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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    THIRDEYE --- ---
    THIRDEYE --- ---
    VEHUIAH --- ---
    Je řeka. Nádherná, neporovnatelná, nenávratná, vždy nová a nepomíjející. Řeka života. Řeka-život.
    Na řece je most. Arcipodivný. Neví, odkud se vzal, neví proč se vzal, neví, čím je, neví nad čím je, neví nic a všecko se mu zdá. Nevidí, ba ani si nedomýšlí řeku života plynoucí pod sebou. Zdá se mu, že řeka života je on.
    Ty jsi ten most.

    Edward Stachura: Fabula rasa
    STARF --- ---
    JUNIOR --- ---
    Once there was a great yogi who lived in a small town. All day long he did practices like meditation, japa (chanting), puja (ritual worship), asana and pranayama. One day a prostitue moved into the house across the street. All day long men came and went from the house. The yogi would see this out of his window and think, "What is going on over there? This is really horrible. I am yogi. I should not have to live near such an impure, evil woman. This is not good, i do not deserve this."

    The prostitute was very busy, but once in a while she would get a break and look out of her window and see the yogi. When she did, her heart filled with love and admiration for him. "Oh, what a wonderful man he is. All day long, he is so holy, thinking of God, worshiping God, oh what a great soul! Look how peaceful he is, his mind always on God."

    After some time the prostitue and yogi both died and went up t othe gates of heaven. The angels and saints at the gate looked at the prostitue and said, "Oh, how wonderful to have you, we've been waiting for you! Please come in." They looked at the yogi and said, "You back down you go!" The yogi was very upset and protested: "This is unfair, there must be some mistake. All of my life i have been meditating and worshiping God." The gatekeeper said, "No all day long you have been thinking about what could be going on in the prostitute's house, while all day long the prostitue was thinking of God. Even while looking at you, her mind was on God."
    SINECURVE --- ---
    STADIK --- ---
    HANEBNIK: ARFEA: asociace :)
    HANEBNIK --- ---
    KERRAY --- ---
    dlouhej příběh

    the mission
    KAMAHL --- ---

    MASOO --- ---
    Gopro Hula Hoop Cam Hoopsmiles: What the Hula Hoop Sees Music Video - YouTube
    HARVIE --- ---
    PIZI --- ---
    SAGUS --- ---
    dneska na fejsbukoch

    HESPELER --- ---
    Galaxy Song w/Subtitled Lyrics - YouTube
    STRYX --- ---
    ALISTAIR: Krome pribehove podmalby klasickou symbolikou dvou tvari a kalichu je tam samozrejme pekne, ze ten opticky trik samotnym procesem sveho cteni sdeluje svoji pointu. Ta neni ve vyznamu povstavajicim po "precteni" informace jak tomu byva obvykle, ale je ji nerozhodnutelnost mezi figurou a pozadim, ktera se odhali urcitym zkratem pri rozhodovani, ktera cast lomu ma byt privilegovana jako figura. Je to bezvadny priklad automaticky ilustrujici zakladni principy mechanismu rozlisovani.

    Navic to pro me ma i urcitym zpusobem existencialne sentimentalni aspekt. Aby slo obrazku porozumet musi byt zvoleno, volba vylucuje alternativu, konstituuje svebytny vyznam, ktery ovsem neni pointou. Pointa je pritomna, ve vzpomince na zazitek procesu, ale neni nikde ve ctenem vyznamu nez jako jeho samotna aktualizace. Pole potenciality ruznych cteni je soucasne pritomno skrze svoji nepritomnost. Kdyz si to clovek ontologizuje, muze ho to treba dojmout.

    Vtip si pak tak trochu horko-sladce hraje s mezemi porozumeni. Vnimam to zde, obdobne jako ty, predevsim emotivne. Ten opticky trik je bezvadny arftefakt, nicmene pro lidi bez artikulovaneho vizualniho pole je zcela nesrozumitelny. Jaka to skoda. Je tam mijeni se osobnich svetu. Zakletost ve vlastnich platformach porozumeni, ktera mne osobne v soucasnosti evokuje neresitelne mezikulturni mijeni se, kteremu je vtip take vpodstate paralelou. Je to o tom, ze se lide mohou snadno nedohodnout i kdyz obe strany maji konzistentni obraz situace. Atd.

    Pote co mi tohle vsechno projelo hlavou, jsem si rikal, ze by to mohl byt i trochu psychedelicky mem. Ale je mozne (a byla by to meta uroven toho vtipu), ze takovou sdelnost ma prevazne ci pouze pro me.
    TLUSTEI --- ---

    Some people see things as they are and say "why",
    I dream things that never were and say "why not."

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam