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    ztracené heslo?
    COMMANCHEDobyvani vesmiru a kosmonautika 🚀🛰️👩🏼‍🚀
    REDGUY --- ---
    LUDO: No kdyz je rec o supermasivnich, tak to neplati. Ani co se vzniku tyce (zvazujou se i jiny mechanismy vzniku nez zhrouceni hvezdy), ani co se hustoty tyce (viz predchozi zprava).
    LUDO --- ---
    REDGUY: hmm, doteraz som mal za to, ze cierna diera je iba extremnejsie stadium neutronovej hviezdy, a tie su superhuste
    REDGUY --- ---
    Fun fact: velky cerny diry maji prekvapive nizkou hustotu protoze polomer zalezi ciste na hmotnosti. Z https://arxiv.org/pdf/1312.0340.pdf

    Surprisingly, the average density decreases dramatically for massive black holes. A black hole of 387 million solar masses would have the average density of water and would be comparable to a giant water balloon extending from the sun almost to Jupiter. A black hole of 11 billion solar masses would have the average density of air and would be analogous to a giant air filled party balloon extending 2.5 times farther out than Pluto.

    Takze jestli je xkcd spravne, tak tahle ma hustotu plus minus jako vzduch 8-0

    JAKKILLER --- ---
    TOXICMAN: Hm, ted o tom vedu debatu s otcem. Je to accretion disc nebo je to zareni z casti galaxie ktera je za M87? Tady - https://eventhorizontelescope.org/- jsem nasel jsem tohle: "Scientists have obtained the first image of a black hole, using Event Horizon Telescope observations of the center of the galaxy M87. The image shows a bright ring formed as light bends in the intense gravity around a black hole that is 6.5 billion times more massive than the Sun. This long-sought image provides the strongest evidence to date for the existence of supermassive black holes and opens a new window onto the study of black holes, their event horizons, and gravity. Credit: Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration

    ESTEN --- ---
    ATOMIKS: Kdyz uz, tak s popiskem:

    Figure 4. Top: three example models of some of the best-fitting snapshots from the image library of GRMHD simulations for April 11 corresponding to different spin parameters and accretion flows. Bottom: the same theoretical models, processed through a VLBI simulation pipeline with the same schedule, telescope characteristics, and weather parameters as in the April 11 run and imaged in the same way as Figure 3. Note that although the fit to the observations is equally good in the three cases, they refer to radically different physical scenarios; this highlights that a single good fit does not imply that a model is preferred over others (see Paper V).

    (Fig. 3 je ta "fotka" samotna.)
    HADIAK --- ---
    sry :)

    ARCHIMEDES --- ---
    ARCHIMEDES: Beresheet by měl dosednout mezi 21 a 22h SELČ.
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Accretion flow onto a Kerr Black Hole and Raytraced Emission
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Telescopes in the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration in 2017
    ATOMIKS --- ---
    já jsem rád za to, že to má dynamiku a potřebu větších detailů, že zdaleka není mise splněna .o)

    [ CLUMP @ fotky/obrázky země, sluníčka a všech planet z vesmíru ]

    a pro připomenutí, na co koukáme https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2017/messier-87
    AVATAR --- ---
    KAERO: to nerozporuju. Skeptik? Ani ne, jsem nadsenej. Vic, nez kdyby nam to vsechny teorie shodilo ze stolu. Znamena to, ze jsme na spravne stope.

    A jsem dost zvedavej na magneticky pole. Ty data ziskana behem posledniho roku budou asi analyzovat dalsich pet let.

    A hlavne ted prijde na radu vylepsovani procesu, presun teleskopů do vesmiru. Proste je to jen prvni vlastovka. I kdyz u hubbleova teleskopu byly prvni snimky rozostrene kvuli spatnemu brusu, verim, ze vysledek vyzkumu eht bude podobnej, jako kdyz hubble opravili.
    KAERO --- ---
    AVATAR: jsi moc skepticky. to ze se model overi pozorovanim je proste naprosto uzasne a skvele! bez toho jsou ty modely skoro k nicemu
    LEGI --- ---
    DRAGON: dr. Bursa o tom mel prednasku na matfyzu, mozna nekde vyplave.
    AVATAR --- ---
    DRAGON: bohuzel. Ale vzhledem k tomu, ze to vypada, jak teorie predvidaly, z toho zadna zasadni novinka nekouka. Ale je pekne to mit overene :)
    DRAGON --- ---
    tusite nekdo nejakou stranku v CZ, kde nekdo pekne shrnul, co to cele tedy prineslo, jake jsou novinky z toho vyzkumu?
    TOXYGEN --- ---
    KAERO: relativne blizko infrared
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    KAERO: ano, proto záměrně píšu data a ne fotony :)
    KAERO --- ---
    TOXICMAN: ale to pozorovani je v mikrovlnach ne? ja jen ze ty barvicky jsou umele
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    The information gathered is too much to be sent across the internet. Instead the data was stored on hundreds of hard drives which were flown to a central processing centre.

    TOXICMAN --- ---
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