men, 3 supposedly with rucksack bombs, were NOT on the Underground train cars
    , did NOT detonate bombs! And the Police are LYING.

    The 3 young men from Leeds apparently were innocent "patsies" used in a "False Flag" phoney Blair Government instigated "terrorist" attack! They weren't suicide bombers, or deceived dupes. They WEREN'T on the trains!

    Instead of 3 falsely accused Muslim "patsies," either unidentified "others" must have carried on and detonated the bombs - OR the bombs were ALREADY concealed under seats, or UNDER the subway cars - and detonated by REMOTE CONTROL!

    Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

    LEDVOUSH --- ---
    Svědectví očitého svědka londýnského atentátu:"..jako kdyby ta nálož byla ukryta pod vagónem!"

    Tanečník z Cambridge Bruce Lait může mluvit o zázračném úniku, když bomba explodovala pouhých několik yardů od něj v soupravě podzemky.

    32letý muž byl poražen výbuchem a vzbudil se do šílené scény ničení v podzemním tunelu nedaleko londýnské stanice Aldgate East station.

    Pan Lait, který vyučuje tanec v Cambridgi, se domnívá, že on a jeho taneční partnerka Crystal Main byli jedinými pasažéry, kteří přežili výbuch bez vážných zranění - i když seděli nejblíže místa, kde vybuchla nálož.

    Když přišel k sobě, leželo na něm tělo a byl obklopen mrtvými a raněnými. Ale je neuvěřitelné, že jedinými zraněními, které taneční mistr utrpěl, bylo pořezání obličeje a perforovaný ušní bubínek.

    "Cítím se extrémně, extrémně šťastný," řekl.

    K explozi došlo hned poté, co pan Lait a paní Mainová, 23, nastoupili do soupravy na Liverpool Street a zamířili na South Bank na zkoušku.

    Vybavuje si, že vagón měl uvnitř tak 20-25 lidí nejrůznějších lidí nejrůznějšího věku od teenagerů až do 60.

    "Pamatuji si Asiata, byl tam bílý muž v teplákové soupravě a baseballkou a naproti nám seděly dvě starší ženy," řekl.

    "Byli jsme tam taky asi něco kolem minuty a najednou k tomu došlo. Byl to jak obrovský elektrický výboj, který nás srazil a prorazil bubínky. Stále ten zvuk slyším," řekl.


    Policajt říkal "pozor na tu díru, tady byla ta bomba". Plech byl vyhnutý nahoru, jako kdyby ta bomba byla pod vagónem. Zřejmě si mysleli, že bomba byla v zavazadle, ale nepamatuji si, že by někdo stál v místě, kde to bouchlo, ani jakékoli zavazadlo," řekl.

    Byli vedeni tunelem na nástupiště v Aldgate, které bylo několik set yardů daleko a vyvedeni ven ze stanice, aby počkali na záchranku.

    Pan Lait byl odvezen do Královské Londýnské Nemocnice do Whitechapelu, kde se v pátek setkal s Královnou.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Georgia Claims Russia Behind February Bombing

    Created: 26.07.2005 11:00 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 11:00 MSK


    Georgian Interior Minister Vano Merabishvili accused the Russian military Monday of being behind a series of attacks, including a powerful car bomb attack that killed three policemen in the eastern Georgian city of Gori in February.

    The enquiry into the Gori attack “revealed that Russian colonel Anatoly Sysoyev organized a group of saboteurs who were trained on Russian territory. The group was responsible for several terrorist attacks and organized the attack in Gori,” Merabishvili said in televised remarks that were immediately denied by Russia’s embassy in Tbilisi and officials in Moscow.

    “No Russian state institutions could have had any relation to this,” Yevgeny Ivanov, spokesman for the Russian embassy in Tbilisi, told AFP by telephone.

    “The claims made by Georgia’s interior minister... do not have any bearing on reality. This is clearly a provocation, reflecting the unfriendly official line of official Tbilisi towards Moscow,” the Itar-Tass news agency quoted a senior official from the Russian army’s general staff as saying.

