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    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    MYKO --- ---
    DARUMA --- ---
    "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

    STRYX --- ---
    Amanda Palmer "Leeds United"

    MARSHUS --- ---
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    It's always easier to fight for principles than live up to them.
    KERRAY --- ---
    It's always easier to seem wise if you're selling pessimism.

    Vernor Vinge - Marooned In Realtime
    KERRAY --- ---
    It is by learning how to lose that one eventually wins.

    KERRAY --- ---
    Benjamin Rosenbaum - Dům za vaším obzorem - kerray.cz
    MATHEW --- ---
    ESTEN --- ---
    // LOOKASH_II: o neco lepsi formulace tady: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Bostrom
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    At least one of the following three
    propositions must be true:

    1) Almost all civilisations at our level of development become extinct before becoming technologically mature.

    2) The fraction of technologically mature civilisations that are interested in creating ancestor simulations is almost zero.

    3) You are almost certainly living in a computer simulation.

    DARUMA --- ---
    "The stronger and more forceful the disturbing emotions are, the greater the potential for recognizing our original wakefulness."
    Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche
    KERRAY --- ---
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    “The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.”
    YBUKO --- ---
    Začala doba, kdy jediným omezujícím faktorem se stala schopnost dané myšlenky vyprovokovat nás k jejímu novému a neobvyklému šíření. Myšlenka přestala být
    závislá na autoritě svého tvůrce - bude se šířit a replikovat tak dlouho, dokud ji budou živit naše pochybná očekávání. V téměř darwinovském boji o přežití zvítězí mezi myšlenkami pouze ty nejlepší. Tyto nové formy mediálních mutantů budou motorem kulturní evoluce, vloží moc do rukou konkrétních lidí a dají hlasy těm, kteří nikdy dříve neměli přístup na globální scénu.
    Douglas Rushkoff - Manipulativni natlak [ SMRGL @ psychologie.....nova anketka:)) ]
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    Jeden člověk nemůže změnit svět, může však předat poselství, které svět změní.

    (z dokumentu, co překládám, kterej jinak není vůbec nic moc;)
    KERRAY --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Open yourself to knowing only the form love is taking in this moment. When you know that you are fine regardless of whether or not you are in a sexual relationship with zero, one, two or more people you can feel free. Do not cling to what was or what is. Let it be, evolve and become.

    Surrender into your own wholeness. Feel its warmth and genuine comfort.

    Our sociobiological tendency [is] to believe that wholeness comes in the form of partnership/coupling/tripling, etc.

    People do not own each other in any manner.

    You’re whole. Love is an expansion of your wholeness.

    There is no greater sense of security in a relationship than knowing that your love is not threatened by the presence of more love.

    Here are the typical stages of an intimate
    1. Have sex.
    2. Live together.
    3. Get married.
    4. Have children.
    5. Divorce or stay together until death.

    Here is my suggestion for a new progression of an intimate
    1. Learn to experience yourself as whole.
    2. Let your lover/s and yourself be free.
    3. Continue to love more.
    4. Remain unconcerned about the form in which your love manifests itself.
    (The order in which these occur is not important.)

    In a traditional monogamous relationship you are typically given societal “permission” to:
    1. Judge your lover’s desires towards others.
    2. Not forgive any “straying” or “cheating” behavior.
    3. Attach your sense of wholeness to the other’s behavior.
    4. Show compassion unless their behavior threatens your sense of safety.

    Excerpts from: Spiritual Polyamory by Mystic Life
    TADEAS --- ---
    Plainly said: there's not too much that tends to keep the illusion of the separate me, *or* the separate "you" in place, than the ego's ideas about love.

    A lot of people hear "Love your neighbor as yourself" and think that it means we should love our neighbor with kindness and caring because they're just like us. Or something. Which misses the entire point.
    "Love your neighbor as Your SELF."

    Ideas about possession in love, and what's "right" or "wrong"; or jealousy, or even good ol' well-meaning but always-insane insecurity .... are not love.
    They have nothing to do with love.
    Neither does having "my needs met." <- Gotta give the thought-self *some* credit .... it's *good* in a perpetuating-hell kinda way .....

    We all know real loving.
    Because at Heart, *as* Heart - we are real loving.

    Love doesn't "get" .... Love getting is kinda like "wind sucking" .... some thought-me could probably dream up a way this happens .... but it's at odds with the very reality.

    When Loving is fully in place ... you know yourself, fundamentally, to BE your Beloved.
    Her/His joy is your joy.
    Her/His sorrow is your sorrow.
    Her/His enlightenment is your highest priority -- first and foremost by realizing true nature in each/both/all of you ..... because in real loving, it can't be any other way.

    True loving can't see the Beloved as an object.
    It's too busy knowing the Beloved as "shared subject" - as the Oneness.

    Loving isn't something you can get.
    Loving isn't something you can do.
    Ultimately - LOVING *is* True Nature.

    Relationship (of any/all kinds, apparently ....) is an ideal opportunity for realizing ... because realization isn't about you attaining something .... realization is about union.

    If the thought-self is dropped, and relationship - giving loving - is present - union *is* -- and there is no greater joy, anywhere.

    It's why we do this.
    This human thing.

    As Abhinavagupta says: The true nature of 'I', in embodied humanity, is called 'Us'".

    - Kirtanman (... excerpts)
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