ERGOSUM: Jo a proc je asi povinny ruceni typicky vyssi pri vyssim vykonu motoru? Kdyby vyssi vykon motoru znamenal vetsi bezpecnost, tak by bylo logicky kdyby byl nizsi ne?
A rychlym googlenim jsem nasel toto:
Although weight–power that reduces fuel economy is associated with lower risk to drivers, it increases risk of deaths to pedestrians and bicyclists but has an overall minor effect compared to the other factors.
Despite the evidence that vehicles with higher weight–power and lower fuel economy contribute to excess total deaths, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety continues to promote such vehicles based solely on driver death rates with no consideration of the net losses related to weight‐power. The Institute calculates only driver death rates to obtain a rate with known exposure because every vehicle in motion has a driver, but the number of passengers may vary among vehicle make‐models. While driver death rates are lower in vehicles with more weight–power, their excess involvement in bicyclist and pedestrian deaths more than offsets the advantage to drivers and occupants in such vehicles. This is not to suggest that the weight of the vehicle, per se, causes fatal injury. A lightweight car has more than enough weight to kill. More likely the problem is the difficulty a driver has in regaining control of a heavier vehicle out of control.
Prevention of motor‐vehicle deaths by changing vehicle factors