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    ztracené heslo?
    COMMANCHEDobyvani vesmiru a kosmonautika 🚀🛰️👩🏼‍🚀
    ONDRA_99 --- ---
    TOXICMAN: Kdyz sem to vcera videl tak sem si rikal ze je to nejak kratky :D
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Perseverance Rover VS Curiosity Rover - What's New? What's Improved?
    SEJDA --- ---
    LADINEK: davali ti tragedi primi prenos? Nebo se fakt tak bali? :)
    LADINEK --- ---
    A Pereseverance uspesne prosel procesem pripravenosti k letu ;)

    LADINEK --- ---
    Tianwen-1 launch

    Cinani uz to valej k Marsu
    ESTEN --- ---
    LUDO: presne tenhle odhad jsem delal tak pred peti lety, a tehda se ty primky protinaly v roce 2032. Takze za me dobry :)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Too good to be true mezihvězdný pohon? článek se tváří seriozně, ale slyším o tom principu poprvé..
    Future interstellar rockets may use laser-induced annihilation reactions for relativistic drive - ScienceDirect
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    LUDO --- ---
    DZODZO --- ---
    jo to som pozeral minuly rok, ked mali nejake to kulate vyrocie
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Now that NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has been assembled into its final form, testing teams seized the unique opportunity to perform a critical software and electrical analysis on the entire observatory as a single, fully connected vehicle.

    Known as a Comprehensive Systems Test or CST, this was the first full systems evaluation that has ever been run on the assembled observatory, and one of the final first-time activities the team will perform. Similar performance evaluations have been completed in Webb’s history, using simulations and surrogates to infer data about pieces of the spacecraft that had not yet been assembled. Now that Webb is fully built, simulations and simulators are no longer needed, and engineers can confidently assess both its software and electronic performance.

    More on this critical testing milestone here: https://go.nasa.gov/3er2nWX

    Image credit: NASA/Chris Gunn

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    IST (Integrated Systems Test) completed successfully. #MarsPerseverance
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Spacecraft hoist and mate is complete. We’re going to Mars. #marsperseverance
    SEZI --- ---
    https://www.roscosmos.ru/28777/ 10:03 via denikn.cz
    V Moskvě byl zadržen poradce šéfa ruské kosmické agentury Roskosmos, bývalý novinář Ivan Safronov. Je podezřelý z vlastizrady. (Roskosmos)

    Podle https://www.swissinfo.ch/...of-russian-space-agency-detained-on-treason-charges---roscosmos/45885766 ale It said the detention of Ivan Safronov, a former journalist specialising in military affairs, was not linked to his work with the space agency where he has worked as an advisor to General Director Dmitry Rogozin.
    KULA --- ---
    Scott Manley to pitvá na svém twitteru celý den. Baterie (3ks celkem na 2nd stage) dávají 100kW do turbopumpy. Zmáknout swap (přechod na 3., odhození vyobrazeného páru) bez poklesu výkonu bude dost klíčové tajemství Rocket Labu.
    Jedna věc je řízeně přiškrtit výkon, druhá když to zasambuje samo. Proto mě hned zajímalo, co se děje v komoře.
    SEJDA --- ---
    KULA: tak i podle drbu nastava staging baterii az po 6. minute, tedy problem nastal kdyz jeste stale pouzivali stare baterie
    LADINEK --- ---
    CHEVALIER: jop, mel by mit jinak reseny kola

    Reinventing the Wheel (for Mars) - Science Friday
    CHEVALIER --- ---
    LADINEK: ...doufám že tam dali pevnější kola...
    KULA --- ---
    SEJDA: nevěděl jsem, že dělají microstaging.
    btw dvojce baterií zde:
    SEJDA --- ---
    KULA: prepnou napajeni na posledni baterii. Zkontroluji, ze uz zadny proud z tech dvou, do ted pouzivanych, baterrii neproudi. Provedou odpojeni a odhodi je.
    Je to sice unikum rakety Elektron, ale to mne prijde, ze je pravdepodobnejsi, ze selhala navigace, resp. regulace tahu, to jsou o mnoho konplexnejsi systemy. Vsak uvidime.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam