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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    CRS --- ---
    Pokud váháte, jestli ve filmu něco vystřihnout nebo tam ponechat, pak toto váhání je důvod k vystřižení.
    — z dokumentu The Cutting Edge, volný překlad
    CRS --- ---
    Now is better than never.
    Although never is often better than *right* now.
    — The Zen of Python
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    JUNIOR: paper beats stone
    JUNIOR --- ---
    "Money used to be gold and silver, and now its papers."
    RAPAL --- ---
    TEDxPrague - Libor Malý - E=mc2 - YouTube
    HARVIE --- ---
    XCHAOS --- ---
    MICHAL_R: nevím, jestli připomínat úplně každou z jeho barvitých volných asociací... ale zrovna tenhle fragment je asi jedno z nejuniverzálnějších a nejobecnějších poselství, která jsem od něj slyšel. tomu není co vytknout... takhle jsem tomu kdysi věřil.
    SINECURVE --- ---
    MICHAL_R --- ---
    VETE: pravidelně připomínat T.McKennu by mělo být naší kolektivní morální povinností :-)
    VETE --- ---
    asi už bylo, ale musim…
    Terence McKenna - Reclaim your mind - YouTube
    KERRAY --- ---
    KERRAY --- ---
    It seems that whatever we perceive is organized into patterns for which we, the perceivers, are largely responsible. Perceiving is not a matter of passively allowing an organ—say of sight or hearing—to receive a ready-made impression from without, like a palette receiving a spot of paint. Recognizing and remembering are not matters of stirring up old images of past impressions. It is generally agreed that all our impressions are schematically determined from the start. As perceivers we select from all the stimuli falling on our senses only those which interest us, and our interests are governed by a pattern-making tendency, sometimes called a schema. In a chaos of shifting impressions, each of us constructs a stable world in which objects have recognizable shapes, are located in depth, and have permanence. In perceiving we are building, talking some cues and rejecting those which fit most easily into the patter that is being built up. Ambiguous ones tend to be treated as if they harmonized with the rest of the pattern. Discordant ones tend to be rejected. If they are accepted, the structure of assumptions has to be modified. As learning proceeds, objects are named. Their names then affect the way they are perceived next time: Once labelled they are more speedily slotted into the pigeon-holes in future.

    As time goes on an experiences pile up, we make a greater and greater investment in our system of labels. So a conservative bias is built in. It gives us confidence. At any time we may have to modify our structure of assumptions to accommodate new experience, but the more consistent experience is with the past, the more confidence we can have in our assumptions.

    Uncomfortable facts which refuse to be fitted in, we find ourselves ignoring or distorting so that they do not disturb these established assumptions. By and large anything we take note of is preselected and organized in the very act of perceiving. We share with other animals a kind of filtering mechanism which at first only lets in sensations we know how to use.

    Granted that disorder spoils pattern, it also provides the material of pattern. Order implies restriction; from all possible materials, a limited selection has been made and from all possible relations a limited set has been used. So disorder by implication is unlimited, no pattern has been realized in it, but its potential for patterning is indefinite. This is why, though we seek to create order, we do not simply condemn disorder. We recognize that is it destructive to existing patterns; also that it has potentiality. It symbolizes both danger and power.

    Impressions Are Schematically Determined
    KASHMIR --- ---
    „Ztrácíme čas hledáním nepřátel ve svém okolí, přitom ty největší si neseme všude s sebou, aniž bychom jim věnovali pozornost. Jako jediní mají tu moc ničit charakter a svádět nás z cesty. Jsou tvůrci nebo ničitelé našeho osudu. Máváme kopím kolem svého těla, ale měli bychom si všímat parazitů v sobě. Jmenují se nevíra, lenost a zbabělost.“
    HANEBNIK --- ---
    SAGUS --- ---
    RAPAL --- ---
    HANEBNIK --- ---
    YARARA --- ---
    "Chudí lidé jsou ti, kteří pracují jen pro to, aby si udrželi svůj nákladný životní styl a stále chtějí víc a víc," Jose Mujica.
    JAZZZ --- ---
    Ripple Manifesto | The Ripple Revolution (tm)

    You are a walking, talking positive change machine.

    Whoever you are and whatever your situation, your life has the potential to be a continual source of ripples creating positive change.

    You can’t change THE world. Change YOUR world instead.
    MASABOB --- ---
    Graham Hancock - The War on Consciousness BANNED TED TALK - YouTube
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