    Three people have so far been arrested in the investigation and six more are wanted, Merabishvili said, adding that the results of the enquiry had been passed to the Russian embassy in Tbilisi, which Ivanov said would be studied. “I hope the Russian side will hand over all the suspects that organised and carried out these terrorist attacks on Georgian territory,” Merabishvili said.

    The interior minister said he believed the group was responsible for attacks against power lines and an oil pipeline.

    Sysoyev belonged to the Russian army’s main intelligence directorate and was frequently in touch with officials in Moscow, according to the filmed confession of one of the men arrested, Giya Valiyev, who has been charged with carrying out the bomb attack.




    The Hegelian Dialectic in History: Russian FSB caught blowing up buildings

    ANGLAN --- ---
    We now know that a blueprint for the creation of a global Pax Americana was drawn up for Dick Cheney (now vice-president), Donald Rumsfeld (defence secretary), Paul Wolfowitz (Rumsfeld's deputy), Jeb Bush (George Bush's younger brother) and Lewis Libby (Cheney's chief of staff). The document, entitled Rebuilding America's Defences, was written in September 2000 by the neoconservative think tank, Project for the New American Century (PNAC).
    The plan shows Bush's cabinet intended to take military control of the Gulf region whether or not Saddam Hussein was in power. It says "while the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein."

    The PNAC blueprint supports an earlier document attributed to Wolfowitz and Libby which said the US must "discourage advanced industrial nations from challenging our leadership or even aspiring to a larger regional or global role". It refers to key allies such as the UK as "the most effective and efficient means of exercising American global leadership". It describes peacekeeping missions as "demanding American political leadership rather than that of the UN". It says "even should Saddam pass from the scene", US bases in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait will remain permanently... as "Iran may well prove as large a threat to US interests as Iraq has". It spotlights China for "regime change", saying "it is time to increase the presence of American forces in SE Asia".

    The document also calls for the creation of "US space forces" to dominate space, and the total control of cyberspace to prevent "enemies" using the internet against the US. It also hints that the US may consider developing biological weapons "that can target specific genotypes [and] may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool".

    Finally - written a year before 9/11 - it pinpoints North Korea, Syria and Iran as dangerous regimes, and says their existence justifies the creation of a "worldwide command and control system". This is a blueprint for US world domination. But before it is dismissed as an agenda for rightwing fantasists, it is clear it provides a much better explanation of what actually happened before, during and after 9/11 than the global war on terrorism thesis. This can be seen in several ways.

    First, it is clear the US authorities did little or nothing to pre-empt the events of 9/11. It is known that at least 11 countries provided advance warning to the US of the 9/11 attacks. Two senior Mossad experts were sent to Washington in August 2001 to alert the CIA and FBI to a cell of 200 terrorists said to be preparing a big operation (Daily Telegraph, September 16 2001). The list they provided included the names of four of the 9/11 hijackers, none of whom was arrested.

    JAXXE --- ---
    PETVAL --- ---
    9/11 The Great Illusion by George Humphrey

    This documentary is the film version of the book "9/11: The Great illusion", also by George Humphrey
    60 objective facts, worthy questions and valuable insights that will make even the skeptics realize that 9/11 was orchestrated and carried out by the Power Elite within our own Government.

    PREVIEW: http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/july2004/190704greatillusion.htm


    PETVAL --- ---
    Orwell Rolls in His Grave
    info & trailer: http://www.orwellrollsinhisgrave.com/trailer.htm
    link: ed2k://|file|Orwell.Rolls.in.his.Grave.[shareprovider.com].avi|715202560|9BBC9202BF0DAC02377F5C80F11D3C2B|/
    JAXXE --- ---
    S pasem Velkého bratra

    25. července 2005 Miroslav Korecký

    Nové dokumenty nebudou tak bezpečné, jak vláda slibovala

    V nových cestovních pasech Čechů se má brzy objevit čip, v němž je uložena digitální fotografie, posléze i otisk prstu. Ochránci osobních dat varují, že za větší bezpečnost zaplatíme snadným zneužitím citlivých soukromých údajů.

