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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    BROZKEFF --- ---
    „Ať už jsou ideologie čímkoli - projekcemi neuvědomovaných obav, zakrýváním skutečných motivů, zformulovaným výrazem skupinové solidarity -, nejvíce ze všeho jsou mapami problematické sociální reality a matricemi pro vytváření kolektivního vědomí."
    -- C. Geertz
    BROZKEFF --- ---
    We must surrender our individuality whenever we enter language, which cannot belong to us...
    -- Roland Barthes
    TADEAS --- ---
    The movement from the physical to the ethereal to the material-magical follows a three-stage process. First, there is the thing itself - let's say gold. It has an objective value, and it served as transactional currency for centuries. Eventually, gold was replaced by paper money representing gold or another precious metal. Gold and silver certificates were, origianlly, redeemable for a specifies amount of metal. The government had this metal sitting in a vault somewhere, and the leader's portrait or his treasurer's signature on the face of the note attested to this fact. Money, in this second, metaphorical stage of its development, became much more ethereal. The paper stood for something else: metal. Its value was based in our trust of our leaders and their repositories. When the dollar was taken off the silver standard, it reached its third, most magical level: the Federal Reserve note. As the bill no longer represented anything tangible other than "legal tender," the Treasury began to print a fascinating motto (already in use on coinage) on its back: In God We Trust. The bill came to represent nothing more than information. There was no longer any fixed amount of gold to back it up. Now the dollar itself was to generate its own, instrinsic value, not representing, but rather performing, or recapitulating, the function of gold. In order for it to do so, though, the spiritual forces must be invoked. The Federal Reserve note itself is invested with totemic value. Even when stored magnetically as debit or credit, a dollar is linked to God, not gold. We take it on faith.

    - Douglas Rushkoff, Screenagers
    SKYLAR --- ---
    History is not something that happens to people -- it is the activity of people. Culture does not dictate human behavior -- it is the sum of human behavior. Technological progress is not the force of nature, either. There is no civilization without us civilizing, no capitalism without us capitalizing and capitulating.

    Expect Resitance
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Ultimately nothing is mine or yours, everything is ours. Just be one with yourself and you will be one with all, at home in the entire universe.

    What you see is nothing but yourself. Call it what you like, it does not change the fact. Through the film of destiny, your own light depicts pictures on the screen. You are the viewer, the light, the picture and the screen. Even the film of destiny is self-selected and self-imposed.

    Nothing exists by itself. All is the Self, all is myself. All is you and yours. There is nobody else. This is a fact.

    Love is seeing the unity under the imaginary diversity. When all the false self-identifications are thrown away, what remains is all-embracing love. To see myself in everybody, and everybody in myself, most certainly is love.

    When you realize that all is in your mind, and that you are beyond the mind, that you are truly alone, then all is you. Love says "I am everything." Wisdom says "I am nothing." Between these two, my life flows.

    - Nisargadatta
    BROZKEFF --- ---
    Proudové letadlo k zemi se řítí,
    a člověk přemítá o smyslu žití.
    Žil jsem dobře, žil jsem zle?
    Však už je tu zem – hle!

    --pan Wlk
    TADEAS --- ---
    Om, my heart

    Om, my heart
    Let me hold you tenderly
    Like I hold my children
    Bringing forth all content openly
    I am looking lovingly
    So nothing is forbidden

    Om, my heart
    Shining as the neverborn
    As conscious, precious presence
    Shining even as egoity
    Not: “To be or not to be?”
    That never was the question

    Om, my heart
    Who is holding who?

    Choiceless am I resting
    As – and in – eternally:

    Om, my heart,
    THAT which is my Self

    - Katrine
    KERRAY --- ---
    „Chtějícího osud vede, nechtějícího vleče.“
    Lucius Annaeus Seneca
    [ SKA_DAM @ CITATY ... aneb veci, ktere vam pomohly otevrit oci ... ]
    KERRAY --- ---
    // mozna spis pro technicteji zamerene, ale stoji za to... koncept "one-way wall" je dost dulezity a celkem priznacny...
    LOOK --- ---
    Čas neexistuje a všechno probíhá zárověň.

    (neznáte někdo autora?)
    LOOK --- ---
    Jak říká trefně Husserl - já nemám přesvědčení, ale přesvědčení je součástí mně. Není to něco, čím disponuju, ale to, co mě utváří, utváří mé ego a nakonec i mou identitu.

    zachyceno v [ Breakthrough - Proražení skořápky reality ]
    DARUMA --- ---
    ANIMAMVNDI --- ---
    MYKO --- ---
    Why do two people become so agitated, in some cases even violent, when they're defending a mental position? Because that's what they derive their sense of self from. Thought has become invested self. That's the very essence of dysfunction---that humans derive their sense of self through thought. This is a delusion, because who they are is so much deeper than thought. They can only realize that when they detach from their thinking and observe their thinking.
    E. Tolle
    WOA --- ---
    "Znamením tvé nevědomosti je síla tvé víry v nespravedlnost a neštěstí" (Richard Bach, Iluze).
    YBUKO --- ---
    "Vsechno uz bylo."
    Ben Akiba
    KERRAY --- ---

    // http://nlpco.com/news/2008/12/11/toms-twelve-laws-of-life/
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