Mel jsem inzerat na bazosi. Dosla mi SMS z divneho cisla a ze jestli jeste plati (cesta emailova adresa(spise adresat)) a plyna cestina (zadny drahousek zakaznik).
Ale na reakci mi doslo toto:
Sorry, I have to write in English because I'm more fluent in English, Thank you for your response, I'm so happy to hear from you I agree with your price and I can pay you with bank transfer or paypal, either which would be convenient for you. If you want us to proceed, please send me your account information and i'll transfer the money as soon as we
reach an agreement.
Account name:
Account Number(IBAN):
Total cost of the same:
so once I get the details I'll go ahead with the payment through bank and Send Money, Pay Online or safer way to send money, make an online payment, receive money. I hope we can make the purchase as fast as possible and then I will contact my shipping company after receiving the payment. I will need your home address for you to be picked up by the shipping company.
Ne že bych se chystal tam něco posílat, ale k čemu by jim byl moje IBAN číslo a jméno? Něco mi uniká?