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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: za 4. verzi uz asi dostanu RO, ze ;-)


    kirk franklin a vyndani Norove !! v Oslu
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: sorry jeste jednu verzi ;)


    cernosi se umi krasne vyndat, kdy to asi bila civilizace konecne nakopiruje ;)
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    BROZKEFF: jo jsem moc rada ze se ti to libi! (zkousky v utery v brne, kdyz by nahodou nekdo ;-))

    You took away the fear in us
    Now we praise You cause you have delivered us!

    krestansky metody jsou super ;)
    BROZKEFF --- ---
    Kirk Franklin - It Reigns (Awesome God)



    Our God
    Is an awesome God he reigns
    From heaven above
    With wis, strong power and love
    Our God is an awesome God.
    Our God is an awesome God he reigns
    From heaven above
    With wis,strong power and love
    Our God is an awesome God

    You're marevelous and you're glorious
    You're love has made me victorious
    You took away the fear in us
    Now we praise You cause you
    have delivered us

    There aint no stoppin us (now)
    Devil there aint no blockin us (now)
    Come on and clap your hands with us
    Like this yall, like that

    Our God
    Is an awesome God he reigns
    From heaven above
    With wis, strong power and love
    Our God is an awesome God.
    Our God is an awesome God he reigns
    From heaven above
    With wis,strong power and love
    Our God is an awesome God

    You're marevelous and you're glorious
    You're love has made me victorious
    You took away the fear in us
    Now we praise You cause you
    have delivered us

    There aint no stoppin us (now)
    Devil there aint no blockin us (now)
    Come on and clap your hands with us
    Like this yall, like that

    Our God
    Is an awesome God he reigns
    From heaven above
    With wis, strong power and love
    Our God is an awesome God.
    Our God is an awesome God he reigns
    From heaven above
    With wis,strong power and love
    Our God is an awesome God

    He reigns
    He reigns
    He reigns
    He reigns

    He reigns 3x

    He reigns
    He reigns
    He reigns
    Forever and ever

    He reigns 3x

    He reigns
    He reigns
    He reigns
    Forever and ever 3x

    He reigns 3x

    Our God
    Is an awesome God he reigns
    From heaven above
    With wis, strong power and love
    Our God is an awesome God.
    Our God is an awesome God he reigns
    From heaven above
    With wis,strong power and love
    Our God is an awesome God

    p.s. thx to Ymladris ze me pozvala do sboru kde zpivame takovyhle bezva veci xD
    JOHNY_V --- ---
    Můj svět je Tvůj

    - tv nova
    wtfomglol by nestacil
    DOGGY --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    RAVNOS: doporucim ti http://www.aypsite.org/13.html resp. http://ayp.cz/lekce/13 ... je to velice funkcni open-source system.
    pristupu je ale spousta.
    RAVNOS --- ---
    TADEAS: a jake metody meditace k tomu doporucujes pouzit?
    TADEAS --- ---
    DOGGY: reseni je zjistit kdo jsi na ty nejhlubsi urovni.
    instrukce zmineny v TLUSTEI jsou dobry, ale abys v tom klidu o kterym se mluvi mohl spocinout, odevzdat se, je treba predevsim meditovat :) ... a tedy pracovat na urovni hlubsi nez myslenky.
    TLUSTEI --- ---
    Nehledejte klid. Nehledejte jiny stav, nez je ten, v nemz se prave nachazite. Budete-li jej hledat, zpusobite vnitrni konflikt a vyvolate nevedomou rezistenci. Odpustte sami sobe za to, ze nezijete ve stavu klidu. Jakmile prijmete svuj neklid, vas neklid se promeni v klid. Cokoli plne prijimate, vam pomuze dosahnout klidu. To je zazrak odevzdani.
    Jakmile zacnete prijimat to, co existuje, kazdy okamzik bude tim nejlepsim okamzikem. To je osviceni.

    Eckhart Tolle
    DOGGY --- ---
    BROZKEFF: super,z ceho to je?
    a jaky je reseni ?
    TADEAS --- ---
    Angels, aliens, and secret agents all serve the same function: to explain away the spontaneous order beneath the surface of chaos. For adults, it's preferable to have an explainable nightmare than a lucid dream.

    - Douglas Rushkoff, Screenagers
    BROZKEFF --- ---
    a ještě jeden

    Dalším aspektem emoční bolesti, který je neoddělitelnou součástí egoistické mysli, je hluboce zakořeněný pocit vlastní neúplnosti, pocit, že nejsme celiství. U některých lidí je tento pocit vědomý, u jiných je nevědomý. Je-li vědomý, projevuje se jako nepříjemný a stále přítomný pocit neadekvátnosti. Je-li nevědomý, pak se projevuje nepřímo jako intenzivní žádostivost nebo chtivost. V obou případech jsou lidé nuceni hledat něco, co uspokojí jejich ego as čím se mohou ztotožnit, aby zaplnili prázdnotu, kterou cítí ve svém nitru. Proto se snaží získat majetek, peníze, úspěch, uznání, aby se cítili naplněni. I když však dosáhnou všeho, po čem toužili, brzy zjistí, že se své vnitřní prázdnoty nezbavili, že je bezedná. Pak mají opravdový problém, neboť si už nemohou nic nalhávat. Vlastně mohou, a také to dělají, aleje to mnohem obtížnější.

    -- E. Tolle
    XEZRETNUMF --- ---
    Fifth-Dimension Treatment - Tatsuyuki Tanaka

    GIRL: Not yet?

    GIRL: Are they really going to do it?
    BOY: I’m telling you, they’ll do it. Watch.

    DOCTOR: So… what seems to be the problem?

    PATIENT: Uh, it’s just some pain in one of my back teeth. Uh…
    DOCTOR: Mmm hmm.

    DOCTOR: I see. The root of your pain does not exist in our dimension. Kishikawa-kun, go get the usual stuff.
    NURSE: OK.
    PATIENT: Huh?


    DOCTOR: This machine will expand your body into the fifth dimension. Then we’ll get rid of what’s causing your toothache.
    PATIENT: Huh?


    PATIENT: Uh… I think it’s just a cavity. What the hell is this?
    NURSE: Please don’t move.

    DOCTOR: Just relax. This is a long lost technique from the Golden Age that I managed to get my hands on. Trust me.

    NURSE: Here we go!

    PATIENT: Naaaa…

    NURSE: Heave-ho! Heave-ho!
    DOCTOR: Looking good. Looking good.
    PATIENT: Everything’s starting to look distorted.

    PATIENT: I… I can see little people.
    DOCTOR: That’s fine.

    DOCTOR: Kishikawa-kun. See the toothache spores sprouting up over there? Cut them off.
    NURSE: OK.
    PATIENT: Oh, that feels nice.

    NURSE: Doctor. The handle is stuck. It won’t turn back.
    DOCTOR: Again? It’s such an old machine.

    NURSE: What should we do?
    DOCTOR: Just leave it. It’ll come unstuck eventually.
    GIRL: Wow.
    BOY: Amazing.

    PATIENT: Doctor!!!
    DOCTOR: Don’t worry. Don’t worry.
    GIRL: Fifth-dimension treatment!
    BOY: Yeah!


    vetší velikost je někde tady:

    BROZKEFF --- ---
    Je jistě pravda, že když přijmete své negativní emoce, nemusíte se jimi už nechat ovládat a přenášet je na druhé. Nejsem si však jistý, zda neklamete sami sebe. Když jste se naučili přijímat své emoce, musíte se snažit dosáhnout dalšího stadia, kde je přestanete vytvářet. Pokud to neuděláte, vaše „přijímání" se stane pouhou nálepkou, která dovoluje vašemu egu oddávat se svému neštěstí a tím posilovat pocit odloučenosti od ostatních lidí, od okolního světa a od přítomného okamžiku.

    -- E. Tolle
    KERRAY --- ---
    "The function of music is to release us from the tyranny of conscious thought."

    Sir Thomas Beecham
    PETVAL --- ---
    It is a cosmic principle that we either live in imbalance or act to create balance. Though we may be comfortable in imbalance (which we often perceive as balance), we cannot grow in such a state. It is through shining light on that which we are not—our opposite—that we illuminate the road to progress.

    Aadil Palkhivala
    STRYX --- ---
    I saw a man upon the stair,
    A little man who wasn't there.
    He wasn't there again today;
    Gee, I wish he'd go away.
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    If you change the rules of what controls you, you change the rules of what you can control
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam