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    ztracené heslo?
    COMMANCHEDobyvani vesmiru a kosmonautika 🚀🛰️👩🏼‍🚀
    SEJDA --- ---
    SEJDA: na twitteru Olafa je i novejsi verze mapky 1/2022 s jedinou zmenou v JWST, ktery ma mise i na pozorovani objektu v SS.

    MADCAT: asi nejsou schvalene, pockej na dalsi rozpoctove obdobi. Navrhovatele seskrtaji navrhy pro tyto mise, ujasni si, ktera je z nich nejdulezitejsi, spoji se s jinymi projekty, a pak uz to projde. Podobne prosly mise k Venusi.
    Titan dostane dron: Dragonfly, mas ho tam v paticce v sekci 2025+
    MADCAT --- ---
    SEJDA: Marně tam hledám Uranus orbiter, Neptune orbiter, Titan rover... :-I
    VOYTEX --- ---
    "SPaCe iS jUsT eXtReMeLy EnORmOusE, aND satELITES aRe _VeRy_ TiNy"

    Breakup of China’s Yunhai-1 (02) satellite linked to space debris collision - SpaceNews
    The 18th Space Control Squadron (18 SPCS) of the U.S. Space Force has identified the breakup of the Yunhai 1-02 meteorological spacecraft (2019-063A) last year to be an accidental collision with a small, mission-related debris object (1996-051Q) associated with the Zenit-2 launch vehicle for the deployment of the Russian Cosmos 2333 military signals intelligence satellite in 1996
    “the event was likely caused by a piece of debris in the 1-10 centimeter size range.”

    The breakup of Yunhai-1 (02) is the fifth confirmed accidental collision between two cataloged objects, according to the report. A total of 37 fragments from the collision have been cataloged by the 18 SPCS and as of 1 October 2021, with four of these having reentered the atmosphere.


    Open Access Hub
    Following the previous news on the Sentinel-1B anomaly that occurred on 23 December 2021, the resuming of the operations was carefully prepared including the on-board configuration changes preventing the anomaly to occur again.

    However, during the preparation of the recovery operations, it became clear that the initial anomaly was a consequence of a potential serious problem related to a unit of the power system of the Sentinel-1B satellite. The operations performed over the last days did not allow to reactivate so far a power supply function required for the radar operations.

    Further investigations to identify and remedy the root cause will be performed over the next days.
    SEJDA --- ---
    Aktualizace mapky misi zkoumajicich SSO (Sun system objects) od Olaf Frohn

    Space. It's... It's...: Solar System Missions

    SEJDA --- ---
    Dnes odstartoval VZLUSat-2 na Falconu 9, deployer se bude oddelovat shruba v 18:00, a az z nej potom bude vystrelen VZLUSat-2.

    Orignalni prenos (mozna pobezi az do oddeleni deployeru):
    Transporter-3 Mission

    Cesky komentovany start vcetne rozhovoru s inzenyrem odpovednym za HW a SW:
    Start Falcon 9 – Transporter-3 (13. 1. 16:25) - MALL.TV
    JIMIQ --- ---
    DSL.sk - Webbov teleskop má vďaka presnému štartu palivo až na 20 rokov

    Vesmírnemu teleskopu Jamesa Webba zostalo po dvoch manévroch úpravy trajektórie viac paliva ako sa pôvodne plánovalo a to až na misiu trvajúcu približne 20 rokov namiesto pôvodného cieľa viac ako 10 rokov.
    HOWKING --- ---
    BLACKHEAD --- ---
    HOWKING: Mas to naky krivy!
    To zas budou fotky... Kam se hrabe Hubble... ;-D
    HOWKING --- ---
    XCHAOS --- ---

    tak asi tady budu dělat takovej countdown to chilldown :-)
    KAERO --- ---
    Kazdy cryocooler potrebuje helium doplnovat, protoze zadny spoj neni dokonale tesny atd. Ten cryocooler na JWST je udelany tak, aby vydrzel fungovat bez doplnovani po dobu zivotnosti JWST (+rezerva). Hadam ze ma nejakou rezervni zasobu - na obrazcich jsou videt 4 valce, dva jsou bezpochyby regeneratory, ale 2 by mohly byt rezervni zasoby. Ale i tak by me zajimalo, proc ja musim na svem PT crycooleru doplnovat helium kazdy rok (tlak He mi klesne o 15 %), a oni ne. No asi jsou lepsi oddil :)
    NANUQ --- ---
    BASIK: Nene, v pohodě, už jsem si toho taky všiml, ten cryocooler opravdu nepotřebuje hélium doplňovat: https://webb.nasa.gov/content/about/innovations/cryocooler.html
    BASIK --- ---
    NANUQ: Kdyz rozliknu ten tvuj odkaz, hned na me vyskoci popreni mylny informace. JWST vodik nepouziva, tudiz nemuze dojit. (Prijdu si docela nevhodne, ze tady jako totalni laik predavam informace, ktery jsem si zrovna precet :D)
    NANUQ --- ---
    NANUQ: Ha, už vidím že to je asi chyba v původním článku, ale teda dost divná...
    NANUQ --- ---
    BASIK: Přesně to jsem si myslel taky, ale:
    JWST's Limiting Factor | American Scientist
    “The infrared detectors onboard the JWST have to be cooled with liquid helium to prevent the thermal fluctuations within the detectors from swamping the astronomical signals. Because the helium will gradually be used up, JWST has a finite and short mission lifetime (5.5 to 10 years).”
    BASIK --- ---
    NANUQ: Jsem naprostej amater, ale chladici system by mel bejt uzavrenej, tudiz omezenej maximalne zivotnosti pump/elektroniky. Chladivo by dojit nemelo. U vsech predikci zatim vsichni povidali o tom, ze dojde palivo na korekce pohybu.
    NANUQ --- ---
    BASIK: A není tam náhodou problém spíše s tím chladícím médiem než s palivem?
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    80% cesty za námi :)
    BASIK --- ---
    Docela zajimava zprava k prodlouzeni zivotnosti JSWT :)

    The other piece of news, less well-covered but still important, emerged during a news conference on Saturday. NASA's Mission Systems Engineer for the Webb telescope, Mike Menzel, said the agency had completed its analysis of how much "extra" fuel remained on board the telescope. Roughly speaking, Menzel said, Webb has enough propellant on board for 20 years of life.

    All hail the Ariane 5 rocket, which doubled the Webb telescope’s lifetime | Ars Technica
    JIMIQ --- ---
    hledal jsem proč je ta halo orbita tak velká a našel jsem tohle
    orbital mechanics - Why is NASA choosing such a large “halo” orbit at L2 for JWST? - Space Exploration Stack Exchange

    Answer: to avoid eclipses by the Moon.
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