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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    KERRAY --- ---
    KERRAY --- ---
    fractal wrongness

    The state of being wrong at every conceivable scale of resolution. That is, from a distance, a fractally wrong person's worldview is incorrect; and furthermore, if you zoom in on any small part of that person's worldview, that part is just as wrong as the whole worldview.

    Debating with a person who is fractally wrong leads to infinite regress, as every refutation you make of that person's opinions will lead to a rejoinder, full of half-truths, leaps of logic, and outright lies, that requires just as much refutation to debunk as the first one. It is as impossible to convince a fractally wrong person of anything as it is to walk around the edge of the Mandelbrot set in finite time.

    If you ever get embroiled in a discussion with a fractally wrong person on the Internet--in mailing lists, newsgroups, or website forums--your best bet is to say your piece once and ignore any replies, thus saving yourself time.

    JAMINA --- ---

    by ID Teapod
    ASYSTEMATIC --- ---
    zvirata jak je neznate ..vydrzte to aspon 30min.
    KAREN --- ---
    - vystrizeno z http://imdb.com/title/tt0261277/ ...taky prefikany film.)))

    KAREN --- ---

    Reading books won't help you
    TADEAS --- ---

    Problém je, že pro ty, kteří ještě nerozvinuli trvalé vnitřní ticho (svědka), bude takovéto uvažování/sebezpyt především otázkou intelektu. To, co hledáme tím, že necháváme být - že se pustíme, je pak také myšlenkovým objektem v mysli. Je to tedy přemýšlení o myšlenkách. Mysl hrající si s myslí. A to může trvat velmi dlouho.

    Takovéto uvažování může v životě způsobit mnoho problémů - pohled, že všechno je bezvýznamné a ztrátu motivace k životu. Pokud nezažíváme alespoň trošku Toho, o čem mluvíme - svědka/ticha, pak samotný akt uznání neduality (neprojevené Jednoty) a neexistence duality (Jednoty a zároveň mnohosti) může vést k pocitům beznaděje.

    Je to podobné, jako kdybychom po ptáčeti, kterému ještě nevyrostla křídla chtěli, aby skočilo z posledního patra. Pták s křídly bude tomu bez křídel říkat: "Pojď, dokážeš to. Prostě skoč. O křídla se nestarej."

    Dává to smysl? Prvně musí narůst křídla, pak můžeme létat.


    The problem is that for those who are yet to cultivate abiding inner silence (the witness) this kind of selfinquiry will be largely intellectual. That which is being sought in letting go is a thought object in the mind also. So it is thoughts about thoughts. The mind playing with the mind. It can go on for a very long time.

    This kind of self-inquiry can lead to much trouble in life – an attitude of meaninglessness and a loss of motivation to engage in living. The very act of affirming non-duality (unmanifest Oneness) and the non-existence of duality (Oneness plus diversity) can lead to a sense of hopelessness if one is not experiencing at least a smidgen of the thing itself, the witness.

    It is like asking a bird who is yet to grow wings to jump off the top of a building. The bird with fully developed and functioning wings will keep saying to the one with undeveloped wings, “Come on, you can do it. Just jump. Don’t worry about the wings.”

    Does this make any sense? The wings have to come first. Then we can fly.

    KERRAY --- ---
    immaculate heart college art department rules
    by Sister Corita Kent

    1. Find a place you trust and then try trusting it for a while.
    2. General duties of a student: pull everything out of your teacher, pull everything out of your fellow students.
    3. General duties of a teacher: pull everything out of your students.
    4. Consider everything an experiment.
    5. Be self-disciplined. This means finding someone wise or smart and choosing to follow them. To be disciplined is to follow in a good way. To be self-disciplined is to follow in a better way.
    6. Nothing is a mistake. There is no win and no fail. There is only make.
    7. The only rule is work. If you work it will lead to something. It’s the people who do all of the work all the time who eventually catch on to things.
    8. Don’t try to create and analyse at the same time. They’re different processes.
    9. Be happy whenever you can manage it. Enjoy yourself. It’s lighter than you think.
    10. “We’re breaking all of the rules. Even our own rules. And how do we do that? By leaving plenty of room for X quantities.” - John Cage.

    Helpful hints: Always be around. Come or go to everything always. Go to classes. Read anything you can get your hands on. Look at movies carefully often. Save everything, it might come in handy later.

