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    FRUTAA1 --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Charlotte Selver, Vol. 1. Sensory Awareness And Our Attitude Toward Life

    Collected lectures and texts. Containing: Sensory Awareness and Our Attitude Toward Life; Sensory Awareness & Total Functioning; Report on Work in Sensory Awareness & Total Functioning; To See Without Eyes…; On Breathing; On Being in Touch With Oneself

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    Charlotte Selver - Sensory Awareness And Our Attitude Towards Life - .pdf | Ulož.to


    With her work, "Sensory Awareness", Charlotte Selver had a deciding influence on the "Human Potential Movement", which also came out of the Esalen Institute, where she taught as of 1963. Because of that, she also had influence on Humanistic Psychology and the therapies based on it. Aspects of her work, especially the conscious sensing of the body and the following of physical sensations (Sensory Awareness), flowed into many of the methods of physical work, physical therapy, physical psychotherapy and psychotherapy which still exist today.

    Charlotte Selver touched and encouraged thousands of people in the USA, Mexico and Europe in her 80 years of work, among them influential personalities, such as psychoanalyst Erich Fromm, the Zen philosopher Alan Watts, his teacher Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki and the founder of Gestalt therapy, Fritz Perls, as well as Moshe Feldenkrais, Ida Rolf and others who taught at the Esalen Institute. Because of that, she indirectly made a central contribution to physical therapy.

    Charlotte Selver - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    In our work of Sensory Awareness, we experiment with all the simple activities of daily life, all the things which we have been doing since we were bom, or which we have learned in our earliest infancy, such as walking, standing, sitting, lying, moving, resting, seeing, speaking, listening, etc. As Elsa Gindler said, "Life is the Playground for our work."

    Our daily life gives us opportunity enough for discovery: in combing our hair, washing the dishes, in speaking to somebody, and so on. In such "unimportant" areas of life we can experience the same attitudes we have in "important" areas, where we are often too absorbed to feel clearly what is happening.

    Although practicing Sensory Awareness often has therapeutic effects, it would be a misunderstanding to think of our work as therapy. Our purpose is not to make living healthier, but to make it more conscious; not to make it happier, but to let it come more into accord with our original nature. The more we arrive at our original nature, the more we discover that healthier and happier living and relating comes about by itself.

    We begin to discover that experiences within the organism are parallel to experiences in life. This can be difficult. Often we may find ourselves full of fear, not wanting to allow changes. Through experimenting, we may come face-to-face with the reasons for previously unexplained problems in our lives. But with growing ability to permiit what becomes necessary, our elasticity grows, and so does our security. We cannot know how much energy we have as long as we keep interfering with our own activities. We cannot know our real abilities until we have freed ourselves to such an extent that they can unfold more fully. As Elsa Gindler used to say, "If we would have the strength at our disposal that we use in hindering ourselves, we would be as strong as lions."

    STQ --- ---
    CONTINUITY: jednou tejdne luxuju, ono na ten hedvabnej se z nejakyho duvodu chyta prach daleko min nez na vlneny (a i nez na bavlnenou podlozku)
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    STQ: Jak ho udržuješ v čistotě ?
    Mám v pokoji vlněné koberce, miluju vlnu, ale pro jógu vidím docela problém v tom, kolik prachu se do nich chytá. Při pozicích vleže nebo v sedě v předklonu mi prach fakt vadí, pokud bych chtěla cvičit jen na koberci, musela bych pořád vysávat, místo jednou za pár dní nejspíš před každou praxí, což se mi nechce.
    A stejně, když jsem nedávno zkusila koberec odnést ven a vyklepat, koukala jsem, kolik toho z něj lítá, co vysavač ani nevzal.
    Nějaké vychytávky na to?
    Preferuju roztáhnout si bavlněnou deku a na ni klasickou jógamatku :)
    Ale možná se u vás tolik nepráší ;)
    STQ --- ---
    LILY: oproti podlozce mekci, hebci, nestudi od zeme za zimnich ran ani pri savasane, absolutne neklouze a nespini se. a navic je krasnej :)
    LILY --- ---
    STQ: v čem je to jiné (či lepší)?
    STQ --- ---
    JANITA: aukro je dobrej zdroj, jestli netrvas na novym, ale tam je potreba aspon trochu vedet co delas, jinak na radlicky je dobrej obchod, ale musis smlouvat, pocitej ze ti budou rikat ceny o 30-50% vyssi...a hedvabny tam vubec nezaplatis:
    ARIANA PERSKÉ KOBERCE - Nějvetší výber v České a republice
    JANITA --- ---
    STQ: no právě... já bych si ho taky chtěla koupit někde v Indii při jogové cestě, ale než se tam dostanu? Díky! :)
    STQ --- ---
    JANITA: ...i obyc vlneny persky koberce jsou na cviceni skvely, koupis obchodech s perskejma kobercema
    STQ --- ---
    JANITA: ja cvicim...na kasmirskym hedvabnym, ale koupenym v kathmandu :) je to ale uplne jinej pocit nez na jakykoliv podlozce :)
    JANITA --- ---
    Kdo cvičíte na koberci a kde jste ho sehnali?
    HONZAL --- ---
    LILY: jojo...:-) ale nakonec k tomu prece doslo, tak to s tou karmou neni tak spatne ;-)
    LILY --- ---
    HONZAL: ale že ti to trvalo let.. :D :D :D
    JITUNUK --- ---
    LAKSHMANA: diky za reakci :-)
    LAKSHMANA --- ---
    LAKSHMANA: Čili bych řekl raduj se ze sytě růžové, cvič dál a těš se na spoustu dalších barev. :-)
    LAKSHMANA --- ---
    JITUNUK: Ahoj, vidění nejrůznějších vjemů vnitřním zrakem, v podobě různých světel, barev apod., je při soustavné jógové praxi běžné. Jóga je nástroj, který spouští bezpočet vnitřních fyzicko/mentálně/energetických procesů a asi jeden z nejběžnějších způsobů jak to vnímáme je právě vidění různých světelných jevů, pak tělesné pocity (různé brnění, chvění a tak) a další. Je fajn když se to děje - člověk ví, že praxe funguje. Další 'významy' se klasicky nedoporučuje v tom hledat, protože to je spíš pak zavádějící a ničemu to vlastně nepomůže.
    HONZAL --- ---
    ono se povida i o te sankpraksalane, ze nema z fyziologickyho pohledu skoro vyznam, protoze na strevnich stenach udajne nic nezustava, protoze neustale pracuji (alespon sem to na vice mistech cetl).
    HONZAL --- ---
    JITUNUK: v podstate ne, afaik v zaludku je takove prostredi, ze se tam skoro vsechno rozlozi. Presto se po vamane citim cistejsi jak telo, tak i mysl je takova jasnejsi
    JITUNUK --- ---
    IOM_NUKSO: ne, ja nevidela cervenou ale syte růžovou, ktera ma k cervene teda hodne daleko
    JITUNUK --- ---
    HONZAL: jop, moc vody jsem nevypila, to by odpovídalo, nicméně nějaká ´´špína,, z žaludku z tebe vycházela ?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam