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    ztracené heslo?
    TRESEN --- ---
    máte někdo zkušenost s ajur. čajem VYANA ?
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    Daruju zbytky různých bylinných čajů od Everest Ájurvéda.

    Je to ta řada Tibet, Nepál, Bhútán, atd, plus pár zdravotních

    K vyzvednutí/prohrábnutí na Praze 5
    PETEKKA --- ---
    Nabízím víkendový kurz Ajurvédských masáží, který se koná tuto sobotu a neděli (15.-16.1.2011)
    Z časovách důvodů se ho nemohu zúčastnit, ale je již zaplacen v rámci 3/4 kurzu. Cena za tento kurz je původně 2450,-. Postoupím ho za 2000,-, je možné se domluvit i na 1500,-. Zájemci prosím do pošty.

    Ájurvédské masáže - Dr.Frej - centrum přírodní medicíny
    Ájurvédské masáže - Dr.Frej - centrum přírodní medicíny
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    Hledala jsem něco obecnýho na téma Abhyanga, a našla dva milý textíky, tak je tu sdílím, třeba inspirujou i někoho dalšího, kdo zatím nedělal :o)

    The concept of holistic health supports the idea that if a single part of an organism is damaged, the effect is not merely on that part, but on the whole. Likewise, any benefit to its parts is supportive of the entire organism. The theory of holism fundamentally treats causes, not just symptoms. In light of this model, we may conclude, for instance, that the use of commercial soaps, whose synthetic ingredients are toxic and stripping, are detrimental to the skin and to the entire body. We can look to India’s ancient ayurvedic tradition of Abhyanga for a reasonable solution to this modern problem. Abhyanga is the Sanskrit word for an oil massage given to the entire body. It is most commonly performed with sesame oil. Although this daily ayurvedic routine takes only a minute or two, when it is performed habitually the results are multi-dimensional.
    # As you’d expect, the skin becomes more lustrous.
    # On a slightly deeper level, physical and psychological tensions are eased through the warmth of touch, even when it is our own.
    # Over time, we can begin to process our deepest patterns, because Abhyanga’s effect helps to gently ease them in to our conscious minds. With awareness, we can choose to resolve our negative karmas and resolve deep emotional issues. Gradually, the spirit is restored to its original state of freedom and lightness. Unencumbered, it flourishes and we evolve.
    Overall, the Abhyanga is satisfying alone and fun as a couple. All you need to do is give in to its soothing effects and generally the rest will follow. Like many things yogic, the level of satisfaction and results derived from Abhyanga transcends language. Its value cannot be expressed fully in discussion; its benefit is purely experiential.
    Many massage therapist heat a bottle of oil in hot water. At home, you may opt for heating the oil by rubbing it between your hands. The warmed oil is rubbed onto the skin, using long strokes along the muscles and small circular stokes at the joints. Include the scalp if you intend to shampoo. The process is continued for few minutes until the whole body is oiled liberally and the circulation is stimulated. A hot shower or bath immediately follows, allowing the oil to penetrate with the aid of steam and hot water.

    While bathing, use soap only on the bodily parts that you feel need thorough cleansing. This may seem to shrug Western standards for cleanliness, yet after trying it for just a week, you’ll become more sensitive to the various textures, secretions, and odors of the epidermis. Cleanse out of need, not habit. When appropriate, you may choose to cleanse first and then apply oil all over. Most likely, it will become evident that you do not need as much lathering as you thought.

    Sources for Oil:
    # Sesame oil is the most common recommendation by ayurvedic texts.
    # Ordinary grocery store sesame oil is fine.
    # Organic oil packaged in glass is best. (Oil breaks down oil, so why chance absorbing even trace amounts of petroleum-based plastic?)
    # If you are of pitta constitution, you may opt for safflower oil instead, for its cooling properties.
    # Other vegetable oils such as grapeseed, jojoba, olive, almond, and sunflower are fine.
    # Never, ever use mineral oil! That is petroleum based.
    # Do not use the dark culinary “toasted’ sesame oil. It is much too pungent, and processing at high heat has diminished its beneficial properties.
    # If you have knowledge of the individual properties of essential oils, you can create your own blend. Personally, I work with one formula for a couple of months utilizing a few essential oils in a sesame oil base. The subtle properties of the essential oils I choose promote my conscious efforts for self-development.
    # I’ve been known to make custom blends for friends. If you are interested, email (orders@askyogimarlon.com) me 5 sentences maximum describing what issues you’re working on. I’ll send you a price quote before I make up a special formulation, because prices of appropriate essential oils vary widely.

    Deepest Effects:
    Abhyanga nourishes the skin, and gradually the tissues beneath. With habitual use of this technique, each of the dhatus is replenished. Dhatus are the 7 levels of bodily tissue that create the structure and make the functioning of bodily systems possible. They are:

    1. Rasa Dhatu: plasma, white blood cells and immune system
    2. Rakta Dhatu: red blood cells
    3. Mamsa Dhatu: muscle
    4. Meda Dhatu: fat tissue
    5. Asthi: bone and cartilage
    6. Majja: nervous system and bone marrow
    7. Shakra: male reproductive tract Or Artava: female reproductive tract
    Abhyanga: Ayurvedic Oil Massage

    The body of one who uses oil massage regularly does not become affected much even if subjected to accidental injuries, or strenuous work. By using oil massage daily, a person is endowed with pleasant touch, trimmed body parts and becomes strong, charming and least affected by old age.
    Charaka Samhita Vol. 1, V: 88-89

    Abhyanga is the anointing of the body with oil. Often medicated and usually warm, the oil is massaged into the entire body before bathing. For thousands of years people have used abhyanga to maintain health, benefit sleep patterns, increase longevity. It has also been used as a medicine for certain disorders. Abhyanga can be incorporated into a routine appropriate for almost anyone.

    The Sanskrit word sneha can be translated as both "oil" and "love". It is believed that the effects of abhyanga are similar to those received when one is saturated with love. Like the experience of being loved, abhyanga can give a deep feeling of stability and warmth. Sneha is subtle; this allows the oil/love to pass through minute channels in the body and penetrate deep layers of tissue.

    In Ayurveda, it is believed that there are seven layers of tissue in the body (called dhatus). Each successive layer is more concentrated and life-giving. For sneha to reach the deepest layer, it is believed that it must be massaged into the body for 800 matras, roughly five minutes. To give this kind of attention to your entire body, you may need about fifteen-minutes. Considering the benefits that have been gained by people for thousands of years, fifteen-minutes per day is a minimal amount of time.

    Benefits of Abhyanga (applying oil to the body)
    (Outlined in: Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Ashtanga Hrdayam)
    Benefits of applying oil to the body (Abhyanga):

    * Produces softness, strength and color to the body
    Decreases the effects of aging
    * Bestows good vision
    * Nourishes the body
    * Increases longevity
    * Benefits sleep patterns
    * Benefits skin
    * Strengthens the body's tolerance
    * Imparts a firmness to the limbs
    * Imparts tone and vigor to the dhatus (tissues) of the body
    * Stimulates the internal organs of the body, including circulation
    * Pacifies Vata and Pitta and Harmonizes Pitta

    Benefits of applying oil to the scalp (Murdha taila):

    * Makes hair grow luxuriantly, thick, soft and glossy
    * Soothes and invigorates the sense organs
    * Removes facial wrinkles

    Benefits of applying oil to the ears (Karna purna):

    * Benefits disorders in the ear which are due to increased Vata
    * Benefits stiff neck
    * Benefits stiffness in the jaw

    Benefits of applying oil to the feet (Padaghata):

    * Coarseness, stiffness, roughness, fatigue and numbness of the feet are alleviated
    * Strength and firmness of the feet is attained
    * Vision is enhanced
    * Vata is pacified
    * Sciatica is benefited
    * Local veins and ligaments are benefited

    Sneha (oil) affused [sic] on the human organism imparts a tone and vigor to its root-principles (Dhatus), in the same manner as water furnishes the roots of a tree or a plant with the necessary nutritive elements, and fosters its growth, when poured into the soil where it grows. The use of sneha at a bath causes the sneha to penetrate into the system through the mouths of the veins (siras) and the ducts (dhamanis) of the body, as also through the roots of the hair, and thus soothes and invigorates the body with its own essence.

