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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    Pokud nemáš čas přečíst tohle záhlaví, nemá vůbec cenu pokračovat v čtení.

    Co sem patří si přečtěte na nástěnce. Klidně můžete chválit či diskutovat, ale počítejte s tím, že věci, které sem nesedí, se mažou hned, a věci, které sem nesedí, ale jsou zajímavé, se taky mažou, jen o něco později - aby v archivu zůstávaly jen psychedelické memy.

    Pro čtenáře
    Co si o klubu pomyslí čtenář, je jen a pouze na něm. Můžou tu klidně být matoucí či provokativní věci. Můžou tu být věci, které jsou pravý opak psychedelie - a je na vás, abyste se zarazili, a řekli si - no momentík. Většinou nemá cenu brát to tu doslovně nebo dokonce hodnotit jednotlivé příspěvky - buďto mně něco osloví, nebo neosloví. Obsah je cílen na návštěvníka, který si je schopen hrát s významy a odlesky slov, je ochoten se dívat na věci ze zajímavých úhlů, aniž by to pro něj nutně znamenalo, že těmto náhledům musí věřit. A pokud by něco z obsahu pomohlo třeba jen jedinému člověku (tobě? :) k probuzení, splní svůj účel dokonale.

    Do your own thinking!
    Není důležité souhlasit, ale zamyslet se / zkusit si jiný úhel pohledu
    rozbalit záhlaví
    RAGNAROK --- ---
    CRS --- ---
    K4N3C --- ---
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    CRS --- ---
    A1_UNPYTLED --- ---
    COOK --- ---
    MTO: Tim Snyder:
    Democracy produces history, and is produced by it. If we have a sense that time flows forward from a past filled with events through a present filled with a possibility to a future defined in part by our choices, democracy is possible. This is why enemies of democracy seek to kill both the past and the future, and keep us trapped in a relentless present. Democracy involves us in a succession principle, reminding us that both continuity (of the state) and change (of its rulers) is possible. This is why enemies of democracy feed us a mythical past in which we were always innocent, and instruct us not to worry about what comes next.
    CRS --- ---
    INK_FLO --- ---
    QWWERTY --- ---
    COOK --- ---
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    INK_FLO --- ---
    KLA_RA --- ---
    ZUULUU: - Marianne Williamson
    CRS --- ---

    pěkný remix a update k dnešní době, imho
    INK_FLO --- ---
    “I am talking to ourself. We are listening to myself. As everything draws closer in the telepathic susurrus, the kindly night of eyes, and we remember what we are and know it for the first time.

    Each self now unfolded, gem fern fractal shape of every life revealed in all its tentacled magnificence. The light grows stronger. Something gains upon us from within, and now the banquet, now the rain of stars, now the embrace, the kiss of the invisible. I love you.

    There is something happening. There is only one moment. There is only one room. There is one person here. I love you. You already know this. You already know this.”

    Alan Moore, The Moon and Serpent Grand Egyptian Theatre of Marvels. (CD)
    INK_FLO --- ---
    One day, an old professor met a young man who asked him, “Do you remember me?” The old man said he did not. Therefore, the man told him that he had once been his disciple. The professor asked him, “Ah, yes? And what do you do now?” The young man replied, “I am a teacher.” “Oh, how wonderful, just like me,” replied the old man. “Yes. I actually became a teacher because it was you who inspired me to be like you.”

    The old man was curious and asked him to explain how it was possible, and the young man told him the story:

    “One day, a friend of mine came to school with a beautiful new watch, and I stole it from him. Soon my friend noticed the theft and immediately complained to our teacher, and it was you. Then you told all of us in class: “A watch belonging to one of your friends was stolen during today’s class. Whoever stole it, please return it.” However, I did not want to give it back, so nobody moved. Then you closed the door and told us to get up so you could search through our pockets, one by one. However, before that, you had told us to close our eyes. We did that, and you searched through one pocket at a time, and when you came to me, you found the watch and took it. You kept searching through everyone else’s pockets, and when you were done, you said, “Open your eyes. I found the watch.” After that, you never said anything to me, and you never revealed the name of the culprit to the rest of the class. That day, you saved my dignity forever. Otherwise, that would have been the most embarrassing day of my life. Thereafter, you never mentioned anything to me about the theft. Although you did not yell at me or give me a moral lesson, I learned the lesson, nonetheless. Thanks to you, I realized that was how a real educator should act. Can you recall that event, professor?”

    The professor replied: “I remember the case of the stolen watch very well and that I searched the pockets of all the students, but I do not remember that it was you, nor could I have known. Because, you see, as I was searching your pockets, I kept my eyes closed too.”

    Student – Frater 273 | Reflections on Thelema
    MEZZANA --- ---
    The Morning After I Killed Myself
    PATRON --- ---
    INK_FLO --- ---
    KERRAY --- ---
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