    Jdete po ulici a v protějším domě si někdo pročítá pas ve vaší kapse: jméno, příjmení, rodné číslo, národnost. Spolu s těmito údaji si do své databáze ukládá také vaši elektronickou podobenku a otisky prstů...
    To není svět George Orwella, ale možná česká realita roku 2006.
    Už za rok mají začít úřady vydávat nové pasy: uprostřed tažení proti terorismu, na základě požadavků USA i EU, budou cestovní doklady obsahovat také biometrické prvky. Nejprve přijde na pas digitální fotografie, dva roky nato otisky obou ukazováčků, vážně se uvažuje také o obrazu oční duhovky. Odborníci na ochranu osobních dat už předem varují: vzhledem k použití technologie takzvaných RFID čipů (viz rámeček Chytré čipy) vážně hrozí, že se k citlivým údajům držitele dokladu dostane bez velké námahy prakticky kdokoli.

    O technologii, s jejíž pomocí mají být do pasu vepsány biometrické údaje, se až dosud nehovořilo; ministerstvo vnitra jakoukoli možnost zneužití informací odmítalo. Nyní se ale dostalo do sporu s Úřadem pro ochranu osobních údajů. Ochránci dat upozorňují: radiofrekvenční čip, který bude obsahovat jak psané nacionále, tak biometrické prvky, půjde přečíst i na dálku a bez vědomí majitele pasu. „Ministerstvo vnitra nás uklidňuje, že vzdálenost mezi čipem a čtecím zařízením může být jen několik centimetrů, odborné studie nám ale potvrzují pravý opak,“ říká šéf úřadu Karel Neuwirt.

    Odborníci tvrdí, že už dnes lze číst tento druh čipů na vzdálenost desítek metrů; brzy by to mohly být dokonce stovky metrů. Vzhledem k širokému použití technologie RFID v komerční sféře jsou přitom čtečky čipů běžně dostupné. Nabízí se mnoho způsobů zneužití informací. Třeba z duhovky lze vyčíst některé choroby, otisk prstu v sobě zase podle některých teorií skrývá sexuální orientaci. Představit si lze dokonce bombu, kterou přivede k výbuchu třeba blízkost čipu s konkrétní zakódovanou národností držitele pasu.
    Jakým způsobem se stát pokusí zneužití údajů z čipů alespoň ztížit, ministerstvo vnitra zatím neříká. Konkrétní technické pojistky má navrhnout až vítěz tendru na výrobu nových pasů. Vnitro v chystaném zákoně zatím slibuje pouze mírné omezení, tedy že stát nebude vytvářet databázi otisků prstů všech držitelů pasů. „Otisky budou zničeny po uplynutí šedesáti dnů od vyrobení pasu,“ tvrdí mluvčí ministerstva Radka Kovářová. Úřadu na ochranu dat to však nestačí. „Žádáme ještě minimálně to, aby zákon výslovně nakazoval, že informace z čipů nesmí číst nikdo jiný než pohraniční a celní kontrola,“ říká Neuwirt. Ministerstvo vnitra to ale odmítá, a ochránci dat se proto pokusí vpašovat do zákona výslovný zákaz až při projednávání v parlamentu.

    MARNEYY --- ---
    LEDVOUSH: Rekl bych, ze z tohohle nebude mit "velky sef" radost. Tohle je, rekl bych, trochu trhlinka, na jinak bezvadne provedene akci...
    LEDVOUSH --- ---
    Česko opět zvyšuje bezpečnostní opatření

    Bezpečnostní opatření v Česku se po sobotním útoku teroristů v Egyptě opět zvýší. Vycvičí se více psů schopných hledat výbušniny, bude více policistů v letadlech. Více se budou využívat kamery ve městech. Přeprava výbušnin bude více sledována. Prohlásil to v pondělí po jednání Ústředního krizového štábu ministr vnitra František Bublan.
    ANGLAN --- ---
    Once a government resorts to terror against its own population to get what it wants, it must keep using terror against its own population to get what it wants. A government that terrorizes its own people can never stop. If such a government ever lets the fear subside and rational thought return to the populace, that government is finished.

    New York was fear city yesterday as heavily armed police swarmed a double-decker bus packed with tourists in Times Square and later shut down Penn Station after an irate passenger said he had a bomb.
    In a dramatic sign of the city's edginess since the London transit bombings, cops evacuated buildings, shut midtown streets and forced about 60 terrified tourists to march off the double-decker bus, with their hands up, in the heart of Broadway.

    Cops in riot gear handcuffed a group of apparently harmless South Asian-looking men with British accents after a jittery tour bus worker reported they seemed suspicious.

    "People were really scared," said Jill Sully, 29, of Saskatoon, Canada. "There were sharpshooters with guns pointed toward our bus."

    "I was scared out of my mind," said another passenger, Amanda Pesanello, 20, of Coventry, R.I. "We don't have things like this in Rhode Island."

    LEDVOUSH --- ---
    Londýnská policie jmenovala dva atentátníky

    Londýnská policie v pondělí identifikovala dva muže podezřelé z útoků 21. července v tamních dopravních prostředcích. Podle Scotland Yardu umístili nálože do plastových nádob vyrobených v Indii. Ani jeden z podezřelých nebyl zatím zadržen. Policie se obává, že mohou akce zopakovat.
    PETVAL --- ---
    LEDVOUSH: Uz abychom meli biometricke RFID pasy, ktere nas pred tim ochrani. A az propojime vizove databaze s turnikety v metru, pokladnami v supermarketech, vyloucime moznost cerne prace. Ziskame vice na danich, a budeme se moci jeste vice zabezpecit pred temi zlymi. Ceka nas Krasny novy svet.
    PETVAL --- ---
    Dick Sutphen - The Battle for Your Mind: Persuasion and brainwashing techniques being used on the public today
    LEDVOUSH --- ---
    Proč policie nezkontrolovala podezřelého Brazilce před vstupem do metra?
    PETVAL --- ---
    Teoretik na spiknutí 11. září vypsal odměnu
    JAXXE --- ---
    Nová frekvenční zbraň proti demonstrantům může přinést trvalé následky, vědci protestují

    Nový Světový Pořádek řádně utahuje šrouby. Již brzy budou proti demonstracím nasazeny nové frekvenční zbraně Sheriff. Systém funguje tak, že vstřelí paprsek mikrovln o kmitočtu 95 gigahertzů proti manifestujícím, kterým způsobí pálivou nesnesitelnou bolest po dobu přibližně 5 vteřin. Tajně zkoušené psychotronické a frekvenční zbraně americká armáda již běžně používá při ovlivňování obyvatelstva na Středním Východě. Časopis New Scientist však nyní varuje, že zbraň není tak bezpečná, jak ubezpečuje americký Pentagon. Naopak. Mnohým demonstrantům může přinést popáleniny a v případě, že nosí brýle či čočky, dokonce ztrátu zraku. Již brzy se možná ve jménu "boje proti terorismu" dočkáme zákazu shromažďování nebo dokonce stanného práva. Doba, kdy se na ulicích střílejí "podezřelí", v historii moderních států nemá obdoby. Článek, který uveřejnilo papírové vydání LN v sobotní části Věda, na internetu není, takže na něj nemohu uvést odkaz.

    ANGLAN --- ---
    So.....if the bomb was in a bag carried on by the terrorist, how could two dancers be "nearest the bomb"? And why didn't the person who was the closest eyewitness see the bomber, or even ANYONE, sitting where the bomb went off? Why was the metal pushed upwards if the bomb was inside of the train carriage?

    Let's put this in perspective, piece by piece:

    "The metal was pushed upwards as if the bomb was underneath the train."

    "I don't remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag."

    "We were nearest the bomb."

    An Asian guy, a white guy, two old ladies, and a blond businesswoman......and two dancers.

    Here we go again. Another terrorist event with more questions than answers, questions that the major media (yet again) aren't even asking.

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam