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    ztracené heslo?
    LALINAObrana občana
    ATTILAH --- ---
    akce proti aktualnim snaham oomezit pristup k internetu e jmenu ochrany dusevniho vlastnictvi, bezpecnosti atd.:
    pastuji cele

    "The battle for access to information and the Internet is the mother of all battles, the one that will allow us to keep going autonomously and creatively in crisis times, regardless of what the powers that be "organise" for their own interest..."
    Zaphod Beeblebrox, Digital Thoughts

    Because in times of crisis, the European Parliament is discussing how to take away one of the few remaining ways that allow citizens to get ahead – open access to the Internet – and to hand it over to the multinationals (this is not science fiction; it is happening now - follow the links below [1]);

    Because we must be able to benefit from spreading our works without middlemen;

    Because we are fed up with plundering by royalties management organisations;

    Because artists are being used as an excuse to restrict legal rights to expression and development;

    Because copying and sharing information is our right to culture, to knowledge and to communication, and they want to give it away to the entertainment industry (this isn’t science fiction either – the American Chamber of Commerce is pressuring worldwide for changes to the Intellectual Property Laws to prevent the right to copy and share information [2]);

    Because their business is not our culture;

    Because it is important for artists to be able to make a living from their work if they wish to;

    Because “greed breaks the sack” as we saw in this crisis that has shown us that we live in a system that expects us to protect the interests of banks and multinationals, in the hope that they might one day give us a job in exchange for the crumbs of their profits.
    The philosophy of free culture, inherited from the free software movement, is the best empirical proof that a new kind of ethics and a new kind of business are possible. It has already created an alternative production space that works, based on an artisan or trade model in which the author-producer doesn't lose control of his or her output and doesn't need the mediation of big monopolies. A kind of production that is committed to autonomous initiatives in solidarity with others, to sharing based on each person's abilities and opportunities, to the democratisation of knowledge, education and the means of production and to fair distribution of earnings based on work carried out.

    And because actions speak louder than words, thousands of individuals and organisations, hundreds of artists, have joined forces...

    we welcome back in Barcelona, Spain...

    The oXcars
    29th of octobre 2009
    the biggest free culture event of all time

    And, for the first time, we introduce
    The International Free Culture Forum:
    Organisation and Action
    30th of octobre to 1st of novembre 2009
    which will put down in black and white the politics of the digital age as conceived by citizens, by you and by me (this is not science fiction!).

    This is an invitation extended to everybody, and an invitation extended to over 1000 institutions that legislate on our rights worldwide, an invitation to listen and to understand, because the way of life and development of citizens is at stake.
    On October 25 we will reveal how each and every one of them has responded.

    The oXcars and The Free Culture Forum are open to everybody. Come along, find out about absolutely everything and participate.
    This is unstoppable, we can only win. The civil society have its word to say on access to knowledge and culture in the digital age.

    Please, spread the info.


    "It was the same with the inquisition: digital progress is also unstoppable, the only issue is how many years of suffering, stagnation and obscurantism we will have to but up with before they admit that their interests are not the centre of the universe".
    Cayce Pollard, Vogons Proverbs

    [By the way, this message is illegal en Europe. It is illegal to use quotations except for research and educational purposes. Quotes for information purposes are not permitted... And this is not science fiction].


    Related material of interest:

    [1] – During the Free Culture Forum you will be able to collaborate, in the flesh, with the organisations that are lobbying the European Parliament exactly during these days in which the fearsome Telecoms Package is being debated.
    You can see what it's all about here:

    Here is information about who is on the committee, how they have voted (from red to green, from more favourable to citizens to more favourable to multinationals), and who we have to lobby in each country (if you know some of them, talk to them; if you don’t know them, ring them up. These links show you how):

    What do we tell them?: to defend the original article 138, not the "soft" version. That is: no private entity can monitor your digital communication"prior ruling by the judicial authorities".

    Send to the Europarlementiers the following sentence (this action is carried out all over Europe):
    ""Prior ruling by the judicial authorities" is a condition of democracy. Don't restrict basic freedoms. Using internet access is now instrumental to basic
    freedoms. Defend the real Amendment 138". (Don't insult them if not they will spam you. Here their telephone and emails: http://www.laquadrature.net/wiki/Telecoms_Package-Conciliation_Committe-Parliament_Delegation#Political_Memory:_MEPs_ranking_by_score)

    [2] - EEUU Industry "anti-piracy" plans (Spain and Canadá are in the 3rd and 2nd position):

    LALINA --- ---
    Subject: Klub pøátel starého Smíchova Info ze dne 2009-10-05[VBSCL:A14F8508A50]

    Otiskujeme žádost o podporu petice na záchranu Karlova a Juditina mostu:

    Vážení přátelé,
    po žádosti o podporu v záchraně budovy železniční stanice Ústí nad Orlicí si Vás dovoluji znovu požádat o projev Vaší citlivosti k našemu národnímu bohatství.

