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    ztracené heslo?
    MERTLASKomentar k zavodum a F1
    ANDR3E --- ---
    MERTLAS: za me hlavne oba dosahli 10/10 v ratingu demence , Lewis za to jak Maxe nechtel predjet, a Max za to zaslapnuti....to Lewisovo taktizovani pripominalo spis drahovou cyklistiku a vlastne mi prijde absurdni ze to nakonec odnesl jen Max
    KALTY --- ---
    PEPAZZ: už sem to psal ráno 🙂
    MERTLAS --- ---
    ANDR3E: tak on to jakoze na posledni chvili strhnul celkem sikovne, ze tim kridlem najel pod jeho zadni kolo... ja se spis divim, ze tim nerozrizl Maxovi pneumatiku.

    kazdopadne tihle dva kluci se moc radi mit nebudou :)
    VYWERN --- ---
    JOHN_LENON: kvaldu neprodal, on vi, ze musi jet za hranou aby porazil lepsi auto mercedesu. A kdyz se jezdi za hranou, tak se obcas chyba stane. Ham v kvalifikaci udelal taky chybu, ale mel stesti, ze to byly prvni pokusy a mohl pak zajet dalsi.
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    'Wily' Hamilton does the same as Verstappen - Horner - The Race
    Mercedes unsurprisingly disagreed with this interpretation. The team’s trackside engineering director Andrew Shovlin said: “Looking at the video in-car, you can see why Lewis had a problem with it, because Max was right in the middle of the track that’s almost exactly three cars wide.

    “He had no way of knowing whether Max was going to go left or right, Max stayed very central and braked hard, and Lewis was at around 69 bar of brake pressure.

    “The car was on the braking limit trying to not go into the back of Max, all he could do to stop it.

    “It’s just not where anybody would expect someone to let them go by. And if you’re letting your team-mate by, we all know how you’d do that.

    “If you’re giving up a position, it shouldn’t be materially different, you have to relinquish the position.”
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    But the “key point” was that Verstappen braked “suddenly and significantly” with 69 bar of pressure, “resulting in 2.4G deceleration”.
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    PEPAZZ: Verstappen has been deemed predominantly at fault and has been given an inconsequential 10-second time penalty that does not affect his second place and two licence points that takes him to seven in a 12-month period.
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    Has the Verstappen/Hamilton F1 title fight got out of hand?
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    Verstappen penalised for 'erratic' braking in Hamilton contact - The Race
    MERTLAS --- ---
    to by spis musel bejt nejakej klubiki primo pro nas, aby nas tam nikdo nerusil :D
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    To by musela bejt někde na Vysočině, aby to měli všichni stejně daleko. :)
    NANUQ --- ---
    Hele a nezajdeme někam do hospody v neděli? Tohle bych si rád zažil ve společnosti :-)
    M_IKE --- ---
    250 novejch? Pico.. :D

    No, vcera se fakt nikdo nemohl nudit.
    Maxovi uz to hlava ocividne nedava a sam si uvedomuje, ze pokud se nesestane zazrak, tak je hotovo.
    Ten motor co ma HAM je fakt kosmickej, bylo to vzdy videt na te rovince, i kdyz mel v jeden moment Max DRS a HAM ne, tak ho stahoval naprosto neuveritelne..

    Ale vybrzdeni, pak utek z podia..? Tvl..
    KALTY --- ---
    "In deciding to penalise the driver of Car 33, the key point for the Stewards was that the driver of car 33 then braked suddenly (69 bar) and significantly, resulting in 2.4g deceleration.
    "Whilst accepting that the driver of Car 44 could have overtaken Car 33 when that car first slowed, we understand why he (and the driver of Car 33) did not wish to be the first to cross the DRS [line]. However, the sudden braking by the driver of Car 33 was determined by the Stewards to be erratic and hence the predominant cause of the collision and hence the standard penalty of 10 seconds for this type of incident, is imposed."

    Verstappen was therefore found to have breached Article 2, Chapter IV Appendix L of the FIA International Sporting Code, but keeps his second-place finish and enters the season finale level on points with Hamilton.

    Koza se nažrala a vlk zůstal celej
    JOHNEYSVK --- ---
    also, low effort humor

    JOHNEYSVK --- ---
    ANDR3E --- ---
    SWALLOW2: s jeho stestim nemusi, nechapu ze jeho predni kridlo prezilo tu srazku zezadu s Maxem:)
    SWALLOW2 --- ---
    jestli dobře pocitem, tak pokud oba priste nedojedou tak vyhraje Max. byt Hamiltonem, tak bych se priste dost bal ..
    MERTLAS --- ---
    VER dalsich 10s penlta...
    ANDR3E --- ---
    V retard modu bylo dneska hodne lidi :))

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