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    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    PETVAL --- ---
    It is a cosmic principle that we either live in imbalance or act to create balance. Though we may be comfortable in imbalance (which we often perceive as balance), we cannot grow in such a state. It is through shining light on that which we are not—our opposite—that we illuminate the road to progress.

    Aadil Palkhivala
    STRYX --- ---
    I saw a man upon the stair,
    A little man who wasn't there.
    He wasn't there again today;
    Gee, I wish he'd go away.
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    If you change the rules of what controls you, you change the rules of what you can control
    KOMPAS --- ---
    Anything you conceal will be held against you.
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Future of Language
    by Saul Williams

    in the beginning was the word. word. and the word was with God. and the word was God. word up. and God said, let there be ... and (then) there was. Word is bond. and the word was made flesh. word life.

    a latin transcription of the word "person" is "being of sound." as human beings we communicate with each other and with the greater universe through sound vibration. it is, thus, the essence of our collective being. all sounds reverberate with meaning. every sound vibration has an effect, and every sound connected with every word we speak, in every syllable, is connected to its eternal meaning, its eternal reverberation. the original inhabitants of egypt (KMT) actually documented the esoteric meaning of each sound vibration. they believed that all consonant sounds communed with energies of a temporal reality, whereas vowel sounds connected us with energies of the eter-nal reality, in their written text they wrote only consonants, for the eternal re-ality was too sacred to be transcribed. the ancient egyptian language like all other languages of antiquity was, needless to say, rooted in passion. yet, over time, many cultures have become disconnected from the passionate roots of their language and thus, perhaps, we have become disconnected from the roots of our existence.

    nada brahma: the world is sound

    in the east, it is widely believed that the word/sound "om" is the seed of the universe and the seed of all creation that can be heard reverberating within all life forms. practically all religions over time have focused on the power of sound vibration. whether through the chanting of "om," buddhist and hindu chants, islamic prayers and calls to worship, or reciting hail mary and the lord's prayer, the common thread has been an investment in the belief that change will come about through voicing these sacred words, aloud. yet, like that of the ancient egyptians, many of these belief systems have also contained the idea that there is a realm of eternal reality that cannot be put into words. in the words of the eastern mystic lao-tsu:

    the tao that can be told is not the eternal tao.
    the name that can be named is not the eternal name.
    the unnamable is the eternally real.
    naming is the origin of all particular things.

    thus, the future of language would involve our getting closer and closer to being able to articulate the unspoken. consciousness, like technology, evolves over time. in the same way that there are advances in technology that may take a decade or more before they reach the public, there are also shifts in consciousness that gradually become understandable to the masses over time—so that an idea that perhaps the twelfth dalai lama achieved through meditation however many years ago may just today be reaching the level of common understanding by the average young american. ideas and concepts that perhaps our parents could not grasp until reaching a midlife crisis may now be grasped by adolescent teens. and things that once could be put into words only by the most learned philosophers can now be expressed by the average emcee (and in my estimation most emcees that i hear are average).

    i had the privilege of cowriting a film called slam, the story of a young kid who learns the power of words and uses it to transcend his given reality, in writing this film i decided to give the main character the last name joshua, based on the biblical story of joshua who fought the battle of Jericho by simply marching around the city's walls seven times while playing his trumpet to make the walls come tumbling down. i figured that if the film was played on seven hundred screens the walls of babylon would come tumbling down, mainly because of the spells laced into the poetry of the film. i have often thought of my poetry in terms of incantations: spells (note: magic is done through casting spells which is the same way words are made) or prayers to be recited in the darkest caves and highest mountain tops. in writing, i often feel as if i am deciphering age-old equations and am often as baffled an audience member as any other listener or reader. i have also found numerous occasions where i have felt that i wrote or recited a situation into existence.

    i write in red ink
    that turns blue
    when the book closes

    language usage is a reflection of consciousness. thus, the future of language is connected to the ever-evolving state of human awareness. as we become more aware of our existing reality it becomes clearer that we live with the power to dictate our given situations and thus the power to determine our future. our present reality is pre-sent, dictated by what we asked for previously. no, i am not saying that everything that happens to us is within our control, but through our perception we have the ability to determine much more of our reality than we realize (all puns intended). and what we say (which is clearly a reflection of what and how we think) is of the ut-most (utter-most) importance. what we say matters (becomes a solid: flesh). word life.

    so then the question becomes, what role does hip-hop play in the future of language, or rather, what role does the future of language play in hip-hop? there does seem to have been a lyrical evolution in hip-hop. vivid, descriptive narratives of ghetto life seem to have come at the cost of imaginative or psycho-spiritual exploration. in other words, niggas have come up with amazing ways to talk about the same ol' shit. the problem is, when we recite the same ol' shit into microphones which increase sound vibration the same ol' shit continues to manifest in our daily lives, and only gets more deeply embedded. but of course employing one's imagination is problematic when the aim is to keep it real.

    in a book called illusions by richard bach, the main character finds that when jesus reportedly said that all one needs is faith the size of a mustard seed to move mountains he actually only used the word faith because at the time there wasn't a word for imagination. it is imagination applied to our daily lives and use of language that brings about interesting futures. hip-hop, as is, is mainly concerned with depicting a rough street life devoid of hope or an upscale designer life devoid of reflection and in doing so dictates its own outcome. if biggie's album had not been entitled ready to die would he still be alive today? did his vocalized profession dictate his destination? the fact that we were so ready to hear about how he was ready to die increased the sound vibration of his recitation through playing it on a million radios and televisions at once, to the point where it affected our reality and his.

    word is bond.

    "these are the words that i manifest"

    we are the manifestation of our thinking patterns. and we think in terms of terms. words. sooner or later we must realize that we are liable for what and how we think and say and thus must alter (altar) our use of language. sentence structures predate pyramids and are as complex. realize, even in asking me to describe the future of language, i am simply playing my part in determining it by helping those who read this to become more aware of the importance of what they say. and that (this) is how the future comes about.


    (z knihy "Sound Unbound")
    KERRAY --- ---
    24 Hours To Die

    Raj asked Buddha, “Reverend Sir, how come my mind wanders around to forbidden places and yours does not?” “Sir, how come I do back-biting and you don't?” “Sir, how come I don't have compassion for others, while you have?” All the questions that Raj asked were of similar nature.

    Buddha replied, “Raj, your questions are good, but it seems to me that in 24 hours from now you will die.”

    Raj got up and started getting ready to go.

    Buddha asked, “Raj, what happened? You came with such vitality now you are totally dismayed.”

    Raj said, “Sir, my mother told me that your words are true and are to be held in high esteem. So please let me go so that I may meet my family members, friends and others before I die.”

    Buddha said, “But there are still 24 hours. Sit, we will talk more.”

    Raj said, “Reverend Sir, please let me go. I must meet my people before I die.”

    So Raj left and went home. Met his mother and started crying. The word spread. His friends came; other family members came; neighbors came. Everyone was crying with Raj. Time flew.

    Raj was busy either crying or counting the hours. When only 3 hours were left, he pulled up a cot and lay down. Although the Death had not yet arrived, poor Raj was kind of dead.

    When only an hour was left, Buddha walked in.

    Buddha said to Raj, “Raj, why are you lying down on the cot with your closed eyes. Death is still an hour away. And an hour is 60 minutes long. That's a lot of time. Get up, let us talk.”

    Raj: “Sir, what is it now that you want to talk? Just let me die peacefully.”

    Buddha: “Raj, there is still time and our talk will get over before the 'ordained' time.”

    Raj: “Okay, Sir . . . say what you have to say.”

    Buddha: “In the past 24 hours, did you curse anyone?”

    Raj: “How could I curse anyone? I was all the time thinking about death.”

    Buddha: “In the past 24 hours, did you think or wish ill for anyone?”

    Raj: “How could I do that? I was all the time thinking about death.”

    Buddha: “In the past 24 hours, did you steal?”

    Raj: “Sir, how can you even ask that? I was all the time thinking about death.”

    Finally the Buddha said, “Raj, I don't know who has to die and who has to live. But understanding the ultimate truth — i.e. death — can be very enlightening. All the questions you posed to me have been answered by yourself because of the awareness of death that you experienced during the past 24 hours. The difference between me and you is that you were aware of death for the past 24 hours, I have been aware for the past 24 years.”

    INK_FLO --- ---
    čím více člověk získává svobodu ve smyslu vycházení z původní jednoty s přírodoou, čím více se stává "individuem", nemá jinou volbu než se buď sám sjednotit se světem ve spontaneitě lásky a tvořivé práce, nebo se shánět po nějakém druhu jistoty, kterým ho svět spoutá, a tak si sám svobodu a integritu své indiviuality zničí

    Erich Fromm - Strach ze svobody
    ANIMAMVNDI --- ---
    A jeste video Bill Hicks jak mluvi o ten incident: http://cz.youtube.com/watch?v=pkptz2YfZik
    ANIMAMVNDI --- ---
    Neni to meme, ani to neni psychedelic, je to ale Bill Hicks na David Letterman v roce 1993, nahravka co nevidelo svetlo dne az vcera vecer.

    TADEAS --- ---
    "Would you rather be right or would you rather be free?"

    -Byron Katie
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    YBUKO: to je IMHO jeste malo psychedelicky, potvrdi kazdej psycholog ;)

    Love is Evil


    What would be my... how should I call it,
    spontaneous attitude towards the universe?
    It's a very dark one.

    The first thesis would have been a kind of total vanity:
    There is nothing, basically. I mean it quite literally,
    like... ultimately... there are just some fragments,
    some vanishing things. If you look at the universe, it's one big void.

    But then how do things emerge? Here, I feel a kind
    of spontaneous affinity with quantum physics,
    where, you know, the idea there is that universe is a void,
    but a kind of a positively charged void. And then particular things
    appear when the balance of the void is disturbed.
    And I like this idea of spontaneous very much that the fact that it's
    just not nothing...Things are out there. It means something
    went terribly wrong...
    that what we call creation

    is a kind of a cosmic imbalance, cosmic catastrophe, that things exist by mistake.
    And I'm even readyto go to the end and to claim that the only way
    to counteract it is to assume the mistake and go to the end.
    And we have a name for this.

    It's called love.

    Isn't love precisely this kind of a cosmic imbalance?
    I was always disgusted with this notion of "I love the world,"
    universal love. I don't like the world. I don't know how...

    Basically, I'm somewhere in between "I hate the world" or "I'm indifferent towards it. "

    But the whole of reality, it's just it. It's stupid. It is out there.
    I don't care about it. Love, for me, is an extremely violent act.
    Love is not "I love you all. "Love means I pick out something,
    and it's, again, this structure of imbalance. Even if this something
    is just a small detail... a fragile individual person... I say "I love you
    more than anything else. " In this quite formal sense,love is evil.
    YBUKO --- ---
    a jeste klasika z tehoz zdroje:)

    All too often, when we love somebody, we don't accept him or her as what the person effectively is. We accept him or her insofar as this person fits the co-ordinates of our fantasy. We misidentify, wrongly identify him or her, which is why, when we discover that we were wrong, love can quickly turn into violence.
    There is nothing more dangerous, more lethal for the loved person than to be loved, as it were, for not what he or she is, but for fitting the ideal.
    YBUKO --- ---
    Our fundamental delusion today is not to believe in what is only a fiction, to take fictions too seriously. It's, on the contrary, not to take fictions seriously enough.
    You think it's just a game? It's reality. It's more real than it appears to you.
    For example, people who play video games, they adopt a screen persona of a sadist, rapist, whatever. The idea is, in reality I'm a weak person, so in order to supplement my real life weakness, I adopt the false image of a strong, sexually promiscuous person, and so on and so on. So this would be the naive reading. I want to appear stronger, more active, because in real life, I'm a weak person.
    But what if we read it in the opposite way? That this strong, brutal rapist, whatever, identity is my true self. In the sense that this is the psychic truth of myself.
    And that in real life, because of social constraints and so on, I´m not able to enact it.
    ( Slavoj Zizek, http://www.csfd.cz/film/223182-perverts-guide-to-the-cinema-the )
    VODA --- ---

    KERRAY --- ---
    Ať je život šťastný či nešťastný, plný úspěchů či neúspěchů, vždy je neobyčejně zajímavý.

    Svoboda znamená zodpovědnost. To je důvod, proč se jí většina lidí bojí.

    G. B. Shaw

    [ LITTLEFOX @ CITATY ... aneb veci, ktere vam pomohly otevrit oci ... ]
    TADEAS --- ---
    Katrine is just an idea I have of myself.
    I have bought into this idea for the longest time, invested in it, given it energy/attention (life).
    The hanging on to the idea that Katrine is the doer is the first contraction.
    It blurs the perception of the effortless flow that life is. Life already is effortless!
    Deep inside, this is known.
    The more identified I am with Katrine as the doer, the more narrow the perception.
    What is perceived is more and more "extracted" from the juice that is life in the action to begin with.
    ... more and more separate .... less and less love is perceived.
    The idea that Katrine is the doer, the very fact that I narrow myself into that idea, this itself is the selfishness.
    It is not bad - it is simply a misperception.
    What it takes to align the perception to what actually is, is proper Guidance ... Love.
    And this is the Guru within. The sacred, holy principle.
    So thank God for meditation!

    TLUSTEI --- ---
    Perfect love casts out fear.
    If fear exists,
    Then there is not perfect love.


    Only perfect love exists.
    If there is fear,
    It produces a state that does not exist.

    Z knihy 'A Course in Miracles'
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