IGRACEK: To už je slušná práce :-) A tos pil tureckou nebo instantní nebo... (z hlediska množství kofeinu rozdíl). Noční šichty jsou asi vůbec z hlediska výživy a únavy organismu náročné, že?
Díky za odkaz - kopíruji sem kousek - zdá se, že ajurvéda má nakonec pravdu!
"....There is some strong evidence to prove that coffee can prevent coon cancer. Also, some consider coffee as increasing the acid levels in the stomach which helps in protein digestion. But really does coffee aid digestion such that it can be considered a benefit and value addition to the diet? Unfortunately the answer to does coffee aid digestion is in the negative.
Coffee has been reported to have effects on the digestive system that are definitely not helping the process. Coffee is known to be a stimulant. It acts as a stimulant on the gastro-intestinal tract too. Coffee acts as a laxative - caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee. In as many as 4 minutes, the laxative action of coffee can be experienced. Apart from this does coffee aid digestion? Not really. Coffee also tends to increase stress hormones. This has a direct effect on the functioning of the digestive system which can be seen in people suffering from upset stomachs due to stress. Coffee also causes the stomach to secrete excess hydrochloric acid. While this may help in protein digestion, it is more likely to give rise to acidity. Also because of the laxative action, highly acidic food from the stomach is sent into the intestine more quickly, and the acid can cause damage to the intestinal lining...."