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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Official Line on London Bombings changes AGAIN. Bombings not linked, there is NO mastermind

    London Independent | August 13 2005

    Comment: The Ministry of Truth goes to work once more. With the help of MI5 and MI6, the "investigation" has revealed that there was NO mastermind, and the bombings were not connected. They have HAD to change the facts because it came out that Haroon Rashid Aswat, the guy they announced to be the mastermind of the Bombings has been working with British Intelligence for at least six years.

    The suicide cell that killed 52 people on 7 July is not linked to those alleged to be behind the second London attacks on 21 July, according to the initial findings of the biggest anti-terrorist investigation held in Britain.

    An investigation into the four suicide bombers from the first attacks and the people alleged to be behind the July 21 plot has found no evidence of any al-Qa'ida "mastermind" or senior organiser. The inquiry involved MI5, MI6, the listening centre at GCHQ, and the police.

    The disclosure that the July 7 team were working in isolation - and were radicalised by Mohammad Sidique Khan, the oldest man - has caused concern among anti-terrorist officers.

    Police and MI5 fear it increases the chance that more "self-sufficient" units similar to the July 7 suicide cell are hiding in Britain. Anti-terrorist officers are worried by the evidence that previously unknown "clean skin" terror cells are forming in Britain with little or no help from abroad.

    The alleged plotters behind the July 21 bomb incidents in London are thought to have been "copycats", targeting Tube trains and a bus.

    The intelligence assessment was made in the past few days. "The key point is that the events are not connected," said one counter-terrorist source. "It appears they were self-contained, rather than being organised by some kind of mastermind.




    Terror suspect remains in custody

    BBC | August 13 2005

    Comment: There is no longer any mention of the fact that this is the guy they announced to be the mastermind of the London Bombings. The story has changed because we exposed the fact that he has been an intelligence asset for at least six years.

    A Briton wanted by US authorities after being accused of attempting to set up a terror training camp in Oregon has been remanded in custody by UK magistrates.
    Haroon Rashid Aswat, of Dewsbury, West Yorks, was remanded in custody until 8 September by Bow Street magistrates.

    Mr Aswat, 30, who denies the claims and says he will contest a US extradition request, was already in custody after a hearing at Belmarsh prison on Monday.

    He had been arrested on Sunday after being deported from Zambia.

    The Briton was arrested in the African country on 20 July on immigration charges and was held for two weeks before being deported.

    The US authorities want to question him about an alleged attempt between October 1999 and April 2000 to set up a training camp in Bly, Oregon, to train people to "fight jihad" in Afghanistan.

    The US warrant alleges that he "conspired with others to control and manage an association of persons in Bly, Oregon, who would be organised and trained, or organised and equipped, for the purpose of enabling them to be employed for the use or display of physical force in promoting a political object, namely to make hijrah to, and to fight jihad in, Afghanistan."

    A second claim was that he conspired with others so that any training would "arouse reasonable apprehension" that people were being prepared to "fight jihad" in Afghanistan.




    Terror Expert: 7/7 Mastermind was working for British Intelligence, Group was used by Brits in Kosovo in the late 90s

    Haroon Aswat, the so called mastermind of the London bombings with Radical cleric Abu Hamza al Masri in a London cab on Jan. 20, 1999.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Před více než čtyřmi roky, 8. června 2001, zveřejnily Britské listy text, jehož autorem je protestantský pastor a teolog Martin Niemöller (1892-1984). Opakujeme ho dnes znovu, protože si na něj mnoho lidí v poslední době nevzpomnělo. Na otázku čtenářů, proč jsou v demokracii menšiny v jistém smyslu důležitější než většina, odpověděli jsme tehdy citátem duchovního. Vztahuje se k Německu a ke 30. létům (autor byl zatčen v roce 1937, strávil osm let v nacistických koncentračních táborech), ale platí dodnes. Přidali jsme k němu řečnickou otázku :"V České republice zatím fotografují "anarchisty", porušují zákon vůči "squatterům" a šikanují několik málo novinářů - když to strpíte, jste si jisti, že za několik málo let nebudete ve stejné situaci i vy?"

    Jste si jisti dnes?

    Niemöller pronesl v roce 1950 na synodě evangelické církve v Berlíně-Weissensee jako jedna z čelných osobností německé Vyznávající církve a president EK v Hessen-Nassau v souvislosti s vyhlazováním Židů ještě tuto sentenci: "O toto slovo ... jsme zápasili po celá léta, ještě dříve než se udála ta veliká katastrofa, a musím říci, že se jako představitel Vyznávající církve, na jehož slova se tehdy dalo, cítím velmi hluboce vinen; za to, že jsme tehdy nemluvili tak, jak jsme měli. A co se pak odehrálo roku 1938 a co se z toho vyvinulo - milí bratři, nevím, jestli mne za to na posledním soudu nebude Bůh zkoumat daleko jinak, než činili SS, protože my jsme to věděli. A byli jsme si dobře vědomi, že to víme; ale nechtěli jsme. "

    Když přišli nacisté pro komunisty, mlčel jsem; nebyl jsem přece komunista.
    Když zavírali sociální demokraty, mlčel jsem; nebyl jsem přece sociální demokrat.
    Když přišli pro odboráře, mlčel jsem; nebyl jsem přece odborář.
    Když přišli pro Židy, mlčel jsem, nebyl jsem přece Žid.
    Když přišli pro mě, nebyl už nikdo, kdo by se mohl ozvat.

    LEDVOUSH --- ---
    Nad Prahou visí hrozba islámského terorismu. Potvrzují to shodně české zpravodajské služby, policie i Národní protidrogová centrála.
    13.8. 2005 00:01

    PRAHA - Stovky mrtvých po pádu ultralehkého letadla v Praze na Staroměstském náměstí nebo v jeho okolí. Zatopené metro po mohutné explozi v tunelu metra procházejícím pod hladinou Vltavy. Stovky mrtvých návštěvníků při explozi ve sportovní hale. Tyto obrazy nepocházejí z katastrofického filmu a nejsou ani poplašnou zprávou. Tak údajně plánují islámští teroristé. Nikdo neví, jak daleko mají od těchto plánů k útoku.

    Shromážděné informace o záměrech teroristů Právo předalo Bezpečnostní informační službě (BIS), civilní rozvědce a Národní protidrogové centrále. Obsahují soupisy více než 100 osob z prostředí islámského terorismu a narkomafie, které plánují útoky na Prahu.


    není to náhodou snaha odvrátit pozornost od událostí kolem Czechteku 2005?
    GORG --- ---

    Paroubkův Blair A Blairův Paroubek

    S Paroubkem přichází na svět jakási česká obdoba blairovské „nové“ sociální demokracie, která po delší době nepůsobí trapně a nedělá veřejnou ostudu. Ze sociální demokracie se stává dobré a na pohled i poslech „čisté“ show. Co Paroubek řekne, zní srozumitelně jako by to dávalo smysl a skóruje v sondážích voličských preferencí. Stejně jako Blair před svým prvním zvolením i ve svém prvním vládním období.

    Britům trvalo pět let, než prokoukli, že jim Blair lže. Paroubkovi to i při jeho akceleraci blairovské transformace politické levice může každopádně vydržet do voleb.


    Politologové na konzervativně-socialistický blairismus už dávno vymysleli vědecký termín „třetí cesta“. To je politika, která nemá ideologické principy, jimiž by se řídila, protože jejím jediným principem a cílem je udržet se za každou cenu u moci.

    Tak se mohlo stát, že pod Blairovou „sociálně angažovanou“ vládou ti nejbohatší zbohatli, ti nejchudší zchudli a všechno to platí střední třída. Za fasádou sociálního státu pod českými socialisty dochází k největšímu zdražování základních životních výdajů, od energetiky, přes dopravu, DPH, po paušální živnostenskou daň bez ohledu na výdělek, které opět nejvíc postihuje ty nejchudší, ještě než z nich stačí nějaká střední třída vyrůst.
    GORG --- ---

    Jiri Paroubek meets Tony Blair in Downing Street

    "Mr.Paroubek mentioned that they were discussing Iraq that the situation in Iraq is quite tense - people are dying in attacks by the insurgents. I asked him one question, whether he would be pressing on Tony Blair in any way for foreign troops to leave Iraq and he replied quite clearly that it is not his opinion that the Czech troops should leave Iraq by the end of this year."


    But it was obvious from what he said and also when he was leaving the Downing Street that they were quite friendly with Tony Blair, they were talking directly - I haven't seen actually an interpreter - and they got on quite well. I am sure it was a successful visit from Mr. Paroubek's view, and also from Tony Blair's point of view."

