http://www.amazon.com/reader/0375758844 as ever to the rescue: By late April, the newspapers were having a field day, churning out stories preparatory to the nearing electrocution, describing Kemmler's efforts to make a will, his sagging spirits, and the construction by "stripeds" of his plain pine coffin.
A s přihlédnutím k tomu, že jediný další výskyt je o 15 stránek dřív "Aside from the [...] twittering of the sparrows, the prison was unnaturally quiet, even though it housed 1,200 inmates. All were garbed in its fansous [sic OCR!] black-and-white-striped uniforms"...
RIP: Bohužel je to z července 09.
ZCR: Hmm, že by podle toho "jsoucí" byl pan Malát ze Slovače? Ale jinde se podobné tendence neprojevují...