strana 36 SYSTEM Work Mode
je to takova takulka
kde urcis v ktory den v ktorom case ma vyuzit nabijeni z GRIDu
je tam i priklad dobijeni ze site (v ktory den, v akom case, jaky vykon dovolis pustit ) :
During 00:00-05:00, when batery SOC is lower than 80%, it will
use grid to charge the batery until batery SOC reaches 80%.
tiez tam nastavujes, jak dovolis cerpat energii z akumulatora:
During 05:00-08:00 and 08:00-10:00, when battery SOC is higher
than 40%, hybrid inverter will discharge the battery until the SOC
reaches 40%.
During 10:00-15:00, when battery SOC is higher than 80%, hybrid
inverter will discharge the batery until the SOC reaches 80%.
During 15:00-18:00, when battery SOC is higher than 40%, hybrid
inverter will discharge the battery until the SOC reaches 40%.
During 18:00-00:00, when battery SOC is higher than 35%, hybrid
inverter will discharge the battery until the SOC reaches 35%.