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    ztracené heslo?
    MAHISHGame culture, art and studies & ludology... a tak
    DAVESADE --- ---
    Gordikon je docela stará hra, dost se na ní dá ulítnout, ale samozřejmě k tomu musí mít člověk vztah ;).
    QUITE --- ---
    hra vytvořená zaměstnanci ČD
    ALERT --- ---
    S adaptivní hrou se bude bavit každý

    Evoluční robotika nabízí algoritmy, které přizpůsobí hraní her nejrůznějším hráčům. Chcete si jen tak vesele poskakovat a jindy ve stejné hře hrát první herní ligu? Snad už to brzo nebude problém.
    B30 --- ---
    nevím jestli to sem patří...ale dle mýho názoru to stojí za pozornost:
    Axel pixel
    první česká hra na xbox, inspirovaná samorostem.
    od včerejška možno stáhnout (zatím jen na xbox)

    MAHISH --- ---
    YouTube - Need For Speed SHIFT - gaming in the city
    DAVESADE --- ---
    RAGNAROK --- ---
    A Comprehensive Review
    by Bart P. Billings, Ph.D

    Long term exposure to excessive levels of High Intensity Low Frequency (HI/LF) sound, such as that produced by highly amplified bass music, airplanes, racing cars, battle field noise, etc. can not only be physically harmful, but can cause complications that can lead to death.

    Another factor contributing to the release of endorphins that impressed me was the fact that, "low frequency sound pulses, at or near a person's heart rate, seem to cause the human system to lock in to the sound generator", (Orr,1996). Once this occurs, changes in the frequency or rate of sound causes corresponding changes in the person's heart rate, as well as changes in other physical functions , a process known as entrainment. What has been indicated in the world of video games is that, the ones with the best graphics are not most popular, but the games that have a low frequency pulse, near the heartbeat rate, that accelerates as the game progresses, are played more often.

    Cody D. Weightman, former crew chief on an aircraft carrier, relates his past experiences to what I have discussed in terms of a person being addicted to the body's release of endorphins and adrenaline. He also observed staff being disoriented after long exposure to HI/LF sound from the jet engines.

    "Working the flight deck was the most exciting thing I've ever done, but I also hated every second of it. Once the planes left the flight deck on flight operations, there was always a let down, kind of like coming down from a drug high. Once the planes returned, your energy level quickly increased" (This observation is consistent with addictive behavior.).

    "A person can actually become addicted to the release of their own natural pain killers (endorphins) as runners do"

    When discussing the effects of HI/LF sound with a friend who specializes in bio feedback training, he indicated that individuals who are experiencing this type sound are most likely to be, for the most part, in hyper beta and would be hyper vigilant. Since this state is hard to sustain over long periods of time, it is not unusual for the brain to jump to theta state directly as a protective measure. Since theta is associated with dreamy states, thus the possibility for disorientation and confusion. This may account for poor judgment when one is exposed to HI/LF sound for sustained periods of time. This situation, in conjunction with actual brain cell damage, results in a less and less effective person and one subject to accidents.

    With all of the physical problems associated with HI/LF sound, one may ask the question, "Why would human beings expose themselves to sound that is obviously painful?"

    Choice Theory explains that all Total Behavior is chosen and all the choices are an ongoing attempt to change the real world so that it coincides with a small, simulated world that we build into our memory called the Quality World. (Vzdycky me fascinuje, s jakym vysvetlenim jsou psychologove schopni prijit. Nechapu jak se takovehle interpretace daji overit)

    As N'omi Orr once stated, "Military drums play music designed to make your feet take you where your head never would-Music is almost as dangerous as gunpowder-"

    To paraphrase the words to an old song, "Killing me loudly with his song, killing me loudly" is a reality that is not far from the truth.

    MAHISH --- ---
    Game Art Database by Mathias Jansson
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    DAVESADE --- ---
    MAHISH --- ---
    Welcome to Zork (originally Dungeon). This version created 11-MAR-91 (PHP mod 03-AUG-05)
    There are 28 users playing Zork. Of those, 22 have not logged in.
    There are 45029 registered adventurers.

    You are in an open field west of a big white house with a boarded
    front door.
    There is a small mailbox here.

    > open mailbox

    Opening the mailbox reveals:
    A leaflet.

    > read leaflet

    KHALAVERA --- ---
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    MAHISH --- ---
    Networked_Performance — On Game Art, Circuit Bending and Speedrunning as Counter-Practice
    MAHISH --- ---

    "I've started experimenting with merging 20th century art figures with elements of commercial video games. Here I figure, why not paint the virtual quake body the way Klein takes to the naked ladies? Theres more explanation on the vimeo page. Hope you enjoy."

    MAHISH --- ---
    Páno WoWkař artista:)

    MAHISH --- ---
    KHALAVERA: jj, je zajímavý si to dát do kontextu [ KHALAVERA @ Game culture, art and studies & ludology... a tak ] toho rozhovoru s Markem Essenem
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