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    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    When male knowledge joins with female transformation, the great magical unity is created
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    She had met people who have lost the glow of being alive because they could no longer fight against loneliness and have become addicted to it. They were, for most part, people who believed the world to be an undignified, inglorious place, and who spent their evenings and nights talking on and on about the mistakes others had made.
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    Disappointment, defeat and despair are the tools God uses to show us the way
    YBUKO --- ---
    Put a stick in the path as a lead sheep goes by, wrote the sage, and the beast will jump over it.
    Remove the stick, and each following sheep in line will jump at precisely the same spot...
    even though there’s no longer anything to jump over.
    BROZKEFF --- ---
    Neobyčejné moudrosti Dálného východu se prodávají nešťastné střední vrstvě na Západě. Je to zjevně lepší než heroin.

    -- Cees Nooteboom
    LOST_DOG --- ---
    WHY WE ARE HERE - "Walking one evening along a deserted road, Mulla Nasrudin saw a troop of horsemen coming towards him. His imagination started to work; he saw himself captured and sold as a slave, or impressed into the army. Nasrudin bolted, climbed a wall into a graveyard, and lay down in an open tomb. Puzzled at his strange behavior, the men — honest travelers — followed him. They found him stretched out, tense and quivering.
    'What are you doing in that grave? We saw you run away. Can we help you?'
    'Just because you can ask a question does not mean there is a straightforward answer to it,' said the Mulla, who now realized what had happened. 'It all depends upon your viewpoint. If you must know, however: I am here because of you, and you are here because of me'"
    Shah, I. The Exploits of the Incomparable Mulla Nasrudin. E. P. Dutton, New York. 1972.
    YBUKO --- ---
    myslenky nejsou to, co rozhoduje. myslenky jsou spis neco jako titulky v novinach - do vedomi pronikne nejaky "souhrn deni"
    [ YMLADRIS @ krize duchovního vývoje, psychospirituální krize - příčiny, průběh, zvládnutí ]
    JAMINA --- ---
    "Jsem niterně přesvědčen, že každý vjem, zachycený třeba nedobrovolně - např. slova pronesená jen tak do větru, v sobě nese něco symbolického nebo jiné vysvětlení nějakého problému, na který jsme sami."

    (André Breton; L'Amour fou)
    DOUPLE --- ---
    MLIBREVIRGEA --- ---
    casto nejdriv mame predsudky a po nich prichazi posudky
    KERRAY --- ---
    BROZKEFF --- ---
    Potřebujeme hluboko zakořeněný soucit se sebou samými, abychom
    si připustili svou omylnost a zranitelnost na cestě. Nemá smysl
    pokoušet se stavět svůj život na nereálných ideálech, které nás pouze

    -- Rob Preece (Moudrost nedokonalosti: Proces individuace v živote buddhisty, DharmaGaia 2009)
    SKYLAR --- ---
    On a trip in 1999 I went to Romania, and visited some of the orphanages there. I was prepared for something awful, but not what I saw.

    We got the the orphanage in the morning as it was opening. It was winter in Romania and you can imagine, it's very cold. The orphanages are poorly funded and maintained. When we walked in the orphanage is essentially a few rooms, with one giant room housing all the babies. All of the babies are in cribs, painted white. The walls are grey, and there's nothing on them but stains, there are no windows. The cribs all have stained mattresses in them, and most of the kids don't have blankets. Just babies in cribs with bare mattresses. Many of the babies aren't dressed in anything more than a diaper. They're all facing the same direction. Many of them are just silently rocking back and forth. All of them have terrifyingly large, wide eyes that seem to bulge out of their skulls, but this is only because the hunger has sunken their cheeks.

    The morning nurse has to perform one of her duties: rounding up all the dead bodies of the babies that have frozen to death during the night. All the babies are watching her, rocking silently. She has an old sheet, and has gathered all of the corners together to make a 'sack' for the frozen baby corpses. She's dragging this sheet on the floor behind her as she walks between the rows and rows of cribs. As she's walking, one of the baby corpses slips out of the sheet and kind of 'thuds' on the floor.

    I am so horrified, my eyes are welling up with tears and I'm just trying to breathe. (I was told before coming to the orphanage that I'm not allowed to touch any of the children.)

    When the corpse of the frozen baby slips out onto the floor, one of the babies starts to laugh. The laughter spreads throughout the whole room, with all these skinny, pale, wide eyed, alien children just laughing at the frozen body of a child who lived in the crib next to them. It seemed to echo through the whole room. The nurse turned around and picked up the dead baby again and just tossed him back in the sheet, and continued on.

    The sound of those babies laughing was the most haunting noise I've ever heard.

    + dalsi na
    BIOH --- ---
    není se čeho bát, neboť bůh je nekonečný
    PERPLEX --- ---
    I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge -- myth is more potent than history -- dreams are more powerful than facts -- hope always triumphs over experience -- laughter is the cure for grief -- love is stronger than death.
    Robert Fulghum
    PERPLEX --- ---
    začátečník je nadšen z velkého počtu možností, znalec vidí možností jen několik
    (z knihy "Zen Mind")
    WUJI --- ---
    LOOKASH_II: you always end up where you're going no matter the direction.
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    If we don't change the direction we are headed, we will end up where we are going.
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    What prison could be more secure than one we’re convinced is “the world,” where the boundaries of action and thought are assumed to be, not the limits of the permissible, but the limits of the possible? Democratic society, as we know it, is the ultimate prison, because who’s going to try to escape from a situation of apparent freedom? It follows, then, that we must be happy, because we can do whatever we want.
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