    // via http://hi-and-low.typepad.com/my_weblog/2008/01/a-new-year.html
    ENTER --- ---
    "…In fact, all evolution, all growth, is a process of learning to see things from an expanding and increasing number of perspectives, instead of the one you’re currently immersed in."

    Bill Harris
    DARJEEL --- ---
    (...) To může znamenat, že sice není naděje pro lidskou rasu, že však zbýva naděje pro její jednotlivé členy.

    -Eric Berne: Jak si lidé hrají. Praha 1970 (angl. 1964)
    KERRAY --- ---
    Deep Brain Stimulation boosts memory

    A morbidly obese man who was undergoing treatment with deep brain electrical stimulation experienced a surprising boost in his memory. Deep brain stimulation devices are comparable to a "pacemaker" for the brain and are used to treat Parkinson's disease, depression, and other disorders. When the physicians at the Toronto Western Hospital first stimulated the electrodes in the patient's brain, he experienced deja vu and was then overwhelmed with incredibly vivid memories from decades before. He subsequently performed much better on memory tests when the stimulator was switched on. From the BBC News:

    (After the deja vu, he) had a sudden perception of being in a park with friends.

    He felt younger, thought he was around 20-years-old, and his girlfriend of the time was there. He was an observer, and saw the scene in colour.

    As the intensity of the stimulation increased, details in the scene became more vivid.

    Following surgery, the patient recovered for two months. But later when the electrodes were stimulated for a second time, he experienced a similar effect...

    The results suggest it might be possible to use deep brain stimulation directly to boost memory.

    "We hopefully have found a circuit in the brain which can be modulated by stimulation, and which might provide benefit to patients with memory disorders," said Professor (Andres) Lozano.

    Link to BBC News, Link to paper abstract in Annals of Neurology, Link to more coverage in The Independent
    DOGGY --- ---
    KERRAY --- ---

    // flashová hříčka, všechno možné na škále nejmenší-největší
    KOJOT --- ---

    Kráčí v Buddhových šlépějích
    po květinkách.
    OOHN --- ---
    Human World

    ...Many sailors used to wear gold earrings so that they could afford a proper burial when they died.

    ...In parts of Malaya, the women keep harems of men.

    ...Some Eskimos have been known to use refrigerators to keep their food from freezing.

    ...It was the custom in Ancient Rome for the men to place their right hand on their testicles when taking an oath. The modern term 'testimony' is derived from this tradition.
    YBUKO --- ---
    Tohle je dost presne a s mirnymi obmenami se to da aplikovat na podstatne vic veci nez jen na firemni kulturu ;)

    Jak se rodí firemní kultura:
    > > 1. Zavřete do prázdné místnosti 20 opic.
    > > 2. Pod strop do středu mistrnosti zavěste banán a přisuňte k němu
    > > žebřík tak, aby se dalo na banán dosáhnout. Je důležité, aby se k
    > > banánu nedalo dostat jinou cestou než po žebříku.
    > 3. Nainstalujte na
    > > strop systém, který vždy, když nějaká opice začne vylézat nahoru po
    > > žebříku, spustí na celou plochu místnosti ledovou sprchu (něco na
    > > způsob hašení požáru).
    > > 4. Opice se rychle naučí, ze není možné lézt po žebříku, aby se
    > > zároveň nespustila ledová sprcha.
    > > 5. Potom nahraďte jednu z 20 opic novou. Ta se hned zkusí přiblížit
    > > k žebříku a dostat se tak k banánu.
    > > Zbytek opic se na ni okamžitě vrhne a začne ji mlátit, i když
    > > chudera netuší vůbec proč.
    > > 6. Následně vyměňte další starou opici za novou. Při jejím pokusu o
    > > zteč banánu se ostatní na ní opět vrhnou a ta, která byla dodána
    > > těsně před ní, ji bude mlátit nejvíc.
    > > 7. Pokračujte ve výměně opic podle předešlého vzoru až do té doby,
    > > než budou všechny opice "nové".
    > > 8. Nyní už se žádná z opic neodváží přiblížit k žebříku a i kdyby to
    > > nějakou opici z nějakého důvodu jenom napadlo, ostatní ji zmasakruji
    > > a nejhorší na té věci je, že ani jedna z opic nebude tušit důvod.
    KOJOT --- ---
    Hvězdy jsou jiskry vykřesané z labyrintů.
    DARJEEL --- ---
    cilem pouti je nalezeni poutnika.

    -Jorge Luis Borges
    KOJOT --- ---
    Lam železo, dokud je chladné!
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam