XCHAOS: Tve obvykle dlouhe dojmy o NASA jsou ponekud skromne na fakta.
Proc podle tebe vedci z americkych univerzit identifikovali ve videich NASA "4 vrstvy umele pridaneho vizualniho sumu"?
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/383410701_VIdeo_Extraterrestrial_Fourth_Domain_of_Life_UFO_UAP_Plasma_Official_NASA_Filmshttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/378076432_Extraterrestrial_Life_in_the_Thermosphere_Plasmas_UAP_Pre-Life_Fourth_State_of_Matter_--_httpswwwresearchgatenetpublication377077692Proc zaloba Leslie Kean na NASA, kterou se dozadovala protipravne tajenych dat, uspela?
NASA’s “Fragology Files” – Space Object Recovery and Analysis Records - The Black Vaulthttps://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/nasas-fragology-files-space-object-recovery-and-analysis-records/In July of 2021, NASA released more than 220 pages of records on the Kean v. NASA lawsuit. This revealed numerous pages on Project Moon Dust, and the recovery of unknown fragments (most likely space debris / fallen satellites). However, what is interesting, is the Moon Dust related files that came up in my NASA request, which were Department of State records, did not come up in my FOIA request to the Department of State on Project Moon Dust. That, in itself, was a neat find, since Project Moon Dust files are hard to come by. (It should be noted, The Black Vault has not yet cross references other files released by DIA that yielded some Moon Dust files, though it does appear many of these records are not online.)
In addition to the Project Moon Dust and related files, NASA also released many of the communications in during the case with Kean and her attorneys. It was also revealed that despite those records surviving, an
untold number of others were destroyed per NASA’s records retention schedules."
XCHAOS: Pokud vazne veris, ze nedopatrenim v NASA smazali nekolik _mistnosti_ plnejch pasek se zaznamem historicky mise pristani na Mesici A11, tak OK. Mas viru v instituci, ktera prokazatelne zapira a falsuje data z kosmickeho vyzkumu. A ma svou armadu mmch.
"Tvoje konspirační teorie" - Tenhle termin vznikl 1952 jako diskreditacni nastroj, je vystupem multidisciplinarni skupiny pod Office of Scientific Intelligence na zakazku Trumanovo administrativy, ktera potrebovala vyvolat spolecenskou stigmatizaci vlade nepohodlnych temat. Predevsim odradit investigativni novinare a vedce, ktere zajimalo, co zkouma letectvo a NACA na obloze...
Robertson Panel,1952-1953, 'Training and "debunking"https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP81R00560R000100030027-0.pdf(Vse, co je v konfliktu s vyjadrenim autorit, vse, co se nelibi mne a me bubline je omyl/konspirace/halucinace/komunismus (dnes woke/MAGA) a kdo se tim zabyva, je extremista/dezinformator/agent/hlupak/blazen. Vse divne ma konvencni vysvetleni, atd.)
Je to jeden z nejuspesnejsich vyzkumu z US, u nas temer neznamych.
Vtipny, ze tim terminem po mne znova a znova hazi nekdo, kdo siri nepravdy o nereplikovatelnosti LENR a o UAP, zatimco ja na rozdil od popiracu svoje tvrzeni dokladam autentickyma dokumentama nebo vyzkumem. Proc na me pouzivas psyop slovnik?