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    ztracené heslo?
    COMMANCHEDobyvani vesmiru a kosmonautika 🚀🛰️👩🏼‍🚀
    XCHAOS --- ---
    THERIDANE: no jo, ale pro mě je nový záběr jen to otevření nohou :-) (a fakt mi sere, že jsem to zaspal.. prostě jsem neplánovaně usnul a neměl jsem nařízený budík...)
    THERIDANE --- ---
    XCHAOS: celý video:

    "The Falcon has landed" | Recap of Falcon 9 launch and landing
    XCHAOS --- ---
    VIRGO: no, voda, která se vyvaří ještě než doteče dolů, zůstane po ní sůl. nevím, fakt nejsem planetolog (exogeolog, nebo jak tomu říkat.. v tomhle případě cererolog?)
    VIRGO --- ---
    XCHAOS: Voda stékající po stěnách ve vakuu?
    Tipoval bych (směrem) přesně naopak: Impaktem vyvržené spodní vrstvy solí (či čeho).
    XCHAOS --- ---
    pěkný nový záběr přistání Falconu 9, z nového úhlu, s detailním záběrem na otevření nohou na začátku.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    VIRGO: jsem jediný, kdo tam vidí solné usazeniny zbylé po odpařené vodě, stékající po stěnách kráteru? .-)
    VIRGO --- ---
    Nově publikované snímky z 19. až 23.12. ze vzdálenosti 385 km.

    Kráter Kupalo:

    VIRGO --- ---
    Popis pracoviště letové kontroly mise Apollo včetně jednotlivých segmentů:
    Apollo Flight Controller 101: Every console explained | Ars Technica

    VIRGO --- ---
    Audi’s amazing robotic moon rover at the Detroit Auto Show

    Inside Audi's wonderfully improbable project to put a rover on the Moon | The Verge
    XCHAOS --- ---
    LUDO: předběhl si mě!! :-) tak aspoň to dám sem: [ XCHAOS @ 3D tiskárny ]

    "It is the first part ever 3D Printed with material from outer space". Tomu teda říkám "In situ resource utilization" :-)
    VIRGO --- ---
    Namib, Sol 1192, Mastcam R

    LUDO --- ---
    Planetary Resources & 3D Systems Reveal First Ever 3D Printed Object from Asteroid Metals | Planetary Resources
    VIRGO --- ---
    Tak znovu a lépe... Poslední pokus pro ESA.
    Philae status report: “Time is running out” | Rosetta - ESA's comet chaser

    Rosetta’s lander Philae has remained silent since 9 July 2015. With every passing day, Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
    is getting further and further away from the Sun, and as such, temperatures are falling on the comet's surface. Things
    are getting critical for Philae: conditions are predicted to be “lander-hostile” – too cold – by the end of January.

    But the lander team are going to try another method to trigger a reponse from Philae: on 10 January they will send
    a command, via Rosetta, to attempt to make Philae’s momentum wheel switch on.

    "Time is running out, so we want to explore all possibilities," says Stephan Ulamec, Philae lander manager at DLR.
    THERIDANE --- ---
    VIRGO --- ---
    LUDO --- ---
    slovensky kozmicky program pomaly ale isto nici konkurenciu :)

    Predstavili prvú slovenskú družicu skCUBE, do vesmíru poletí na jar | Televízia TA3
    CLUMP --- ---
    ‘X’ Marks a Curious Corner on Pluto’s Icy Plains

    Mission scientists believe the pattern of the cells stems from the slow thermal convection of the nitrogen-dominated ices that fill Sputnik Planum. A reservoir that’s likely several miles or kilometers deep in some places, the solid nitrogen is warmed at depth by Pluto’s modest internal heat, becomes buoyant and rises up in great blobs, and then cools off and sinks again to renew the cycle.

    “This part of Pluto is acting like a lava lamp,” said William McKinnon, deputy lead of the New Horizons Geology, Geophysics and Imaging team, from Washington University in St. Louis, “if you can imagine a lava lamp as wide as, and even deeper than, the Hudson Bay.”

    CLUMP --- ---
    Particles ‘Go with the Flow’ on Pluto’s Surface

    Among the features scientists find particularly interesting are the bright methane ices that condensed on many crater rims; the collection of dark red tholins (small soot-like particles generated from reactions involving methane and nitrogen in the atmosphere) in low areas, like the bottoms of craters; and the layering on the faces of steep cliffs and on crater walls.

    In areas where the reddish material is thickest and the surface appears smooth, the material seems to have flowed into some channels and craters. Scientists say tholin deposits of that thickness aren’t usually mobile on large scales, suggesting that they might be riding along with ice flowing underneath, or being blown around by Pluto’s winds.

    CLUMP --- ---
    Does Icy Pluto Have a Hidden Ocean? New Horizons Offers New Clues | Science | Smithsonian

    In addition to wonders like soaring mountains, ice volcanoes and a giant heart-shaped basin, images beamed back by the probe revealed a surface marred by a network of fissures and a notably spherical shape.

    For some scientists, those last two discoveries are hints that something even wilder may be hidden inside the tiny world, because they are the first direct clues that Pluto could host a subsurface ocean beneath its thick, icy crust. If confirmed, an ocean on Pluto would have profound implications, because it would increase the likelihood that other icy bodies could host liquid water—and possibly life.

    "The fact that even cold, distant Pluto could have a subsurface ocean means that there are potential habitats even in apparently unpromising locations," says Francis Nimmo, a New Horizons scientist based at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

    These cracks hint at subsurface seas:

    XCHAOS --- ---
    THERIDANE: podle mě na LAMO už nějaký čas jsou. teď začaly přicházet první fotky.
    Dawn (spacecraft) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    ARCHIMEDES --- ---
    THERIDANE: Ne, draha je polarni (inklinace ~90°), uhel beta udava orientaci vuci subsolarnimu bodu na Ceresu a tim i to, jake stiny jsou na fotkach a jak velkou cast drahy je sonda ve stinu.
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