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Among other things, dandelion root and other parts of the dandelion have been used as a gentle laxative, a digestive aid, to treat liver and kidney problems and to relieve inflammation, boils, fever and diarrhea. Dandelion root is known to stimulate the appetite and promote digestion.
- Dandelion root functions as a mild diuretic. Because potassium is often lost when using a diuretic, dandelion root is often a better choice for a diuretic than synthetic formulas.
- Because of its high iron and zinc content, dandelion root is often used as a treatment for anemia.
- Dandelion root has mild laxative properties and is often used to help maintain regularity.
- Dandelion root is also a mild appetite stimulant, and teas made from dandelion root and leaves are often used to help relieve digestive problems like flatulence, fullness and constipation.
- In Europe, dandelion root is highly regarded as a ‘liver tonic’.
- Dandelion root is high in Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin A and the B complex vitamins, all of which have antioxidant properties. For this reason, a number of ongoing studies are examining its effectiveness in fighting tumors and preventing cancer. The early results are mixed, but promising.
- There are also a number of studies examining the potential of dandelion root to lower cholesterol. Early results of at least one study show that dandelion root supplements may affect the cholesterol profile in diabetic mice positively by lowering LDL and triglycerides while increasing HDL. Again, research is in the early stages, and not all studies show the same promising results. It could, however, be an excellent addition to the diet to help keep total cholesterol and sugar levels within normal ranges.
- The B vitamin family in particular helps stabilize moods and is often recommended to those suffering from depression. Dandelion root is a high source of B complex vitamins.
- Because of its positive effects on the liver and digestion, dandelion root may help boost the effectiveness of other vitamins, minerals and nutrients.