    Po seznámení s problematikou rekonstrukce Karlova mostu jsem se několika dalšími přáteli rozhodl zahájit boj za okamžité zastavení prací na Karlově mostě, jemuž nyní fakticky hrozí nevratné poničení historických prvků!!! Některé z kamenů z Juditina mostu dokonce skončily v drtičce!!!

    Prosím, podepište petici http://www.zachrante-karluv-most.cz/
    Naleznete tam podrobné informace o celé kauze.

    Děkuji Vám za Vaši podporu.

    Váš Martin Kadrman
    LALINA --- ---
    ROUMEN: aha...takže takhle...strach...
    ROUMEN --- ---
    LALINA: Je lepsi se unavit a prestat se zajimat, nez jednoho dne nekoho zacit zajimat a otevrit panum v cernych oblecich s tmavymi brylemi a byt jimi unaven :-)
    LALINA --- ---
    ROUMEN: hihi, tak tohle není můj případ, já jsem tady zezačátku byla občas kritizovaná za to, že tu šířím hoaxy. Hele, ono se sice dá zamlžovat a zamlžit kdeco, ale vposledku se dá i vysledovat, co se fakt děje a co ne.
    Problém je, že když už to je videt, bejvá pozde. A taky to, že někdy se mlžičům daří hodně lidí unavit a otupit, takže se postupně přesátávají o jakékoli poplašné zprávy zajímat..
    ROUMEN --- ---
    LALINA: "... že i tenhle nevýznamný klub bude přítahovat ty, proti kterým by se slušní a svobodní lidi měli bránit?"

    Tyhle nadnarodni ekonomicke subjekty podobne kluby sami zakladaji, aby pripadne informace ktere o jejich pravych zajmech proniknou na verejnost hned v samem zacatku odchytili, zesmesnili a prohlasili za hoax :-)
    LALINA --- ---
    není pravda, že i tenhle nevýznamný klub bude přítahovat ty, proti kterým by se slušní a svobodní lidi měli bránit?
    A ti že tu budou všechno zesměšňovat a zlehčovat?
    Ale já netrpím naleštěným egem, takže klidně budu radši zesměšněná, než abych toho měla nechat a mlčet .-)))
    LALINA --- ---
    AXTHEB: proč? chceš mít klid, nebo jsi ekonomicky závislej na výrobě košér umělohmotnýho jídla? ;-)
    AXTHEB --- ---
    LALINA: Ja myslim ze je to komplet cele nesmysl.
    LALINA --- ---
    ROUMEN: haha
    ROUMEN --- ---
    LALINA: Mimo zakon bude ten malopestitel uz v okamziku kdy jeho produkty budou zdravejsi nez povoluje kodex a ty budes mimo zakon uz v okamziku kdy te napadne ta hrisna myslenka odmitat kodexem schvalene potraviny a zatouzis po tech ktere kodexu neodpovidaji, takze ani nebudes muset nakoupit abys byla potrestana :-)
    LALINA --- ---
    ROUMEN: jinak, pokud jsem dobře četla aspon uvod, tak iniciátoři kodexu jsou už dávno mrtví:-) ale to neva, behem let se vcelku prospešné věci stalo monstrum, do kterýho nikdo nevidí a o to je nebezpečnější...
    LALINA --- ---
    no je mi jasný, že takhle to asi funguje, že tu jsou zájmy...

    a nám zájem?
    Můj zájem?
    Budu si moct koupit od malopěstitele biozeleninu nebo maso, ve kterém nebudou "předepsaná" antibiotika, nebo se já i ten pěstitel ocitneme mimo zákon??? Občani druhý kategorie, mimo zákon, na odstřel kdykoli...
    co s tím?

    přečetla jsem dost knížek zabejvajících se budoucností, a dívám se kolem sebe..takže jsem nakloněna věřit, že tohle nás opravdu čeká, pokud se podvolíme.
    A pokud ne, nastane boj... civilizace jak ji známe, půjde do kytek...
    ROUMEN --- ---
    LALINA: Samozrejme ze je to hoax, nese to vsechny jeho stopy.
    Vsichni kdo z kodexu maji finacni profit (at uz primo ci neprimo) budou podobne clanky vzdy zlehcovat a nazyvat je hoaxem. Nakonec sledovanim stop kdo provozuje servery a vlastni domeny zabyvajici se hoaxy, jejich shromazdovanim a popisem lze snadno zjistit ekonomicke zavislosti na iniciatorech kodexu :-)
    LALINA --- ---
    je tohle hoax nebo není?

    je to (bohužel) tak předvídatelné, až je to uvěřitelné, ale.....neověřovala jsem to.

    LALINA --- ---
    :-))) ale bude citovaná.. a dokladovatelná...
    JENIIK --- ---
    LALINA: To ano a jistě to bude upřímná odpověď ;-)
    LALINA --- ---
    JENIIK: mno, ale odpovědět nějak by na ně mel, ne?
    LALINA --- ---
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam