DUNAR_: ano dekuji za nhravku na smec... :o)
samozrejmne ze NECHYBI :-) protoze zadne nejsou. Nebo alespon ne tak jak si to predstavuje hamburgrozrout Brian.
Ale ted zpet do rozkryvani zahrad dila Franka Herberta...
Bozsky imerator se zda byt plny malych stripku. Zde nachazim poprve zminky o "siti" coz mi napadne pripomina presne tu "sit" kterou zminuje Duncan Idaho tesne pred skokem ARKY do neprostoru v poslednim dile... Sit ktera je nejakym zpusobem se zminovanym nepritelem? Co zije ve svete snu a vzpominek? Nepritel je samozrejmne neco vnitrniho. Neco co lezi v nas a musime to "porazit". Klasice "face you own inner deamons"
Ritual substitutes.
There were significant changes across the past ten years. A new parsimony had
entered the Sisterhood's thinking.
They are coming out, Leto told himself. The old, old mysteries are still here.
The ancient patterns had lain dormant in the Bene Gesserit memories for all of
those millennia.
Now, they emerge. I must warn my Fish Speakers.
He returned his attention to the Reverend Mothers.
"You have requests?"
"What is it like to be you'?" Luyseyal asked.
Leto blinked. That was an interesting attack. They had not tried it in more than
a generation. Well . . . why not?
"Sometimes my dreams are blocked off and redirected into strange places," he
said. "If my cosmic memories are a web, as you two certainly know, then think
about the dimensions of my web and where such memories and dreams might lead."
Jinak ten dilog je cely dokonale vymazleny. :-) Tak co, nejaky ten srazek a pokec? Nejak zacinam byt osamnely. I ti chudaci co lusti moudrost z tory a bible maji spolecnost se kterou si o tom povidaji ;)