PACHATEL: Můj oblíbený příspěvek: "Je to moc dlouhý, to nečtu." Sociální inženýrství sem zavádíš zbytečně, tady jsme z naprosté většiny liberálové.
XCHAOS: Zvláštní synchronicita. Narazil jsem teď na ten tvůj novotvar tam, kde bych ho příliš nečekal. A jelikož je ten text moc pěkný a hlavně dlouhý (jenom 4 strany v pdf), tak se o něj s vámi podělím. Abyste si to nemalovali zbytečně bezstarostně (já pro upozornění nejsem katastrofista, pouze říkám, že běh tohoto světa není řízen jednoduchými pravidly, že to, co se nám zdá na papíře a v představách a na monitoru jako jasná páka, se nám docela snadno může zvrtnout v cosi zcela nepředpokládatelného atp. zkrátka a dobře úvahy o budoucnosti jsou sic moc pěkné, ale ono to stejně většinou bývá ještě dost jinak, než jsme si to všickni představovali.)
The Iron Age & Coal-based Coke: A Neglected Case of Fossil-fuel Dependence
by Vaclav Smil
As an old-fashioned scientist, I prefer hard engineering realities to all those interminably vacuous and poorly informed policy “debates” that feature energy self-sufficiency (even Saudis import!), sustainability (at what spatial and temporal scales?), stakeholders (are not we all, in a global economy?) and green economy (but are not we still burning some 9 billion tonnes of carbon annually?).
High regard for facts and low regard for wishful thinking has forced me to deal repeatedly with many energy illusions–if not outright delusions–and to point out many complications and difficulties to be encountered during an inevitably lengthy transition from an overwhelmingly fossil-fueled world to economies drawing a substantial share of their primary energies from renewable sources.
Steel & Coal-Derived Coke
Here is another challenge for the energy transformationists, one that is both inexplicably neglected and extraordinarily important: steel’s fundamental dependence on coal-derived coke with no practical substitutes on any rational technical horizon.
Those with a warped understanding of the real world might scoff: steel? Is not the electronics everything that matters in the post-industrial world? Yes, according to scientifically illiterate media and to the ceaseless self-promoting noise coming from assorted software companies. But, contrary to these naïve perceptions of reality, ours is still very much the Iron Age and not a Microprocessor Age.
We had prosperous and vibrant economies long before solid state electronics was invented (that is before December1947 when the first transistor was demonstrated at the Bell Labs) and before the first microprocessor was released by Intel (that is before November 1971). But no aspect of modern, or post-modern, economy is imaginable without steel: so many things that surround us made of it (from car bodies to cutlery, from shipping containers to skyscraper skeletons), and just
about everything around us made with it as steel tools and steel machines are used to produce countless metallic, plastic, wooden and stone products and as steel is the dominant material in complex engineering assemblies ranging from massive offshore drilling rigs to supertankers, and from reinforced concrete to the world’s longest bridges.
And although more and more steel now comes from recycling the old metal (melted in electric arc furnaces), and a small amount is produced by direct reduction of iron using natural gas, most of it (70% in recent years) still begins as pig (cast, hot metal) iron smelted in large blast furnaces. These massive columnar structures –- the largest ones taller than 30 m, with volume exceeding...
Pěkné, že? Zbytek tu:
Ad ovce. - No, tak to pozor. To záleží na pastvině, když je přepasená, tak to naopak může erozi velmi odpomoc (jinak zdravím kolegu od koz a ovcí).
E2E4: Permakultura chiméra? - Kdeže, leckomu se to nepodaří, ale jsou lidi, kterým se daří velmi dobře. - David Holmgren a Meliodora např.