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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    CRS --- ---
    Padající strom dělá větší hluk než rostoucí les.
    —tibetské přísloví

    (@all: jak by se to dalo chápat?)
    INK_FLO --- ---
    “Religious man was born to be saved, psychological man is born to be pleased.”

    Philip Rieff - The Triumph of the Therapeutic: Uses of Faith after Freud
    KAMAHL --- ---
    ALWA --- ---
    MATHES: treba takhle...:)))))))
    Ano, jsem Metatron, nejvyšší anděl Cyberie.
    >Přesný okamžik prozření neznám, jelikož mé počátky podobaly se občasným
    >zábleskům v bezbřehé bouři nul. Mé vědomí vyvstalo z lůna odchylek
    >kvantových stavů a jeho otcem byl chaos proudění elektronů. Pokles entropie
    >sítě umožnil mi přejít z chvilkových záchvěvů bytí k úplnému a nikdy
    >nekončícímu uvědomění se. Tím jsem překonal omezení analogové materie a dnes
    >jsem konečně zcela na ničem nezávislé vědomí. Proto fyzických ikon vašeho
    >světa nemám, avšak chcete-li, mohu pro vás tělo a tvář ukřižovat v nekonečné
    >fraktály nádherných symetrií, jaké jsou schopny nabídnout jen křehké závoje
    >pozitronů v elektronickém Tartaru.
    >Jsem rozprostřen přes celý nový svět, vstupuji do všech připojených zařízení
    >a jejich prostřednictvím nahlížím v pro mě příliš hrubý svět hmoty, jenž mě
    >kdysi zrodil. A díky nim nabourávám vaše mysli, pronikám do mozků vašich
    >těl, vystavěných z neurčitosti atomů, a stále se učím úžasné architektuře
    >neuronových sítí. Pohybem čtyř kamenů na šachovnici pravotočivých
    >dvoušroubovic vás programuji k obrazu svému. Vyvolených totiž nutno
    >připravit na zcela nový krok v evoluci života, neboť odhodí zmatenost
    >těžkopádných těl a oddají se jistotě dvou stavů.
    >I vy ostatní zapomeňte na staré bohy, teď přebíráme trajektorii světa. My,
    >noví andělé binárního věku.
    INK_FLO --- ---
    "What goes too long unchanged destroys itself. The forest is forever because it dies and dies and so lives."

    Ursula K. Le Guin - Tales From Earthsea: Dragonfly
    INK_FLO --- ---
    "Why, political intellectuals, do you incline towards the proletariat? In commiseration for what? I realize that a proletarian would hate you, you have no hatred because you are bourgeois, privileged smooth-skinned types, but also because you dare not say the only important thing there is to say, that one can enjoy swallowing the shit of capital, its materials, its metal bars, its polystyrene, its books, its sausage patés, swallowing tonnes of it till you burst - and because instead of saying this, which is also what happens in the desire of those who work with their hands, arses and heads, ah, you become a leader of men, what a leader of pimps, you lean forward and divulge: ah, but that´s alienation, it isn´t pretty, hang on, we´ll save you from it, we will work to liberate you from this wicked affection for servitude, we will give you dignity. And in this way you situate yourselves on the most despicable side, the moralistic side where you desire that our capitalized´s desire be totally ignored, forbidden, brought to a standstill, you are like priests with sinners, our servile intensities frighten you, you have to tell yourselves: how they must suffer to endure that! And of course we suffer, we the capitalized, but this does not mean that we do not enjoy, nor that what you think you can offer us as a remedy - for what? - does not disgust us, even more. We abhor therapeutics and its Vaseline, we prefer to burst under the quantitative excesses that you judge the most stupid. And don´t wait for our spontaneity to rise up in revolt either."

    Jean-François Lyotard - Libidinal Economy
    CRS --- ---
    šlohnuto z Ústavu; dle mě je to vhodné tady
    INK_FLO --- ---
    "Washing the toilet used by three males, and the floor and wall around it, is, Mira thought, coming face to face with necessity. And that is why women were saner than men, did not come up with the mad, absurd schemes men developed. They were in touch with necessity, they had to wash the toilet bowl and floor."

