DAWYT: Na téma psychopati na vedoucích místech s oblibou v posledních letech mluví a přednáší i Koukolík
Nabízím na téma psychopatie ve firmách ještě knížky
we watch these events unfold, it often appears that the senior direc-
tors involved walk away with a clear conscience and huge amounts
of money. They seem to be unaffected by the corporate collapses they
have created. They present themselves as glibly unbothered by the
chaos around them, unconcerned about those who have lost their
jobs, savings and investments, and lacking any regrets about what they
have done. They cheerfully lie about their involvement in events, are
very persuasive in blaming others for what has happened and have no
doubts about their own continued worth and value. They are happy
to walk away from the economic disaster that they have managed to
bring about, with huge payoffs and with new roles advising govern-
ments how to prevent such economic disasters. Many of these people
display several of the characteristics of psychopaths, and some of them
are undoubtedly true psychopaths. Psychopaths are the 1 per cent of
people who have no conscience or empathy and who do not care for
anyone other than themselves. Some psychopaths are violent and end
up in jail; others forge careers in corporations.
Předpokládá se, že to procento takových osobností může být všude podobné, jenom to, co takové osobnosti v dané společnosti "můžou", závisí na okolnostech - naše společnost takovým osobnostem někdy docela přeje, resp. je zranitelná vůči jejich atypickému chování, a nemá mechanismy rychlé detekce a účinné zpětné vazby, jako tomu bylo ve všech tradičních malých uzavřených komunitách, kde byla absolutní sociální kontrola všeho co všichni dělali nebo chtěli udělat.