MRORANGE: nejvic zaujalo, krome uz znamych veci:
- Passive Skill Tree planning system - bylo to nekde ukazano co to je?
- Dark Pact - podle popisu dost zabavnej gem, docela mi prijde, ze by do nej sly dobre integrovat mechaniky, co jsem hral treba v tom afk cwdt buildu... no, pockam az to nekdo spocita :)
- In item filters, you can now use PlayAlertSoundPositional rather than PlayAlertSound to play a positional version (the sound comes from where the item dropped) - WOW
- Prophecies are no longer bound to a specific difficulty and can be triggered and completed in any relevant area - to je super, vzdycky jsem setril silvery az na merciless
- Killing Izaro now immediately disables the traps in his room - taky jsem na to zachrcel jednou :)
- Additional Treasure Keys can be found in special chests throughout the Labyrinth. There are two keys guaranteed to appear in every Labyrinth run.
- Flameblast, Incinerate and Blade Flurry have had their scaling 'more damage' bonuses changed to 'more damage with hits and ailments', meaning they will still apply to the hit and ailments it causes, but not to on-hit created damage over time effects like Decay. - hehehe :)
- Essence Drain deals 43% more damage at gem level 20, scaling upwards at higher levels. - to nechapu, ED byl jeden z nejsilnejsich buildu co jsem hral, a to jsem nejel zadnou double dipping verzi, nebude to ted desne OP? mezi vecma co to pouziva jsem nenasel snad jinej primej nerf nez na zbranich craftechych deliriem (coz neudela takovej rozdil), spis jen vic dalsich malych buffu
- Elreon's crafted Increased Maximum Energy Shield mod can now only be crafted onto Amulets. The cost has been changed to 8 Chaos orbs (from 1 Exalted orb).