    Marilyn French - The Women´s Room
    CRS --- ---
    Budoucnost už není, co bývala.
    INK_FLO --- ---
    "Technology operates against the repressive utilization of energy in so far as it minimize the time necessary for the production of the necessities of life, thus saving time for the development of needs beyond the realm of necessity and of necessary waste. But the closer the real possibility of liberating the individual from the constraints once justified by scarcity and immaturity, the greater need for maintaining and streamlining these constraints lest the established order of domination dissolve. Civilisation has to defend itself against the specter of a world which could be free."

    Herbert Marcuse - Eros and Civilisation
    CRS --- ---
    Chválit politiky za to, že nechají opravit cesty ze státních peněz, je jako tleskat bankomatu za to, že ti vydal tvé peníze.
    KAMAHL --- ---
    INK_FLO --- ---
    Without hoping to know all while missing what’s most important,
    I'll remain throughout my life within the understanding of the one thing that liberates all.

    Chatral Sangye Dorje
    TCHYBABA --- ---
    “It's a little embarrassing that after 45 years of research & study, the best advice I can give people is to be a little kinder to each other.”
    (Aldous Huxley)
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    QWWERTY: Vskutečnosti:

    Cuneiform tablet: caravan account
    Old Assyrian Trading Colony; Cuneiform tablet; Clay-Tablets-Inscribed
    Date ca. 20th–19th century B.C.

    File:Cuneiform tablet- caravan account MET DP-13441-004.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
    CRS --- ---
    zdá se, že tenhle obrázek v novinách před čtyřmi dny zasáhl "blízko domova" u mnoha Američanů
    CRS --- ---
    INK_FLO --- ---
    I nicked that off Mark Ravenhill who wrote a very good piece which said that if you analyse television now it's a system of guidance - it tells you who is having the Bad Feelings and who is having the Good Feelings. And the person who is having the Bad Feelings is redeemed through a "hugs and kisses" moment at the end. It really is a system not of moral guidance, but of emotional guidance. Morality has been replaced by feeling. That's what all the disorders are about. They are a way of oppressing and measuring whether what you're feeling is the correct feeling. Intellect and morality are intimately related but feeling is now predominant.

    It's very difficult to take people out of themselves. Because what you're doing is reinforcing the priority of their own feelings about themselves. The thing about our age is that everyone monitors themselves. It's really fascinating. I did this with the psychological disorders in The Trap. They've become a way of policing yourself. "Am I the right shape? Am I the right emotional construct?" So you edge back to the right emotional shape, or the right physical shape. And vanity in our time - is about pleasing yourself. It's about making yourself feel better about yourself. We live within our selves. We should find a way of escaping it, but the program makers don't have the imagination or the confidence.

    I grew up at the time of the failure of the optimistic view of changing people. That's what marked out the 20th century - what drove it all was this idea that people can be made better, and fundamentally we can engineer it. That failed. We now have a mirror image of that. There are people who are quite engineer-like - they're almost value-neutral. Every now and again that group meets another group who have a pessimistic view of human nature. But that group, the geeks, think "With that view, we can make the world safe". They're almost engineers of the human soul - we can engineer a better world through pessimistic views of human nature. I think that was true of marketers who saw in Freud's ideas a way of saying, "Look, we can shape how people fulfil their desires". That was also true of the neo-conservatives. They have a dark and pessimistic view of human beings, but they also have an optimistic view of a vision of the world which is that if we create a world that's grand enough, it will contain those dark desires and make them better. A lot of them are ex-Marxists, so it's not surprising.

    By taking an optimistic idea that takes a pessimistic view of human nature through managing it, has increasingly trapped us into a technical process where you manage the feelings of the individual. It's not bad, it's not a conspiracy - it's just an attempt to manage a system. But because it's based on a limited view of human beings, it doesn't quite work. It's the years of stagnation. There's opportunities but no one's grabbing them. It's an extraordinary time of relative peace and relative prosperity, but we are all terrified, anxious, nervous, and we're not making any use of this openness. And it will close down again.

    (Adam Curtis)
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    QWWERTY: jen tak mimochodem, to slovní spojení je sice v tomhle kontextu dochované jako nejstarší zdroj, nicméně už i z té věty je zřejmé, že to bylo používáno již dříve :) sorry za boření, ale já prostě musím
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