    // takze kamaradi hmm
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Numerous troubling reports from Russian Intelligence Analysts suggest that the Coup attempt currently underway in the United States is spiraling out of control and may soon break into open, and public, hostilities vying for control over the American Government. Particularly troubling is one report detailing an American Air Force F-16 attack upon a bomb laden truck bound for the American City of Chicago but destroyed before it could reach its intended target and as we can read an American ‘sanitized’ version of this as reported by the Associated Press News Service in their article titled "Truck ‘vaporized’ when cargo explodes"

    pokracovani i s linkama:

    JAXXE --- ---
    ASDAREEL --- ---
    GYD: Kde se to dá najít?
    GYD --- ---
    panove, diky za upload Hjacking Catastrophe a Orwell Rolls In His Grave - velice prinosne a kvalitni
    PETVAL --- ---
    Wednesday, August 10, 2005
    Globalists Seek To Sanitize Internet
    JAXXE --- ---
    Teenagers to swear allegience at Citizens Days


    EVERY youngster in the UK will be required to take part in citizenship ceremonies under a radical government plan to boost "Britishness" and combat extremism, Scotland on Sunday can reveal.

    Ministers are considering the controversial move following the bomb attacks in London by UK-born Muslims, which have placed unprecedented focus on the question of British identity.

    Experts have warned that the bombers are the product of Britain's ghettoised urban culture, which has failed to provide national symbols around which to unite.

    Scotland on Sunday can reveal that Britain's first 'Citizenship Day' has been pencilled in for this October, to celebrate the value of community and volunteer work.

    Ministers are also consulting on plans to copy citizenship ceremonies in Australia and Canada, where citizens are encouraged to take part in ceremonies pledging their allegiance to their country.

    Among the plans under consideration is a "rite of passage" plan in which all 18-year-olds would be forced to take part in a ceremony marking the fact that they are able to vote.

    But the ceremonies are likely to be resisted by some young Britons, who are naturally wary of what they regard as flag-waving patriotism.

    ©2005 Scotsman.com


    JAXXE --- ---
    Four Star General Fired For Organizing Coup Against Neo-Cons?

    Reporter suggests Brynes discovered plan to turn nuke exercise into staged terror attack

    Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones | August 10 2005

    The head of Fort Monroe's Training and Doctrine Command, four star general Kevin P. Byrnes, was fired Tuesday apparently for sexual misconduct according to official sources.

    Other sources however have offered a different explanation for Byrnes' dismissal which ties in with the Bush administration's unpopular plan to attack Iran and the staged nuclear attack in the US which would provide the pretext to do so.

    According to reporter Greg Szymanski, anonymous military sources said that Brynes was the leader of a faction that was preparing to instigate a coup against the neo-con hawks in an attempt to prevent further global conflict.

    Indications are that, much like popular opinion amongst the general public, half the military oppose the neo-con's agenda and half support it.

    Further revelations were imparted by journalist Leland Lehrman who appeared today on The Alex Jones Show.

    Lehrman's army sources, including a former Captain in intelligence, became outraged when they learned that the official story behind 9/11 was impossible.

    They told Lehrman that the imminent Northcom nuclear terror exercise based in Charleston, S.C, where a nuclear warhead is smuggled off a ship and detonated, was originally intended to 'go live' - as in the drill would be used as the cover for a real false flag staged attack.

    This website has relentlessly discussed similar style drills which took place on the morning of 9/11 and on the morning of 7/7 in London.

    "Speculation exists that he had potentially discovered the fact that it was gonna go live and that he was trying to put a stop to it or also speculation indicates that he may be part of a military coup designed to prevent the ridiculous idea of doing a nuclear war with Iran, " said Lehrman.

    Lehrman said that other sources had told him all army leave had been cancelled from September 7th onwards, opening the possibility for war to be declared within that time frame.

    Northcom officials also admitted to Lehrman that CNN had been using its situation room as a studio.

    Earlier this week, Washington Post reported that the Pentagon has developed its first ever war plans for operations within the continental United States, in which terrorist attacks would be used as the justification for imposing martial law on cities, regions or the entire country.

    American Conservative Magazine recently reported that Dick Cheney had given orders to immediately invade Iran after the next terror attack in the US, even if there was no evidence Iran was involved.

    Government and media mouthpieces have been fearmongering for weeks about how a nuclear attack within the US is imminent.

    Now would be the most opportune time for the Globalists to stage a major attack, as it would head off any potential indictments against the Bush administration for their involvement in illegally outing CIA agent Valerie Plame.

    While rumors circulating about indictments having already taken place against Bush and Cheney should rightly be treated very carefully, the fact that there is an ongoing criminal investigation into the matter is something that's admitted and shouldn't be viewed as speculation.

    MARSHUS --- ---
    na cyber to moc nefunguje
    PETVAL --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Scotland Yard 'Not Interested' In Talking To 7/7 Bomb Mastermind

    JAXXE --- ---

    9/11 ON TRIAL By Tony Rennell – Daily Mail, Saturday 6th August, 2005

    MARSHUS --- ---
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