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[Wilhelm] Reich theorized that without the suppression of sexuality and the imposition of anti-sexual morality, you could not have an authoritarian government, because people would be free from shame, and would trust their own sense of right and wrong. Such people are unlikely to march to war against their wishes, and we would like to think they would be unlikely to agree to operate the death camps too.
toto mi pripada dobry docela. Tuhle jsme s kamosem teoretizovali pozorujice mumraj v hospode, jak by asi vypadal svet, kdyz by sex byl davan a prijiman tak volne jako jsou nejbeznejsi formy komunikace - pohledy a slova. proste bylo by naprosto normalni s nekym [podnikat neco sexualniho] tak jako prohodis par slov nebo mluvis cele hodiny atd.
samozrejme otazka STD a deti to komplikuje proste no ;)
ale treba to vedci nejak vyresi casem
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