BISCUIT13: tak ruzova byla v historii maskulinní barva, byla daleko drazsi na vyrobu nez treba prave modra, ale zaroven ji umely dobre udelat taze byla syta a vyrazna a tim padfem i draha, tak s ni malokdo plytval na zeny. v Evrope se to zacalo menit v 19 . a v Americe spise az ve 20. stoleti..
z clanku CNN:
"In America by the 1890s and the early 20th century, manufacturers attempted to sell more children's and infants' clothes by color-coding them," she said. Some manufacturers branded pink for boys and blue for girls, and vice versa.
In 1927, there were a lot of regional differences reported between how stores characterized the color, Steele said. Stores like Best & Co. in Manhattan and Marshall Field in Chicago branded pink as a boy's color. Others like Macy's in Manhattan and Wanamaker's in Philadelphia identified pink as a girl's color.
"There was no unanimity at all," Steele said. "People were starting to think by the 1920s, because of the manufacturer's attempt, that there was a distinction between pink and blue for boys and girls."
Steele believes that the acquisition of two 18th-century paintings by American millionaire Henry Huntington started turning the tide in favor of pink being a girls' color. "The Blue Boy" depicted a boy dressed in blue, and "Pinkie" portrayed a girl in pink attire.
Huntington's purchase was widely publicized in the American press, Steele said. People started thinking that for hundreds of years, blue had been for boys and pink had been for girls. But this wasn't true, she said.
"If you look back, little boys in the 18th century wore blue and pink, and grown-up men wore blue and pink, and ladies and little girls wore blue and pink," Steele said.
rekl bych ze Kimmi je proste oldschool a uz tam mezi tema mladejma hipsterama nema s kym pochlastat a pokecat. tohle vbyl spise jen povzdech....
konec ruzoveho okenka