Ja myslim, ze serie Duny od Herberta, se da vnimat jako hluboke filosoficke dilo. Vnimam v nem, kterak se spisovatel zamysli nad zakladnimi lidskymi potrebami, sociologii, ekologii, transpersonalni psychiatrii, proste v cele serii premysli usty a myslenkami svych postav. Ale jednotlive vety by klidne sli prepsat do klasickeho uvahoveho stilu filosoficky knih. Samotny dej Duny je vlastne sam o sobe jenom zpusob kterak muze F.H. plynule prechazet mezi myslenkami ktere chce rici, aniz by musel nazyvat kapitoly: Zamysleni na idealni spolecnoskou strukturou, Zamysleni nad armadou, Zamysleni nad casem, Zamysleni nad moralnim kodexem.... atd :-)
Duna je v prvnim dile na nejviditelnejsi urovni moc pekna scifi, ale v kazdem dalsim pokracovani je vice a vice hlubokych myslenek a filosofickeho meditovani nad svetem a jeho radem jako takovym.
Dnes rano jsem otevrel nahodne Bozskeho imperatoraa narazil jsem na tuto pasaz. Bohuzel nemam cesky ebook, tak ji sem pastnu v Aj. Ty zvyraznene casti jsou velmi zajimave:
"You felt the power of Siaynoq?" Leto asked.
"Mumbo jumbo."
"Then why are you disturbed by it?"
"Your Fish Speakers aren't an army, they're a police force." "By my name, I assure you that's not so. Police are inevitably corrupted."
"You tempted me with power," Idaho accused.
"That's the test, Duncan."
"You don't trust me?"
"I trust your loyalty to the Atreides implicitly, without question."
"Then what's this talk of corruption and testing?"
"You were the one who accused me of having a police force. Police always observe that criminals prosper. It takes a pretty dull policeman to miss the fact that the position of authority is the most prosperous criminal position available."
Idaho wet his lips with his tongue and stared at Leto with obvious puzzlement. "But the moral training of... I mean, the legal... the prisons to..."
"What good are laws and prisons when the breaking of a law is not a sin?"
Idaho cocked his head slightly to the right. "Are you trying to tell me that your damned religion is.. ."
"Punishment of sins can be quite extravagant."
Idaho hooked a thumb over his shoulder toward the world outside the door. "All this talk about death penalties... that flogging and..."
"I try to dispense with casual laws and prisons wherever possible."
"You have to have some prisons!"
"Do I? Prisons are needed only to provide the illusion that courts and police are effective. They're a kind of job insurance."
Idaho turned slightly and thrust a pointing finger toward the door through which he had entered the small room. "You've got whole planets that are nothing but prisons!"
"I guess you could think of anywhere as a prison if that's the way your illusions go.''
"Illusions!" Idaho dropped his hand to his side and stood dumbfounded.
"Yes. You talk of prisons and police and legalities, the perfect illusions behind which a prosperous power structure can operate while observing, quite accurately, that it is above its own laws."
"And you think crimes can be dealt with by...
"Not crimes, Duncan, sins."
"So you think your religion can..."
"Have you noted the primary sins?"
"Attempting to corrupt a member of my government, and corruption by a member of my government."
"And what is this corruption?"
"Essentially, it's the failure to observe and worship the holiness of the God Leto."
"But you told me right at the beginning that..."
"You think I don't believe in my own godhead? Be careful, Duncan."
Premyslel jsem jak to F.H. myslel a pak me to doslo. Zakon sam o sobe nestaci aby se podle nej lide ridili. Vdyt tento problem se projevuje prave nyni v soucasne spolecnosti, kdy parlament chrli takove mnoszstvi novych zakonu, ze je prosty obyvatel ani nemuze stacit precist a je streba specializovaneho vykladace zakonu - pravnika - aby tomuto slozitemu systemu porozumel. soucasny zakonik se opravdu stal tim co rika F.H.: "perfect illusions behind which a prosperous power structure can operate while observing, quite accurately, that it is above its own laws" Zakon by se preci mel naopak oprat o nejake hlubsi moralni uvedomeni. Soucasne selhavani zakonu je IMHO hlavne prave kvuli tomu, ze zakony jsou tak nesmyslne, dlouhe a a nelidske, ze se ani nemuzou stat moralnim kodexem. Protoze clovek se preci neridi zakony - ve smyslu tech papiru - clovek se preci vzdy ridi prave svym vnitrnim moralnim kodexem ktery by mel byt se zakonem co nejtotoznejsi.
A jak chytre F.H. poukazuje. Prave nabozenstvi, muze byt uspesnejsi/srozumitelnejsi ve vysvetlovani a implementovani zakona do moralniho kodexu. Male deti preci neznaji zakony. Jen rodice jim rikaji co je "spravne" chovani. A kdyz sami rodice neciti moralni napojeni na "Obcansky zakonik" tak stezi muzeme ocekavat ze v jeho smyslu vychovaji sve deti. Zatimco nabozensky inprint je mozno prosazovat uz od nejmensiho veku ditete, v dobe kdy formuje svuj charakter. Vzdyt i to krestanske desatero je vcelku rozumny dokument, ktery by mohl smele nahradi valnou vetsinu dnesnich zakonu. Jeho moralni poselstvi sice ponekud zkorodovalo ve vlivu katolickeho papezenstvi, ale nejake pokusy o reformaci tu v historii byli, to musim uznat :-)
Rekl bych, ze tato uvaha take vrha nove svetlo na islam. Ne nahodou je mozno najit paraelu mezi planetou Duna a soucasnym strednim vychodem: At uz podnebi, klimaticke problemy, ropa/koreni, arabove/fremeni. Ale tento narod ma stale hluboce propojeny moralni kodex se zakony. Poruseni zakonu je tam stale hrich, tak jak naznacuje F.H. A nabozensti vudci jsou stale i vykonavatele a prosazovatele zakona...
myslim ze to vrha paprsky noveho svetla pri zamysleni nad soucasnou situaci a jistym konfliktem mezi Demokracii a arabskym Islamem? :-)