    Under the circumstances, affusions [sic] and anointments of the body with oil or clarified butter should be prescribed by an intelligent person with due regard to one's habit, congeniality and temperament and to the climate and the season of the year as well as to the preponderance of the deranged Dosha or Doshas in one's physical constitution.
    STEFAN --- ---
    DAWYT: Osobní a dobré, má nově otevřenou ordinaci na starém městě, viz adresa ;-)
    DAWYT --- ---
    STEFAN: dekuji, na webu chybi rubrika o nas :)Mas s nimi vlastni zkusenosti?
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    DAWYT: Dr. Martina Zisková
    Dr. Martina Zisková - Ayurvéda - Úvod
    DAWYT --- ---
    ahoj rad bych navstivil ayurvedickeho doktora mohli byste mi nekoho doporucit?
    PETEKKA --- ---
    Ahoj, nabízím 1 víkendový seminář, který se koná v rámci Centra přírodní medicíny dr. Freje. Jedná se o víkend 20.-21.11.2010. Z časových důvodů se ho nemohu zúčastnit, ale mám ho už zaplacený společně s celým blokem přednášek). Tak kdyby měl někdo zájem, cena je 1700Kč. (Pokud byste si hradili samostatný seminář sami, stál by 2490 Kč) Díky za odpovědi.

    Téma semináře:
    Zánět, stres, psychické poruchy a deprese

    Nový přístup v léčbě z pohledu ortomolekulární medicíny. Nový směr medicíny zaměřený na léčbu zánětu, který je podle nových výzkumů hlavní příčinou psychických poruch, depresí, demencí a stresu v organismu.

    (dr. W.Bieger, biochemik a lékař, SRN)

    Program 2010-2011 - Dr.Frej - centrum přírodní medicíny
    STEFAN --- ---
    BUBBLE: cítit se zesláblým je podle mně psychologický moment. Tělo má dost "zásob" na to, abys normálně fungoval (s výjimkou dřevorubců, vzpěračů a jiných podobných "profesí") několik dní. "Únava" obvykle pochází z látek, které jsou uloženy v tuku, který se při půstu rozpouští a tyto toxiny se opětovně dostávají do krevního oběhu, proto je velmi vhodným doplňkem půstu (zvlášť v prvních dnech) bylinkový čaj s podporou pročišťujících procesů organizmu. Doporučuje se i denní klystýr, což jsem úplně takhle nepraktikoval, ale při mém 21 denním půstu jsem se 2x "vymyl" a musím říci, že to byl dobrý nápad ;-)) (nemluvím teď o šankprakšaláně, ale jakési verzi domácího klystýru, co si člověk může udělat sám). Jinak šankpraškalána je fyzicky dost náročná a po ní unaven určitě budeš, takže si to rozvrhni někam na sobotu dopoledne.. Mně zabere vždy tak 2 hodiny.. ;-)
    S každým půstem by se Ti měli ty pocity únavy zlepšovat, však uvidíš ;-))
    BUBBLE --- ---
    STEFAN: ok dík. Jinak půst byl docela v pohodě, dneska už začínám pomalu jíst, ale cítím se trochu zesláblej. Na šankprakšalánu asi nebudu mít chvíli náladu, ale třeba za 14dní uvidím .)
    STEFAN --- ---
    BUBBLE: popis je dostačující, je podle Lysbetha, včetně fotek ;-))
    VEZUV --- ---
    BUBBLE --- ---
    STEFAN: díky, zkusím ten půst přes víkend a kdyžtak příští víkend šankprakšalánu. Je tenhle popis podle tebe dostačující? http://zivotni-energie.cz/sankhapraksalana-varisara.html
    STEFAN --- ---
    BUBBLE: půst.. kdyby Ti bylo málo, tak ještě šankprakšalána a vamanadhautí ;-) podrobnosti pošta ;-)))
    BUBBLE --- ---
    poradíte nějaký vhodný podzimní detox? 1-3denní
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    _PINKY: jsem:)
    _PINKY --- ---
    CONTINUITY: ahoj, ja bych ji brala:) jsi z prahy?
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    Nabízím: David Frawley: Rostliny v ájurvédě (Yoga of Herbs) za 100,- (kamarádova nevyužitá kopie navíc:)
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