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    LAUNCHERElektromobily 🏞️ 🛣️ 🏎️ 🚗 🚐 🚙 🚌 🚒 🚛 🔌
    Vitejte v boardu Elektromobily!

    Prosim dodrzujme stejna rules*, jako napriklad v obdobnych subreddits na Redditu.

    1) Zadne vulgarity. Zadne drama.
    2) Toto je SFW board.
    3) Bez ICE prosim, na to jsou na Nyxu vhodnejsi boardy.
    4) Toto neni vhodny board pro napr. vase culture wars proti EV.
    5) Board je urceny primarne pro majitele EV a zajemce o nakup EV. Omladina "az mi bude 18+" tez vitana, fandim vam. Chapu nutkani napsat nam, ze si to nikdy nekoupite, nebo jeste nekoupite, ale prosim vyuzijte jine boards. Uvazujte, jak by to tu vypadalo, kdyby nam sem tohle napsal kazdy z uzivatelu Nyxu.
    6) Idealne drzme diskuzi v pratelskem duchu.
    7) Mit nazor na CN automobilky, Elona Muska, temnou minulost nekterych DE a IT automobilek, Henryho Forda I atd, muzete. Ale prosim snazte se neprekrocit bod #6, nebo dokonce bod #1. Pro tyto ucely prosim vyhledejte boardy vhodne pro ostrou socialni nebo politickou kritiku.
    8) Při vkládání linků je nutné vždy přidat vlastní input (shrnutí, komentář, oponentura/souhlas apod.), stačí v pár větách zdůvodnit proč je sem odkaz umístěn.

    Diky za pochopeni 🤦‍♂️ Pozor, druhé varování může být za 7 dnů RO i hůře.

    Prejeme prijemnou zabavu 🚗🔋 a hlavne bezpecne kilometry za volantem / s autopilotem.

    * Work in progress
    rozbalit záhlaví
    BOBASH --- ---
    DANCHEZ: Když je teď tady ten majitel, nevíte někdo, proč mě má Launcher v DI? :)
    DANCHEZ --- ---
    Novym majitelem se timto stava ID Launcher, enjoy and thanks for all the fish :]
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    LAUNCHER: Pro nemcinare:

    Porsche Macan 4 im Test (2024) Das beste Elektro SUV der Geschichte?! Review | Turbo | Innenraum
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    PETER_PAN: Zatim vsude jen first look videa, testy nevidim.

    FIRST LOOK: 2024 Porsche Macan – £95k, 635bhp SUV With A BIG Change
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    Honda 0 EV Series Debut: Space-Hub Concept Model
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    Honda 0 EV Series Debut: Saloon Concept Model
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    Porsche Macan EV

    800V architektura, 96kWh, dojezd 600+ km, cena kolem 2M CZK za zakladni variantu

    Nové elektrické Porsche Macan oficiálně: 800 voltů a technické inovace od 2 milionů | auto.cz


    TOFI --- ---
    NIO ET7 - Mercedes ze Šanghaje | Jak se mi jezdilo s konkurentem EQS? | 4K
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    Spoustu zajimaveho info. Akorat ta Svedstina (ENG v titulcich) 🙄 Libi se mi pneu s hroty na snih, jeste jsem nemel tu cest. Doufam ze si nekdy udelam pracovni pobyt nekde na severu, abych si (nejen je) vyzkousel.

    Tesla-expert: This is what breaks on your TESLA! (English subtitles)
    Experten: Det här går sönder på din TESLA!
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    The Electric Rolls Royce Spectre is Ridiculous!
    ADAM --- ---
    Tak jsem objel pár nabíječek, než jsem našel s kabelem (ten nemám). Zkusil jsem appku be charge, registrace ok, ale cena 0.89eur/kwh se mi dost. Zkusím ještě další appky
    ADAM --- ---
    Mám teď půjčeny plugin hybrid v IT. Jakou appku byste doporučili, ať to můžu někde nabít? Něco co nejdříve jednoduššího, budu to nabíjet max tak 2x.
    Ideálně, ať se dá třeba někde jen platit kartou bez registrace.
    CYBERHIPPY --- ---
    PETJU --- ---
    PETER_PAN: Tohle se mi zamlouva. Cekam na Volvo EX60, ale kdyz bude cena prestrelena respektive nebude zajimava, jako u EX30, ktera je pro nas proste mala (budu menit za 2020 V60), tak se podivam k Nio.
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    Music in Motion | MBUX SOUND DRIVE​

    Create Your Own Driving Soundtrack | MBUX SOUND DRIVE

    Will.i.am's Sound Drive Is Crazy
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    ❤️❤️ Miluji EV restomody

    1975 BMW EV Resto-mod is the perfect classic car for London

    The baddest Beetle on the planet.
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    NIO EL6 | A co bude dál? | 4K
    BLOWUP --- ---
    CRAZY_IVAN: wow, celych 300km, wahnsinn.
    CRAZY_IVAN --- ---
    Upgraded Tesla Model 3 wins winter range test in -20°C (-4°F) weather
    Tesla is the winner🥇

    The winter have been cold in many places this year, both in Canada, US and the Nordic countries.
    The amount of headlines with dead EV’s have been all over the place!
    Here are some FACTS about Electric cars, mainly Tesla in the cold winter.
    A real test in cold weather in Finland.


    Tesla winner in new range test in extreme cold

    10 electric cars were tested in extreme cold in northern Finland until the batteries were completely empty. Several electric cars had a shorter range than 200 km (124mi) in 20-30 minus Celcius. The Hyundai Kona Electric stopped on an uphill hill despite having seven percent of the battery left. The Tesla Model 3 was the car that came the farthest with a range of over 300 km. (186mi)

    The official range of electric cars according to the WLTP standard is tested in a laboratory in plus 23 degrees. Anyone who drives an electric car in severe winter cold can expect that as much as half of the official range can disappear. Relatively few tests of electric cars in really severe winter cold have been done, but now the Finnish newspaper Tekniikan Maailma has tested ten new electric cars in temperatures below minus 20 Celcius (-4 - -22F). They drove the cars until the batteries were completely drained.

    The full results are not official yet, but the winner has already been revealed. The Tesla Model 3 Long Range was the electric car that came the lowest in severe winter cold with a mileage of over 300 km. Several of the ten electric cars tested had mileages that were less than 200 km. Some cars shut down unexpectedly before the battery was empty. The Hyundai Kona Electric stopped on an uphill hill with 7 percent battery left.
    - The severe cold has an effect, but in the challenging weather some of the cars were still able to judge the range of the battery really well, and some stopped unexpectedly, says Lauri Ahtiainen who was responsible for the test at Tekniikan Maailma.

    However, the Tesla Model 3 that won the test was still drivable when the car showed that the battery had zero percent charge. Most electric cars limited power and heating when the charge started to decrease. The brand new Volvo EX30, BMW i5, Jeep Avenger and Volkswagen ID.7 electric cars were also tested in the severe cold. Tekniikan Maailma will publish exact reach figures in its paper magazine which will be published on February 15.

    LAUNCHER --- ---
    FEDAJKIN: Au 😊😊 Tohle nepochopim. Bohuzel mi prijde z mych omezenych zkusenosti, ze leckdo z automotive ma to ego prilis velike.
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